SETL's Interactive Graphical Interface; Sockets and Internet-Programming Basics

10.1. Introduction

SETL's Interactive Graphical Interface, which is built upon the powerful and widely used Tk widget library developed by John Osterhout, provides a full set of interactive graphical widgets, including buttons, menus, editable text entry and display areas of one or more lines, sliders, listboxes, 'labels' and 'messages' for the display of non-editable text, sliders, scrollbars, and 'canvases' in which a variety of geometric objects can be drawn and repositioned. Checkbuttons and radiobuttons are also supported. The geometric objects available within canvases are rectangles, ovals, polygons, lines (open multipoint spline curves), arcs, bitmaps, images, and embedded text. Additionally, any other widget, including subcanvases, can drawn to a canvas, so that canvases can be structured as collages of basic geometric objects and subcanvases.

All widgets are sensitive to a wide variety of events, including mouse clicks and mouse motion, making it easy to support many kinds of draggable objects. The text area widget is particularly powerful, in that it supports fully fonted and hotworded text, and allows embedding of images, and, indeed, of any other widget.

The facilities provided allow any number of self-standing windows, called 'toplevels', to be opened, displayed or temporarily hidden, positioned, and resized. Within these windows one can hierarchically arrange rectangular 'frames', subframes, canvases, and text areas, with other widgets placed in them. The detailed arrangement of all these items can either be calculated automatically (allowing for easy, and often adequate, response to window resizing), or can be brought under detailed program control. The two forms of automatic placement provided are called the 'pack geometry manager' (which tries to fit items as close as it can to a specified frame edge), and the 'grid geometry manager' (which places elements in row-and-column arrays.) The third and last of 'geometry manager', provided, the 'place geometry manager', allows detailed program control of placement.

To use the interactive graphical interface, one simply includes the declaration

use tkw;

in one's program or package; this loads the tkw class, supplied with SETL, which provides all the interactive graphical interface facilities. Use of the interactive graphical interface is then initiated by executing the single statement

master_window_name := tkw();

which performs all necessary initializations and opens a first toplevel window. This is followed by a block of code which creates all desired additional windows and widgets which are to open immediately.

Once all initially desired windows and widgets have been created, event-driven execution of the interface system, and of the SETL system backing it up, is initiated by making the call


(Other windows and widgets can then be created dynamically whenever desired). This enters Tk's main loop, to which the SETL interpreter is subsequently subordinate, in the sense that it will only receive control via event-driven callbacks from Tk set up by the initial 'Setup' code.

Here is a small "Hello World" example, which simply displays "Hello World" inside a window in large-size red type. We will shortly detail the all the operations and conventions which it uses.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
     use tkw;	-- use the standard graphical interface package
     Tk := tkw();				-- create the Tk interpreter
     txt := Tk("text","20,3"); txt("side") := "top";
	  	-- create a 'text area' widget, 20 characters by 3 lines in size
     txt(OM) := "Hello World";	 	-- insert text into it
     txt("font,foreground") := "{Times 48},red";
	  	-- set the text font and color
     Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the main Tk loop
 end test;

'Toplevel' widgets are self-standing windows of whatever kinds are available in the system under which SETL and Tk are running. They are created by commands of the form

toplevel_name := master_window_name("toplevel","initial_width,initial_height");

where 'tkw_name' is the name of the master widget object. (This is generally the object 'Tk' created by the initiating call

Tk := tkw(); -- create the Tk interpreter

All other widgets are then created and arranged hierarchically within the toplevel' widgets opened. Each toplevel can have its own menubar.

'Frames' are rectangular areas within toplevel windows or other frames, within which other widgets can be arranged. They are created by commands of the form

frame_name := parent_frame_or_window("frame","initial_width,initial_height");

Other widgets can then be created and arranged hierarchically within such frames.

A frame or other widget created within a toplevel window or another frame only becomes visible when it has been assigned a place, either explicitly or by defining the 'geometry manager' responsible for placing it. For example, once can write

frame_name("side") := "top";

This use of "side" implies that the frame is to be placed within its parent P by the 'pack geometry manager', which in our example is instructed to position the frame toward the top of P. Instead of "top", one could use "bottom", "left", or "right".

The same rules apply to other widgets created within frames. Once such a widget has been created, it can be made visible by positioning it within its parent frame, e.g. by writing

widget_name("side") := "top";

A widget with a given parent is created by writing

widget_name := parent_frame(widget_type,main_parameter);

for example

button_name := parent_frame("button","Please Click Me Right Now!");

as seen in this example, the 'main parameter' used when creating a button is the button text. The following table shows the main parameters used in creating other kinds of widgets:

	 button		parent("button",button_text)
	 menu		parent("menu",descriptor)
	 	-- the structure of 'descriptor' is detailed below
	 one-line text	parent("entry",width_in_characters)
	 text area	parent("text",width_in_characters_and_height_in_lines)
	 slider		parent("scale",least_value_and_greatest_value)
	 listbox		parent("listbox",number_of_items)
	 label		parent("label",label_text)
	 message		parent("message",message_text_and_width)
	 scrollbar	parent("scrollbar",orientation_and_width)
	 	-- e.g. "horizontal,16" or "vertical,10"
	 canvas		parent("canvas",width_and_height)
	 subframe	parent("frame",width_and_height)
Examples are
	 one-line text	parent("entry",50)
	 text area	parent("text","50,10")
	 slider		parent("scale","-100,100")
	 listbox		parent("listbox",15)
	 canvas		parent("canvas","640,480")
	 subframe	parent("frame","320,240")
The second parameter supplied can either be a string, an integer, or a tuple of appropriate length. For example, the preceding examples can instead be written as
	 one-line text	parent("entry","50")
	 text area	parent("text",[50,10])
	 slider		parent("scale",[-100,100])
	 listbox		parent("listbox",15)
	 canvas		parent("canvas",[640,480])
	 subframe	parent("frame",[320,240])
Each kind of widget has a variety of additional attributes which can be set to define various details of the widget's geometry and behavior. For example, the attributes available for button widgets are:
	 text		- button caption
	 state		- 'normal' or 'disabled' (if disabled, text is greyed out)
	 width		- button width, in characters 
	 height		- button height, in characters 
	 borderwidth	- button border width, in pixels 
	 image		- image to display instead of text caption
	 font		- text font
	 anchor		- caption anchor point: n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw, center
	 justify		- caption justification in its rectangle:
	           		- left, right, or center
	 foreground	- text color
	 background	- background color 
	 activeforeground   - text color when mouse is pressed over button 
	 activebackground   - background color when mouse is pressed over button 
	 disabledforeground   - text color when button is disabled
	 cursor		- cursor to display when mouse is over button
	 default		- if true, button is emphasized
	 padx,pady	- size of extra padding space around text
	 highlightthickness   - thickness of additional border used to indicate focus 
	 highlightbackground   - color of additional border when widget 
	 				- does not have focus
	 highlightcolor	- color of additional border when widget has focus		
	 takefocus	- command to be executed when widget receives focus via tab
	 textvariable	- if non-null, names a Tk variable holding 
	 				- the button's string
	 underline	- index of text character to underline
	 wraplength	- maximum line length before caption text wraps
Comprehensive lists of attributes for all the other kinds of widgets appear later in this chapter. Note that not every Tk implementation actually supports all the effects of all widget attributes. In such situations, setting unsupported widget attributes simply has no effect.

Widget attributes are set by writing assignments of the form

widget(attribute_list) := attribute_value_list;

An example is

button_obj("foreground,background,cursor") := "red,yellow,crosshair";

or equivalently

button_obj("foreground,background,cursor") := "red;yellow;crosshair";


button_obj("foreground,background,cursor") := ["red","yellow","crosshair"];

as these examples indicate, the parameter attribute_list can be either a single attribute name or a comma-separated list of attribute names, and the attribute_value_list can be either (i) a single attribute value, or (ii) a comma-separated list of attribute values, given as a string, or (iii) a semicolon-separated list of attribute values, given as a string, or (iv) a tuple of attribute values. Also, whenever an integer-valued attribute appears, it can be given either as a SETL integer, or as the corresponding string. Plainly, assignment forms like those seen above facilitate simultaneous modification of multiple widget attributes.

'Principal' Attributes. As a matter of convenience, many kinds of widgets w are considered to have one 'principal' attribute, which can be retrieved/set by writing

x := w(OM)      and      w(OM) := x;      respectively.

This simply makes it unnecessary to remember any more detailed name for the attribute. The 'principal' attributes available in this way are as follows:

Widget TypePrincipal Attribute
TextLineString contents
LabelString contents
MessageString contents
TextString contents
SliderNumerical slider value
ListboxList of all currently selected items (Read only)
MenubuttonThe associated menu (Write only)
CanvasTuple of all canvas items (Read only)
ToplevelWindow title

Attributes available for all widgets. The following attributes are available for all widgets (some are read-only):

childrentuple of widgets which are children of given widget
showingtrue if widget is currently showing on screen, false otherwise
managergeometry manager for window: pack, place, grid, canvas, or text
parentparent widget of given widget
rectrectangle of given widget: [r,t,l,b]
wincoordscorner of toplevel window containing widget
topleveltoplevel window containing widget
mousecurrent position of the mouse
screendepthnumber of bits used to store screen colors
screensizesize of screen, in pixels
screenmmsize of screen, in millimeters

10.2. Arranging widgets within windows and frames; 'geometry managers'.

As already said, a widget created within a toplevel window or a frame only becomes visible when it has been assigned a position, either explicitly or by defining the 'geometry manager' responsible for placing it. The detailed arrangement of all the items sharing a window of frame can either be calculated automatically (allowing for easy, and often adequate, response to window resizing), or can be brought under detailed program control. Two automatic placement mechanisms, which have the advantage of responding automatically to window resizing, and one manual method, are provided. The two forms of automatic placement are called the 'pack geometry manager' (which tries to fit items as close as it can to a specified frame edge), and the 'grid geometry manager' (which places elements in row-and-column arrays.) The third and last of the 'geometry managers' provided, the 'place geometry manager', allows detailed program control of placement.

Items placed by 'packing'. The positions and sizes of items 'packed' into a frame are calculated using a set of placement attributes associated with each such object; side, padx, pady, ipadx, ipady, expand, fill, and anchor. All objects to be packed into a frame (or window) appear in an ordered 'packing list' associated with the frame. Objects appear on such a list when their "side" attribute is set, and can be removed either by setting this attribute to OM or by setting an attribute which transfers control of the object to one of the other geometry managers. The packing list can also be manipulated by setting the an object's 'in' attribute (which can move it to another frame or window), by making assignments to its 'after' or 'before' attribute (which moves it on the packing list), or by setting the 'children' attribute of the frame originally containing the object. Aside from this, the general rule is that

(i) objects obj appear on the packing list of their parent frame or window, that is, the frame or window fw using which the object was created by a statement like

obj := parent_frame(widget_type,main_parameter);

(ii) unless moved by assignments to their 'after' or 'before' attributes, objects appear on a frame's packing list in the order in which the operations

obj("side") := "left";    -- or "right", "top", or "bottom"

that put them there are executed.

The detailed placement within a frame F of all the objects on F's packing list is worked out by processing them in the order of that list. The algorithm used is roughly as follows. Let the objects to be packed be o1,o2,...olast. If the first few objects being packed are packed toward the left or right edge, break the list just before the first oj which is packed toward the top or bottom, then subsequently before the first oj which is packed toward the left or right, etc. This breaks the packing list into runs of objects, each consisting of objects which are all packed either in the vertical or all in the horizontal direction. Recursively pack oj,...olast into a large enough rectangle R; then pack o1,o2,...o(j - 1) and R horizontally into the frame F, placing all elements packed to the left (resp. right) in an initial (resp. final) sequence, with R in the middle. The frame F can then shrink to the minimum size needed to hold all the elements packed into it.

Note that if, in our example, the objects o1,o2,...o(j - 1) are of different heights, there may be unoccupied space above or below them. If this is the case each object will be placed in the center of the space assigned to it, except that (i) it can be moved to another position in this space if its 'anchor' attribute is set (to one of the positions n, s, e, w, ne, se, nw, sw), and (ii) it can be enlarged to fill the available space if its 'fill' attribute, which designates the directions in the object is allowed to expand (none, x, y, or both), is appropriately set.

If a rectangle like R is packed into the middle of a run of objects taller (or wider) than itself, then more space may be available to R than it would occupy if minimized. In such cases, if the 'expand' attribute of some of the objects packed into R has been set to true, the additional space available to R will be divided between them, each such object being placed either in the center of its available space, or at the position (n, s, e, w, ne, se, nw, sw, or center) determined by its 'anchor' attribute.

Sometimes one wants to hold some of the intermediate frames of a placement hierarchy at their stated sizes rather than allowing them to shrink to fit their contents. This can be done by setting their 'adjust' attribute to 'false'.

Objects are placed by default into their parent frame. This default action can be over-ridden by setting their 'in' attribute to ay other window descended from the same ancestral toplevel window (but no other, since an object always can become invisible when this ancestral window does.

Additional internal space, into which an object will always expand, can be reserved for it by setting its ipadx and ipady attributes to the desired number of pixels.

The above remarks should clarify the meaning of the packing-control attributes listed below. However, since the action of the packing algorithm is not always intuitive, its is generally better to control packing explicitly by introducing as may intermediate frames as necessary to make packing at any one level of the hierarchy of frames introduced run either horizontally or vertically. (In any case, the packing algorithm does this implicitly.)

The attributes involved in widget placement by 'packing' are:

	 side	- edge (top, bottom, left, right) toward which widget is packed
	 in	- widget, other than parent, in which this widget should be packed
	 	- Note: can only pack into frame belonging to same toplevel
	 after	- widget that this should follow in packing order
	 before	- widget that this should precede in packing order
	 anchor	- position in available space that item should occupy:
	 	- (n, s, e, w, ne, se, nw, sw, or center) 
	 expand	- if true, widget will claim available space 
	 			- in its packing direction
	 fill	- none, x, y, or both: widget fills available space 
	 			- in that direction
	 ipadx,ipady   - size of extra internal padding space within item packed
	 children   - ordered list of items packed within a frame
	 adjust	- if true, frame will adjust to minimum size required for children

The following example illustrates the use of placement by packing.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;            -- use the main widget class
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
   msg := Tk("message","A first message"); msg("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a first message
   but := Tk("button","You can click this"); but("side,fill") := "top,y";
      -- create and place a first button
   msg2 := Tk("message","A second message"); msg2("side") := "bottom";
      -- create and place a second message
   but2 := Tk("button","Or click this"); but2("side,fill") := "bottom,both";
     -- create and place a second button
   Tk.mainloop();             -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
We now give a series of small examples illustrating the use of the 'pack'-related attributes listed above. In all the examples, two thin colored frames are inserted into a window as 'supports' to keep it from shrinking to a smaller size dictated by its contents (this will be discussed below), and one or two buttons are inserted into the remaining space. Our first example is
    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

       frtop := Tk("frame","200,10");      -- put in two frames as 'supports'
       frtop("side") := "top"; frtop("background") := "yellow";
       fleft := Tk("frame","10,190"); 
       fleft("side") := "left"; fleft("background") := "red";
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (4,4)"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create and pack a button
       but("pack,anchor") := "nw"; print(but("pack"));
               -- set some of its packing attributes, print all of them

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;
Note the placement of the packed button, and the fact that it fills only a small part of the available space. In this and our next few examples, we use the expression


to retrieve the list of all widgets packed into a given object. The output produced is

 {["in", "."], ["padx", "0"], ["ipadx", "0"], ["expand", "0"], ["side", "left"], 
 ["fill", "none"], ["pady", "0"], ["ipady", "0"], ["anchor", "nw"]}
 [frame:.w1, frame:.w2, button:.w3]
Changing the 'side' and the 'anchor' attributes leads to the alternate placement generated by the following example.
    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

       frtop := Tk("frame","200,10");      -- put in two frames as 'supports'
       frtop("side") := "top"; frtop("background") := "yellow";
       fleft := Tk("frame","10,190"); 
       fleft("side") := "left"; fleft("background") := "red";
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (4,4)"); but("side") := "right";
           -- create and pack a button
       but("pack,anchor") := "sw"; print(but("pack"));
             -- set some of its packing attributes, print all of them

            -- print the list of items packed into the window

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

    end test;
By setting the 'fill' attribute to 'y' we cause the button to expand vertically into all the space available to it.
  program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;          -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

       frtop := Tk("frame","200,10");      -- put in two frames as 'supports'
       frtop("side") := "top"; frtop("background") := "yellow";
       fleft := Tk("frame","10,190"); 
       fleft("side") := "left"; fleft("background") := "red";
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (4,4)"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create and pack a button
       but("pack,anchor,fill") := "nw,y"; print(but("pack"));
          -- set some of its packing attributes, print all of them

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;
In our next example we introduce a second button and set the 'fill' attribute of both buttons to 'both', but the 'expand' attribute of only the first button. This causes the first, but not the second button, to expand in its horizontal packing direction, to fill all available space. Both buttons then expand vertically, so all the frame space is filled, but the first button is wider.
  program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw; -- use the main widget class
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

    frtop := Tk("frame","200,10");  -- put in two frames as 'supports'
    frtop("side") := "top"; frtop("background") := "yellow"; 
    fleft := Tk("frame","10,190"); 
    fleft("side") := "left"; fleft("background") := "red";
    but := Tk("button","Button1"); but("side") := "left";    -- create a button
    but("pack,anchor,expand,fill") := "nw,1,both";
        -- set some of its packing attributes
    but := Tk("button","Button2"); but("side") := "left";
        -- create a second button
    but("pack,anchor,fill") := "nw,both";
        -- set some of its packing attributes
    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
  end test;
The next example is almost identical with the preceding one, but does not set the 'expand' attribute of the first button, so the available space is filled only vertically, but not horizontally.
  program test;     -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
    var txt;     -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";    -- create the Tk interpreter

    frtop := Tk("frame","200,10");  -- put in two frames as 'supports'
    frtop("side") := "top"; frtop("background") := "yellow"; 
    fleft := Tk("frame","10,190"); 
    fleft("side") := "left"; fleft("background") := "red";
    but := Tk("button","Button1"); but("side") := "left";    -- create a button
    but("pack,anchor,fill") := "nw,both";    -- set some of its packing attributes
    but := Tk("button","Button2"); but("side") := "left";
        -- create a second button
    but("pack,anchor,fill") := "nw,both";    -- set some of its packing attributes

    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

   end test;
If, as seen in the next example, we set the 'expand' attribute of both buttons, they expand equally to fill all available space.
  program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
    var txt;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

    frtop := Tk("frame","200,10");   -- put in two frames as 'supports'
    frtop("side") := "top"; frtop("background") := "yellow";
    fleft := Tk("frame","10,190"); 
    fleft("side") := "left"; fleft("background") := "red";
    but := Tk("button","Button1"); but("side") := "left";    -- create a button
    but("pack,anchor,expand,fill") := "nw,1,both";
          -- set some of its packing attributes
    but := Tk("button","Button2"); but("side") := "left";
        -- create a second button
    but("pack,anchor,expand,fill") := "nw,1,both";
          -- set some of its packing attributes

    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

   end test;
Yet another possibility, shown in the following example, is to set the 'expand' attribute of both buttons, but to give the second button additional 'internal padding space' by setting its 'ipadx' attribute. This causes the buttons to expand to fill all available space, but now the second button is 40 pixels wider.
  program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
    var txt;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

    frtop := Tk("frame","200,10");   -- put in two frames as 'supports'
    frtop("side") := "top"; frtop("background") := "yellow";
    fleft := Tk("frame","10,190"); 
    fleft("side") := "left"; fleft("background") := "red";
    but := Tk("button","Button1"); but("side") := "left";
        -- create a button
     but("pack,anchor,expand,fill") := "nw,1,both";
            -- set some of its packing attributes
    but := Tk("button","Button2"); but("side") := "left";
        -- create a second button
    but("pack,anchor,expand,fill,ipadx") := "nw,1,both,20"; 
       -- set some of its packing attributes 

    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

  end test;
When items are packed into a frame (or window), the frame adjusts by default to the minimum size required to hold all the items packed into it, and this adjustment process carries recursively through all frames packed within frames. To turn this adjustment action off (resp. back on), one can use the operation

frame_or_window("propagate") := true;         or         frame_or_window("propagate") := false;
The related expression


returns the propagation status of a frame or window.

These operations are seen in the following small program.

  program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	  use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class

	  var Tk,ca,parent;

	  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";       -- create the Tk interpreter
	  Tk("propagate") := false;          -- turn off size-on-contents dependency

	  but := Tk("button","Propagate"); but("side") := "top";
	       -- create and pack a button
	  but{OM} := lambda(); 
	  		Tk("propagate") := true; print(Tk("propagate")); end lambda;
	            -- the button turns on size-on-contents dependency

	  but := Tk("button","Don't propagate"); but("side") := "top";
	    -- create and pack a second button
	  but{OM} := lambda(); Tk("width,height") := "300,300"; 
	  	Tk("propagate") := false; end lambda;
	       -- the button turns off size-on-contents dependency,
	       -- and sets window size

	  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

end test;

Items placed by 'gridding'. Grid-placement of objects into a frame works much like packing, except that the items 'grid-placed' into a frame are arranged in a grid rather than being packed into a tighter arrangement. Each grid-placed object is assigned to a particular row and column, either by explicitly setting its 'row' and 'column' attributes, or implicitly, by setting one of these attributes and using the rule that items are then placed into the first unused row or column. (One should ordinarily avoid assigning two objects to the same row and column, as is this case they will simply be superimposed.)

All objects to be gridded into a frame appear in an ordered 'grid list' associated with the frame. Objects appear on such a list when their "row" or "column" attribute is set, and can be removed either by setting both these attributes to OM or by setting an attribute which transfers control of the object to one of the other geometry managers. The grid list can also be manipulated by setting the an object's 'in' attribute (which can move it to another frame or window.)

Once the grid list for a frame has been set up, the minimum row and column sizes needed to hold all the gridded objects are worked out, and the objects placed in their grid positions. The grid box allocated to an object can be larger than is needed to hold it. If this is the case each object will be placed in the center of the space assigned to it, except that (i) it can be moved to another position in this space or enlarged to fill the available space horizontally or vertically if its 'sticky' attribute, which designates the edges of its box to which it must 'stick' is set (to one or more of n, s, e, w).

Additional internal space, into which an object will always expand, can be reserved for it by setting its ipadx and ipady attributes to the desired number of bits. Additional external space, into which an object will never expand, can be reserved for it by setting its padx and pady attributes.

The above remarks should clarify the meaning of all the grid-placement control attributes, which are:

	row, column	- row and column in which widget is placed
	rowspan		- number of rows occupied by widget
	columnspan	- number of columns occupied by widget
	in	- widget, other than parent, in which this widget should be placed
		- Note: can only placed in frame belonging to same toplevel
	sticky		- edges in available space to which item should adhere,
		- by enlarging the item if necessary (n, e, s, and w, e.g 'news') 

	padx,pady	- size of extra padding space around item packed
	ipadx,ipady	- size of extra internal padding space around item packed
	children	- ordered list of items grid-placed within a frame
	adjust	- if true, frame will adjust to minimum size required for children

The following example shows the gridding of widgets.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;               -- use the main widget class
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
   msg := Tk("message","A first message"); msg("row,column") := "1,1";
          -- create a first message and place it in the grid
   but := Tk("button","You can click this"); but("row,column") := "1,2";
          -- create a first button and place it in the grid
   msg2 := Tk("message","A second message"); msg2("row,column") := "2,2";
         -- create a second message and place it in the grid
   but2 := Tk("button","Or click this"); but2("row,column,sticky") := "2,1,news";
       -- create a second button and place it in the grid
   Tk.mainloop();             -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
We can use the 'columnspan' attribute of a gridded item to cause it to occupy more than one column (or its 'rowspan' attribute to cause it to occupy more than one row). This is shown in our next example, in which the button in the first row is seen not to expand in size, but to sit in the middle of the two columns it occupies.
 program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
    var txt;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
    but := Tk("button","Button1"); but("row,column,sticky") := "1,1,news";
        -- create and "grid' a button
    but("grid,columnspan") := "2"; print(but("grid"));
        -- set its columnspan to 2, printing grid attributes
    but := Tk("button","Button2"); but("row,column,sticky") := "2,1,news";
        -- create and "grid' a second button

    but := Tk("button","Button3");     -- create and "grid' a third button
    but("row,column,ipadx,ipady,padx,pady") := "2,2,20,20,20,20";
        -- print the list of widgets gridded into toplevel window
    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

  end test;
The output produced is
	{{["in", "."], ["padx", "0"], ["ipadx", "0"], ["columnspan", "2"], 
 ["pady", "0"], ["ipady", "0"], ["row", "1"], 
 ["sticky", "nesw"], ["column", "1"], ["rowspan", "1"]}
 [button:.w1, button:.w2, button:.w3]
A more acceptable appearance results if we set the 'sticky' attribute of the 'double columned' button in the first row, causing it to fill all the space reserved for it. This is shown in our next example.
  program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
    var txt;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
    but := Tk("button","Button1"); but("row,column") := "1,1";
        -- create and 'grid' a button
     but("grid,columnspan,sticky") := "2,ew";
          -- set its columnspan to 2, and make it east set its columnspan to 2, 
          -- and make it east-west 'sticky'
    but := Tk("button","Button2"); but("row,column") := "2,1";
        -- create and "grid' a second button
     but("grid,padx,pady,") := "5,5"; 

    but := Tk("button","Button3"); but("row,column") := "2,2";
        -- create and "grid' a third button
    but("grid,ipadx,ipady") := "10,10"; 

    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

   end test;
As in the case of items packed into a frame (or window), when items are 'gridded' into a frame the frame adjusts by default to the minimum size required to hold all the items packed into it, and this adjustment process carries recursively through all frames packed within frames. To turn this adjustment action off (resp. back on), one can use the same operation as in the 'pack' case. This is seen in the following example, which also shows the use of the 'gridbox' expression that returns the containing rectangle of a gridded item.
 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class
    var Tk,ca,parent;
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";       -- create the Tk interpreter
   Tk("propagate") := false;          -- turn off size-on-contents dependency
   but := Tk("button","Propagate"); but("row,column") := "1,1";
        -- create and grid a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); 
   	Tk("propagate") := true; print(Tk("propagate")); end lambda;
             -- the button turns on size-on-contents dependency
   but := Tk("button","Don't propagate"); but("row,column") := "1,2";
     -- create and grid a second button
   but{OM} := lambda(); 
   	Tk("width,height") := "300,300"; Tk("propagate") := false; end lambda;
        -- the button turns off size-on-contents dependency, and sets window size
   but := Tk("button","Dead Button"); but("row,column") := "2,1";
        -- create and grid two more buttons
   but{OM} := lambda(); 
   	Tk("width,height") := "300,300"; Tk("propagate") := false; end lambda;
        -- the third button prints various gridbox boundaries

   but := Tk("button","Dead Button"); but("row,column") := "2,2";  
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

Explicitly placed items. Items are explicitly placed into a given frame by being assigned a position, height, and width. The attributes used for this are:

 x,y		- x and y pixel positions of anchor point
 relx,rely	- x and y positions of anchor point, as fraction of frame
 width,height	- pixel width and height of widget
 relwidth,relheight   - width and height of widget, as fraction of parent frame
 anchor		- 'key' point in widget occupying stated position:
 			- (n, s, e, w, ne, se, nw, sw corner, or center) 
 in		- widget, other than parent, in which this widget should be placed
 			- Note: can only placed in frame belonging to same toplevel
 children	- ordered list of items manually placed within a frame

The following examples shows the positioning of widgets by explicit placement.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;               -- use the main widget class
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
   msg := Tk("message","A first message"); msg("place,x,y") := "1,1";
          -- create and place a first message
   but := Tk("button","You can click this"); but("place,x,y") := "60,20";
          -- create and place a first button
   msg2 := Tk("message","A second message"); msg2("place,x,y") := "100,100";
         -- create and place a second message
   but2 := Tk("button","Or click this"); but2("place,x,y") := "80,80";
       -- create and place a second button
   Tk.mainloop();             -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Our next example illustrates the fact that explicitly placed items can overlap, and also shows the use of fractional' placement of an item relative to its containing frame. We create two buttons in a frame, and place them in overlapping positions. The second button is placed using the 'place,relx,rely', 'fractional' placement, command.
  program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
    var txt;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
    but := Tk("button","Button1"); but("place,x,y") := "5,5";
        -- create a first button
     print(but("place"));    -- print its placement attributes
    but := Tk("button","Button2"); but("place,x,y") := "15,15";
        -- create a second button

    but := Tk("button","Button3"); but("place,relx,rely") := "0.25,0.25";
       -- create a button, giving it 'fractional' placement it its containing window

    print(Tk("children"));    -- print the list of items placed in the master window
    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

  end test;
The output produced is
{["y", "5"], ["relx", "0"], ["x", "5"], ["rely", "0"], ["anchor", "nw"]}
[button:.w1, button:.w2, button:.w3]
The next example is very similar to the preceding, but shows the result of using the 'anchor' attribute of the first button to move its placement anchor from a corner point to the button's center. Note that the centered anchoring of the first button placed causes it to move up and to the left relative to its previous position.
   program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
    var txt;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
    but := Tk("button","Button1"); but("place,x,y,anchor") := "5,5,center";
        -- create a button and place it
    but := Tk("button","Button2"); but("place,x,y") := "15,15";
        -- create a second button and place it

    but := Tk("button","Button3"); but("place,relx,rely") := "0.25,0.25";
        -- create a third button and place it
    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

   end test;

10.3. 'Principal Events' and 'Principal Commands' associated with widgets.

Each kind of widget and or text canvas item is sensitive to a variety of events (e.g. button clicks, key-presses, mouse motions), among which one particular type of event is designated as the widget's 'principal' event. The following table shows these principal events:

	button		- (first) button up (i.e. 'click')
	menu		- (first) button up
	menubutton	- (first) button down
	radiobutton	- (first) button up
	checkbox	- (first) button up
	frame		- mouse motion with (first) button down
	toplevel	- mouse motion with (first) button down
	textline	- loss of focus
	listbox		- (first) button up
	text		- loss of focus
	canvas		- mouse motion with (first) button down
	arc		- (first) button down
	bitmap		- (first) button down
	image		- (first) button down
	line		- (first) button down
	oval		- (first) button down
	polygon		- (first) button down
	rectangle	- (first) button down
Tags in canvases or text (see below) can also be event sensitive; their 'principal' event is (first) button down.

Parameterless callbacks to designated SETL procedures can be associated in a particularly easy way with each of these principal events. (This is a special case of the more general event-binding capability discussed in section XXX below.) To set up such an association, we simply write

widget_name{OM} := SETL_procedure_value;
An example is

mybutton{OM} := print_primes_till_100;

After this is executed, and assuming that the procedure print_primes_till_100 has been supplied and does what its name implies, clicking on 'mybutton' will cause the primes up to be printed.

The example below shows the bidding of actions to button clicks. When clicked both of the buttons print appropriate messages. The code also binds an action to a click on each of the messages. When clicked the first message will beep once and the second message will beep twice.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;               -- use the main widget class
   var Tk;                -- globalize Tk for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
   msg := Tk("message","A first message"); msg("place,x,y") := "1,1";
          -- create and place a first message
   but := Tk("button","You can click this"); but("place,x,y") := "60,20";
        -- create and place a first button
   msg2 := Tk("message","A second message"); msg2("place,x,y") := "100,100";
       -- create and place a second message
   but2 := Tk("button","Or click this"); but2("place,x,y") := "80,80";
          -- create and place a second button
   msg{OM} := Tk.beeper;
   msg2{OM} := lambda(); Tk.beeper(); Tk.beeper(); end lambda;
   but{OM} := lambda(); print("Clicked button 1"); end lambda;
   but2{OM} := lambda(); print("Clicked button 2"); end lambda;
   Tk.mainloop();             -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The expression


returns the Tk widget underneath the point [x,y] (in absolute screen coordinates), or, if there is no such widget, returns OM. Its use is illustrated by the following short program. We create two frames, each 500 pixels wide and 250 high. Two buttons are added, each of which shows the widget containing a particular screen point when clicked depending on where the master window containing all of these items is placed on the screen. This will be one or another widget, or will be undefined. You can experiment with this program by moving the window that it brings up.

 program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk;     -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   parent := Tk("frame","500,250"); parent("side") := "top";
      -- create a grey 500 by 250 frame
   parent("background") := "#aaaaaa";            -- grey background
   parent := Tk("frame","500,250"); parent("side") := "top";
      -- create a pink 500 by 250 frame under it
   parent("background") := "#ccaaaa";            -- pink-grey background
   but := Tk("button","Show widget containing 200,200"); but("side") := "top";
      -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print(Tk.win_of_pt(200,200));  end lambda;
       -- when clicked, shows the widget containing 200,200
   but := Tk("button","Show widget containing 200,400"); but("side") := "top";
      -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print(Tk.win_of_pt(200,400));  end lambda;
       -- when clicked, shows the widget containing 200,400
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

Timed calls and 'when-idle' calls to SETL procedures.

The event-related calls described in the preceding section invoke SETL procedures when one or another widget-related event occurs. There are two other ways in which such procedures can be invoked: after a specified delay, or whenever the interface quiesces and becomes idle. To set up a timed call, one has only to write

id := Tk.createtimer(interval,SETL_fun);

Here 'interval' is the time, in milliseconds, before the parameterless SETL function 'SETL_fun' is to be invoked. This call returns an identifier for the pending timer event, which can be cancelled any time before it has taken place by writing


The following small program shows the use of timer-driven events. It uses a procedure which causes itself to be called once each second beeping each time and then triggering another timed call to itself. This endless beeping can be stopped by clicking on the button shown which cancels any outstanding beep event.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;               -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,id;  -- globalize Tk and the timer id for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
   but := Tk("button","Click this to stop the beeping");
      -- create and place a first button
   but("row,column,sticky") := "1,1,news"; 
   but{OM} := cancel_beeps;
           -- bind beep cancellation action to click on this button
   id := Tk.createtimer(1000,beep_and_beep_again);
        -- schedule a beep one second later
   Tk.mainloop();             -- enter the Tk main loop
   procedure beep_and_beep_again();
        -- beep, then schedule another beep 1 second later
     Tk.beeper();     -- beep 
     id := Tk.createtimer(1000,beep_and_beep_again);
          -- reschedule a beep one second later
   end beep_and_beep_again;
   procedure cancel_beeps();     -- cancel any scheduled beep
     Tk.cancel_event(id);     -- cancel any scheduled beep
   end cancel_beeps;
 end test;

To set up a 'when-idle' call that will be triggered when the interface quiesces, write

id := Tk.createtimer(OM,SETL_fun);

The following example which is a variant of the example shown just above illustrates the use of 'idle calls' to trigger actions whenever the interactive interface is idle. Note once more that calls of this kind are indicated by giving an OM first parameter to the 'createtimer' procedure. In the code shown we trigger a printing routine which causes itself to be called repeatedly whenever the interactive interface quiesces. The high-speed printing that results can be stopped by clicking on the button shown, which cancels any outstanding 'on idle' call.

 program test;               -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;               -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,id;    -- globalize Tk and the timer id for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
   but := Tk("button","Click this to stop the printing");
      -- create and place a first button
   but("row,column,sticky") := "1,1,news"; 
   but{OM} := cancel_beeps;
           -- bind beep cancellation action to click on this button
   id := Tk.createtimer(OM,beep_and_beep_again);
        -- schedule a beep one second later
   Tk.mainloop();             -- enter the Tk main loop
   procedure beep_and_beep_again();
        -- beep, then schedule another beep 1 second later
     print("Hello World");     -- print something 
     id := Tk.createtimer(OM,beep_and_beep_again);
          -- reschedule a beep one second later
   end beep_and_beep_again;
   procedure cancel_beeps();     -- cancel any scheduled beep
     Tk.cancel_event(id);     -- cancel any scheduled beep
   end cancel_beeps;
 end test;

Note that each timer 'rings' just once, and so must be rescheduled, as in the above examples, if a repeating action is desired.

10.4. The text widget

The Tk text area widget provided by SETL is particularly powerful, in that it supports fully fonted and hotworded text, and allows embedding of images, and, indeed, of any other widget. SETL sees the contents of text widgets as strings, into which additional 'tags' and 'marks' can be placed. The string contents of a text widget can be fetched/set by slice retrievals/assignments of the form stg := text(i..j) and text(i..j) := stg. However, since Tk text is line- rather than character oriented, the indices i and j used in such statements are string pairs of the form "line_no.char_no" rather than simple integer character numbers, as they would be for true SETL strings. Also, the line numbers used are 1-based but the character numbers are 0-based, so that, for example, "1.0" designates the first charter of the first line of a text widget.

Much of the text widget's power derives from the system of tags and marks which can be associated with the string text held in such a widget. Tags mark ranges of characters of the string held within a text widget, and marks attach to positions between characters. If t is a text widget, the operation

lis := t("tag",tg);

maps each of the tags tg associated with t into the ordered list [[start_ix_1,end_ix_1],[start_ix_2,end_ix_2],..] of text ranges which carry the tag tg, and assignments of the form

t("tag",tg) := [[start_ix_1,end_ix_1],[start_ix_2,end_ix_2],..];

can be used to manipulate these lists. The operation t("tags") retrieves the list of all tags associated with t.

The code shown below creates a text widget containing three lines of text and then adds two tags to this text by explicitly calling the 'tag_' routine. Font and color attributes are set for each of these tags. These are automatically applied to the character ranges carrying the indicated tags and so become visible. We also print the range of text carrying the first of the tags added and the list of all tags present in the text widget.

 program test;               -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;               -- use the main widget class
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","10,10"); txt("side") := "left";
         -- create and place a text widget
   txt(OM) := "Type\ntext\nhere";       -- put some text into it
   print(txt("1.0".."2.1"));        -- print a range of this text
      -- add a tag to two disjoint character ranges
   txt.tag_add("my_tag2","1.3,1.5");      -- add a second tag to a character range
        -- set tag attributes, to make tagged ranges visible
   		 :=  "{times 24 bold italic},red,yellow";
   		 := "{times 36 bold},blue,white";
        -- print ordered list of tags associated with widget
   Tk.mainloop();             -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The output printed is
	["sel", "my_tag", "my_tag2"]

The first two lines of this output represent the first line and first character of the second line of the text in the text area of our example. The third line of output shows the tags present in the text widget: two that we have set up, and a third (the 'selection'), always present, that represent whatever range of characters may have been selected using the mouse.

Similarly, the operation t("marks") retrieves the list of all marks 'mrk' associated with t, while

pos := t.index(mrk);

returns the character position before which mrk appears, and


can be used to define or modify this position. Marks are removed by writing

t.mark_unset(mrk) := OM;

Marks are invisible items inserted between two characters of text that can be used for searching and positioning the text. When additional characters are inserted into text the 'marks' and 'tags' in the text automatically reposition themselves properly, similarly when text is deleted. If a range of text containing a 'mark' is deleted the 'mark' disappears.

The following variant of the 'tags' program shown above inserts 'marks' rather than 'tags' into text. This is done using the 'mark_set' primitive. One of these marks is subsequently removed using ''mark_unset'. The inserted 'marks' are then listed.

 program test;               -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;               -- use the main widget class
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","10,10"); txt("side") := "left";
         -- create and place a text widget
   txt(OM) := "Type\ntext\nhere";       -- put some text into it
   print(txt("1.0".."2.1"));        -- print a range of this text
   txt.mark_set("my_mark","2.2");   -- place a named mark at the specified index
   txt.mark_set("my_mark2","3.2");  -- place a named mark at the specified index
   print(txt("marks"));          -- show the marks present in the text
   print(txt.index("my_mark"));       -- show the location of my_mark
   txt.mark_set("my_mark","3.1");       -- move the location of my_mark
   print(txt.index("my_mark"));        -- show the location of my_mark
   txt.mark_unset("my_mark");        -- remove the mark
   print(txt("marks"));          -- show the marks present in the text
   Tk.mainloop();            -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The output produced is
	["my_mark", "insert", "my_mark2", "current"]
	["insert", "my_mark2", "current"]

showing the insertion of a mark, how a mark is moved, and its removal.

Tags in text (tags can also be associated with canvas items) are used for several critical purposes: (i) event sensitivities can be bound to tags. Text for which this has been done becomes 'hotworded.' (ii) fonts and other typographical characteristics can be associated with text tags.

To set the attributes of a tag associated with one or more a text ranges in a text area, write

text_area(tag_name,list_of_attributes) := list_of_values;

To bind an event response to such a tag, write

text_widget{"tag_name","event_descriptor:event_fields_signature"} := SETL_procedure;

As for other widgets the 'principal event' (i.e. a click, that is 'ButtonRelease-1") associated with a text tag can be set by an attribute-like assignment of the special form

text_area{tag_name,OM} := SETL_procedure;

Examples are

texta_1("Coloredtext","foreground,background") := "yellow,blue";

texta_1{"RolloverSensitive_text","Enter"} := display_help_caption;


texta_2{"Coloredtext",OM} := open_aux_window;

One special built-in tag, 'sel', designating the current selection in a text widget, is always available. The operation t("tag","sel") returns the boundary of the selection as a list containing one pair; the operation

t("tag","sel") := [[start,fin]];

can be used to set the selection boundary. If no selection has been made the 'sel' tag will still exist but will cover no range, so the operation t("tag","sel") will return an empty list of pairs.

The following program illustrates the use of the selection tag 'sel'. It creates a text widget containing three lines of text but with space for two additional lines and an auxiliary button to which a click procedure is bound. A tag is added to the first line of text and made visible by setting its font and color attributes. The callback procedure invoked when the button is clicked reads the selection tag and copies the starting and ending positions of the selections to an auxiliary tag which carries the foreground color magenta. The net effect is as follows. If text is selected and the button then clicked the characters in the selected range will take on the color magenta. If this is repeated with a different range of characters selected then the new range becomes magenta and the previous range reverts to black. (Reversion to black is forced by the fact that we remove the temporary tag from the entire text area. This is done by the first line of 'click' procedure.) Note that if this line were deleted clicking would extend the auxiliary tag to larger and larger portions of the text, so more and more characters would become magenta.

Note also that we cannot simply assign the color magenta to the 'sel' tag since if we did the magenta color would disappear whenever we clicked in the text area since such a click causes the range of characters selected to become null. It is worth experimenting with this and other variants of the following code to become familiar with the finer details of text tagging.

 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,txt;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "interactive interface example 1";
             -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","10,5"); txt("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a text widget
   txt(OM) := "Type\ntext\nhere";       -- put some text into it
   txt("font") := "{times 24 bold}"; 	    -- set the text font
   button := Tk("button","Select Some Text,\nThen Click Me");
   button("side") := "top"; 
   button{OM} := Click_procedure;
   		 := "{times 24 bold italic},green,yellow,center";
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
   procedure Click_procedure();  -- response to button click
           -- copy selection to auxiliary tag
     txt("temp_tag","foreground"):= "magenta";           -- color this magenta
   end Click_procedure; 
 end test;

Tags and marks can be inserted into and removed in fully dynamic fashion from the text in a text widget, using the operations described above. However, it is more common to set up event-sensitive text statically (but then to use it dynamically.) To make this easy, SETL provides a special utility setup operation, having the syntax

text(OM) := descriptor_string;

Here, the descriptor_string required is a mixture of the visible text which is to appear in the text widget, along with a series of special 'tag marks' of the form <`ccctag_stringccc`> and <``ccctag_stringccc`> which respectively open and close tagged ranges.

The auxiliary string ccc.. will ordinarily be empty, so opening and closing tags will generally have the form <`tag_string`> and <``tag_string`>.

The short program seen below illustrates the declarative insertion of tags into text using the 'description_string' conventions that we have just explained. It sets up a text widget containing text carrying two tags, the first of these extending over two disjoint character ranges. Tag attributes are set to make the tag ranges visible.

 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,txt;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "interactive interface example 1";
             -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","15,10"); txt("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a text widget
             -- put some tagged text into it
   txt(OM) := "<`my_tag`>Sample\nte<``my_tag`>x<`my_tag`>t" 
   		+ "<``my_tag`>\n<`my_tag2`>here<``my_tag2`>\nPlease";
   		 := "{times 24 bold italic},green,red";
    	-- set the first tag's attributes
   		 := "{times 24 bold italic},red,green";
    	-- set the second tag's attributes
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

To change the auxiliary string from this default (empty string) value, we simply use it in a null tag, e.g. can write <`ccc`><``ccc`> at the very start of a string s if we want to use <`ccctag_stringccc`> rather than the default <`tag_string`> for tags. This eases the writing of text in which character sequences like <`tag_string`> must be used for some other purpose.

Tag strings can never include end-of-line or carriage-return characters, so the appearance of any such character before the closing ..ccc`> of what might otherwise be a tag designator reduces this suspected designator to an ordinary string. The auxiliary strings ccc.. are not allowed to contain either the ` character or an end-of-line or carriage return.

The following variant of the preceding program shows the use of the alternative form of tag descriptor just explained. Using the convention explained, we introduce the question mark '?' as an additional portion of the tag marks which follow.

 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,txt;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "interactive interface example 1"; 
            -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","15,10"); txt("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a text widget

   txt(OM) := 	       -- put some tagged text into it
		 + "<``?my_tag?`>\n<`?my_tag2?`>here<``?my_tag2?`>\nPlease";
   		 := "{times 24 bold italic},green,red";
    	-- set the first tag's attributes
   		 := "{times 24 bold italic},red,green";
    	-- set the second tag's attributes
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
end test;

A tag closing ends all identical open tags; superfluous tag closings are ignored.

Tag openings never subsequently closed are treated as marks.

The tags in a text widget have a 'priority' order, and where tags have conflicting attributes or bindings, the highest priority tag will dominate. For example, the following short program sets up a text widget with two overlapping tags 'x' and 'y' and assigns them conflicting colors.

 program test;				-- text setup utility
   use tkw;		-- use the standard graphical interface package
   var Tk;

   Tk := tkw();				-- create the Tk interpreter

   txt := Tk("text","80,30"); txt("side") := "top"; 
  		-- create and place a text widget
   txt(OM) := "<`x`>Sample <`y`>Text<``x`><``y`>";
    	-- put some tagged text into it
   txt("x","foreground") := "red"; txt("y","foreground") := "blue";
   		-- set the tag color attributes
   Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the main Tk loop

 end test;
Since later-defined tags are given higher default priority than earlier-defined tags. the list of tags printed in priority order by this program is 'sel,x,y' (the special 'sel' tag, which represents the range of characters currently selected in the text widget, is always defined first and always has lowest priority.) Since y has higher priority than x, the color assigned to it dominates in the overlap region, so only the word 'Sample' appears in red, and 'Text' appears in blue. However, we can rearrange the priority list by changing the program to read
 program test;				-- text setup utility
   use tkw;		-- use the standard graphical interface package

   var Tk;
   Tk := tkw();				-- create the Tk interpreter

   txt := Tk("text","80,30"); txt("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a text widget
   txt(OM) := "<`x`>Sample <`y`>Text<``x`><``y`>";
       -- put some tagged text into it
   txt("x","foreground") := "red"; txt("y","foreground") := "blue";
   	-- set the tag color attributes
   txt("tags") := "y,x";
   Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the main Tk loop

 end test;
in which case the tag x will dominate everywhere, so both words will appear in red.

The expressions

textwidget.mark_next(n)         and         textwidget.mark_prev(n)

return the first and the last mark after text position n respectively. The expressions

textwidget.tag_nextrange(tag,n,m)         and         textwidget.tag_prevrange(tag,n,m)

respectively return the first and the last subrange of the specified range that carries the specified tag. Their use is shown in the following program, which uses a descriptor to set up a line of text containing tags and marks. Six buttons bound to actions which show the use of the operations described above are added. The comments contained in the program give additional detail.

 program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var txt;     -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","10,10"); txt("side") := "top";
   txt(OM) := "<`my_tag`>Sam<`mark1`>ple\nte<``my_tag`>x<`my_tag`>t<``my_tag`>" 
   		+ "\n<`my_tag2`>he<`mark2`>re<``my_tag2`>\nPlease";
   		 := "{times 24 bold italic},green,red";
      -- set the first tag's attributes
   		 := "{times 24 bold italic},red,green";
      -- set the second tag's attributes
   but := Tk("button","First mark after 1.1"); but("side") := "top";
      -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print(txt.mark_next("1.1"));  end lambda;
       -- when clicked, prints the first mark after 1.1
   but := Tk("button","First mark after 1.4"); but("side") := "top";
      -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print(txt.mark_next("1.4"));  end lambda;
       -- when clicked, prints the first mark after 1.4
   but := Tk("button","Last mark before 1.1"); but("side") := "top";
      -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print("*",txt.mark_prev("1.1"),"*");  end lambda;
       -- when clicked, prints the last mark before 1.1
   but := Tk("button","Last mark before 1.4"); but("side") := "top";
      -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print(txt.mark_prev("1.4"));  end lambda;
       -- when clicked, prints the last mark before 1.4
   but := Tk("button","First 'my_tag' in range"); but("side") := "top";
      -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); 
   	print(txt.tag_nextrange("my_tag","1.1","4.5"));  end lambda;    
      -- when clicked, prints the first subrange of 1.1-4.5 that carries the tag 'my_tag'
   but := Tk("button","Last 'my_tag2' in range"); but("side") := "top";
      -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); 
   	print(txt.tag_prevrange("my_tag2","1.1","4.5"));  end lambda;    
      -- when clicked, prints the last of subrange 1.1-4.5 that carries the tag 'my_tag2'
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

Text-tags have the following attributes:

font font of tagged zone
background background color of tagged zone
foreground foreground color of tagged zone
bgstipple background stipple pattern
fgstipple foreground stipple pattern
justify justification of tagged lines: left, right, or center
wrap none, char, or word
overstrike 1 if tagged zone carries overstrike, else 0
underline 1 if tagged zone is underlined, else 0
relief flat, raised, sunken,ridge, or groove relief for tagged zone
borderwidth borderwidth of tagged zone, in pixels
offset vertical offset of tagged zone from baseline, in pixels
lmargin1 left indent of first line in tagged zone, in pixels
lmargin2 left indent of following lines in tagged zone, in pixels
rmargin right indent of lines in tagged zone, in pixels
spacing1 extra vertical space before first line in tagged zone, in pixels
spacing2 extra vertical space between lines in tagged zone, in pixels
spacing3 extra vertical space after last line in tagged zone, in pixels
tabs comma-separated list of tab positions used for tagged lines, in pixels

Many, but not all of these attributes can also be attributes of an entire text widget, and so control the appearance of all the text in a widget, rather than applying only to tagged text ranges within it. The tag attributes which can apply to all the text in a text widget are font, background, foreground, wrap, relief, borderwidth, spacing1, spacing2, spacing3, and tabs, but not bgstipple, fgstipple, justify, overstrike, underline, offset, lmargin1, lmargin2, or rmargin. As shown in the following table, text widgets also have various other attributes, not available for restricted text ranges.

Text widgets have the following attributes:

font text font
width text width, in characters
height text height, in number of lines
state normal (editable) or disabled
background background color
foreground foreground color
wrap none, char, or word
relief flat, raised, sunken,ridge, or groove relief for text
cursor cursor to use over text area
padx extra space to left and right of text
pady extra space above and below text
borderwidth borderwidth of text, in pixels
exportselection if true, export selected text to Unix selection
highlightthickness thickness of border used to indicate active state of text
highlightbackground color used to indicate inactive state of text
highlightcolor color used to indicate active state of text
insertwidth width of insertion mark
insertbackground background color of insertion mark
insertborderwidth border width of insertion mark
insertofftime time that insertion mark remains off while blinking
insertontime time that insertion mark remains on while blinking
selectbackground background color of selected text
selectforeground foreground color of selected text
selectborderwidth border width of selected text
takefocus command to be executed when text area receives focus via tab
setgrid if true, items are constrained to implicit grid positions
spacing1 extra vertical space before first line in text, in pixels
spacing2 extra vertical space between lines in text, in pixels
spacing3 extra vertical space after last line in text, in pixels
tabs comma-separated list of tab positions, in pixels

Generalized forms of text indices; Text index operations and comparisons.

In text-widget related expressions requiring indices to positions in text, for example tex(m..n), indices like m and n can either be strings of the form line.char, or one of the following constants, designating special positions in the text within the widget:
	@x,y		- the character at screen point x,y
 	end		- last character
	insert		- position of insertion cursor
	tag_name.first	- first character in the range tagged by "tag"
	tag_name.last	- first character after the range tagged by "tag"
	mark_name	- first character after the indicated mark
	current		- the character under the mouse
	some_image	- character position of an embedded image
	some_widget	- character position of an embedded widget
These index expressions can be modified by the addition of the following suffixes:
	wordstart	- start of word containing character
	wordend		- start of word containing character
	linestart	- start of line containing character
	lineend		- start of line containing character
	+nchars		- n characters forward, same line (e.g. "current+15chars")
	-nchars		- n characters previous, same line
	+nlines		- n lines forward, same character position (e.g. "current+5lines")
	-nlines		- n lines previous, same character position

The following program illustrates the use of these index expressions and modifiers, by setting up a text area and printing out various sections of text.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;     -- use the main widget class
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Indexing Example";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","20,10"); txt("side") := "left";
    				-- set up a text widget
   txt(OM) := "Type\ntext or stuff\nhere";
   					-- put some text into it
   print(txt("1.0".."2.2")); print();
   print(txt("1.0".."2.2+1chars")); print();
   print(txt("1.0".."2.2-1chars")); print();
   print(txt("1.0".."2.2+1lines")); print();
   print(txt("1.0".."2.2-1lines")); print();
   print(txt("1.0".."2.2wordstart")); print();
   print(txt("1.0".."2.2wordend")); print();
   print(txt("1.0".."2.2linestart")); print();
   print(txt("1.0".."2.2lineend")); print();
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Note that single-character retrievals from a text area or textline must be written as


since the form would be confused with an attribute retrieval. The expression

can be used to get the 'numerical' ('i.j') form of text indices, and,modif_ix1,modif_ix2);
can be used to compare two such indices. (Here, "op" can be "==", "!=", ">", ">=". "<", or "<="). This is shown in or next example.
 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
     use tkw;     -- use the main widget class
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Indexing Example";     -- create the Tk interpreter
     txt := Tk("text","20,10"); txt("side") := "left";   -- set up a text widget
     txt(OM) := "Type\ntext or stuff\nhere";      -- put some text into it

         -- compare character indices in line.char and other allowed formats
     Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The output produced is
As illustrated by the following program, widgets of any kind can be inserted into the text of text widgets, where they retain their normal activity. This is done using the operation


The expression


returns the list of all widgets currently inserted into the text. Widgets inserted into text are treated as if they were characters, and can therefore be deleted by operations of the form

txt(char_loc..char_loc) := "";

The following program sets up a textarea and a canvas containing three graphical items. The canvas is not placed in the master window, but instead is inserted into the text as a text widget. We also set up two buttons and insert them also as text widgets into our line of text. By clicking on these buttons you can see that they remain active in the normal way. We also show the use of the expression 'txt("widgets")', which prints the list of all widgets embedded in a text item. Finally, we set up a self-standing button which, when clicked deletes one of the inserted widgets. From the code bound to this button you can see that a widget embedded in text is treated as a single character of a special kind.

 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class

  var Tk,txt;             -- globalize for use in procedure below

  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Master";          -- create the Tk interpreter
  txt := Tk("text","30,15"); txt("side") := "top"; txt(OM) := "what flat";
       -- create a text widget
  txt("background") := "green";
  ca := Tk("canvas","200,100");   -- create a canvas
  rect := ca("rectangle","20,20,60,40"); rect("fill") := "red";
    -- put various items into it
  oval := ca("oval","80,20,120,40"); oval("width") := 5;
  poly := ca("polygon","140,60,180,60,180,100,20,100"); 
  poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";

  txt.insert_widget("1.6",ca);    -- insert it as a text widget

  but := Tk("button","Print the time");    -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); print("The time is: " + time()); end lambda;
      -- bind it to a print action
  txt.insert_widget("1.4",but);    -- insert it as a text widget

  but := Tk("button","Print the time2");   -- create a second button
  but{OM} := lambda(); print("The time is: " + time()); end lambda;
      -- bind it to a print action
  txt.insert_widget("1.8",but);    -- insert it as a text widget

  print(txt("widgets"));    -- print list of all the widgets in the text.

  but := Tk("button","Remove item"); but("side") := "top";
     -- create a third button, and put it below the canvas
  but{OM} := lambda(); txt("1.8".."1.8") := ""; end lambda;
      -- bind it to a deletion action
  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

end test;

Our next small program illustrates the use of the operation


which shifts the view of a text field too large to be viewed all at once so as to bring a specified character into view. It sets up a textarea containing more text than can be visible at any one time, and two buttons both bound to uses of the 'see' operation. These position the text to make specified characters visible.

 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,txt;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","10,5"); txt("side") := "top";   -- create a text area
   txt(OM) := "TYPETYPETYPEYYYYTYPETYpe\nTypeTypeTypeTypeType" 
   		+ "\nTypeTypeTypeTypeType\nTypeTypeTypeTypeType\n" + 
             	 -- put lots of text into it
   but := Tk("button","See 5.10"); but("side") := "top";   -- create two buttons
   but{OM} := lambda(); txt.see("5.10"); end lambda;
         		-- bind view-shift actions to them
   but := Tk("button","See 1.1"); but("side") := "top";
   but{OM} := lambda(); txt.see("1.1"); end lambda;
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Note that the same operation is available for listboxes.

As shown by our next small program, the operation


which is available for text widgets, textlines, and listboxes, returns the coordinates of the smallest rectangular box containing designated item. We also show the use of the


command, which exits the Tk interpreter, and illustrate the fact that since listboxes; like menus, are treated as a kind of tuple, slice assignments can be used to edit their list of items.

The operations shown above are illustrated in the following program. In it we set up a textarea, textline, and listbox. Two buttons are added, the first of these prints the bounding boxes of specified lines and characters in the textarea, textline, and listbox. The second button merely quits the application when clicked.

 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,txt,txtln,lb;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Master";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","30,3"); txt("side") := "top"; txt(OM) := "what flat";
   		  -- create a text area
   txtln := Tk("entry","30"); txtln("side") := "top"; txtln(OM) := "whot flot";
   		  -- create a text line
   lb := Tk("listbox",3); lb("side") := "top";
   	  -- create a listbox, which shows 3 elements
   lb(1..0) := "Item1,Item2,Item3,Item4,Item5,Item6,Item7,Item8,Item9,Last Item";
   		  -- put 10 items into it
   lb(2..3) := "";  -- delete items 2 and 3
   print(lb(2..3));  -- show the new items 2 and 3
   but := Tk("button","Show Box"); but("side") := "top";   -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda();   -- bind bounding box display actions to it
           print(txt.bbox("1.2")); print(txtln.bbox("1")); 
           print(lb.bbox("0")," ",lb.bbox("2"));
         end lambda;
   but := Tk("button","Quit"); but("side") := "top";   -- create a second button
   but{OM} := lambda(); Tk.quit(); end lambda;       -- bind an exit action to it
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

The output produced by the preceding program is:

	Item4 Item5
	[18, 4, 25, 16]
	[42, 2, 45, 14]
	[1, 1, 36, 16] [1, 33, 36, 48]

Our next example shows the creation of 'active' ('hotworded') text by the binding of actions to tags embedded in the text. We also illustrate the 'txt.tag_ranges(tag_name)' operation, which returns the list of all character ranges to which a specified tag attaches; the 'txt.tag_names(char_index)' operation, which returns the list of all tags whose range covers a specified character; and the 'txt.tag_names(OM)' operation, which returns the list of all tags in an entire textarea.

The program shown below sets up a textarea into which text is inserted and then tagged. Information concerning the tags is then printed. We then bind actions to the tags. A pair of actions, one bound to mousedown and the other to mouseup, is attached to the first pair, but only a mouseup action to the second tag. You can click on the colored textareas to see the results of these bindings.

 program test;               -- SETL interactive interface example 1
     use tkw;               -- use the main widget class
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
     txt := Tk("text","10,10"); txt("side") := "left";
           -- create and place a text widget
     txt(OM) := "Type\ntext\nhere";       -- put some text into it
     print(txt("1.0".."2.1"));         -- print a range of this text
        -- add a tag to two disjoint character ranges
           -- add a second tag to a character range
             -- get list of all ranges for specified tag
              -- get list of all tags covering the specified character
          -- set tag attributes, to make tagged ranges visible
     			 := "{times 24 bold italic},red,yellow";
     			 := "{times 36 bold},blue,white";

     txt{"my_tag",OM} := lambda(); print("Clicked yellow text"); end lambda;
        -- bind a print action to click on the yellow text
     txt{"my_tag","ButtonPress-1"} := lambda(); 
     			print("Pressed yellow text"); end lambda;
        -- bind a print action to mousedown on the yellow text
     txt{"my_tag2",OM} := lambda(); 
     		print("Clicked white text"); end lambda;
        -- bind a print action to mousedown on the white text
          -- print ordered list of tags associated with widget
     Tk.mainloop();             -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The output produced is
	["1.1", "1.1", "2.1", "3.3"]
	["sel", "my_tag", "my_tag2"]

Note that event bindings like

txt{"my_tag","ButtonPress-1:xyXY"} := proc;

are also possible, in which case 'proc' must be a 1-parameter procedure, to which as many event parameter values as have been requested will be transmitted as a tuple.

Though the previously described scheme for inserting tags into text is quite general, it is rather more intricate than is required for text hotwording in the normal case, since it allows tagged zones in text to overlap in arbitrary fashion, which is rarely done. Normally such zones are disjoint. Our next two examples show a simpler scheme for text hotwording. To use this scheme, one simply takes the text to be tagged and marks the tagged sections in it by putting a back-apostrophe character '`' before and after each tagged section. The text within these sections is then extracted and used to tag itself, blank spaces in such sections being replaced by '~' characters. Thus, for example, a tagged text section consisting of the words 'Hello World' would receive the tag 'Hello~World'. If the same tagged section occurs several times in the text, unique serial numbers are be appended to all occurrences after the first, so that the second occurrence of a tagged section 'xxx' in text will receive the tag 'xxx~2'. The resulting tags can then be assigned attributes,for example color nd font, in the normal way. All these details are illustrated in the example seen below, which uses a simple code package called 'hotword_pak' shown following it. This package provides just one procedure, which has the form


Here, the first parameter is a Tk text widget into which the hotworded text is to be placed. The second parameter is the text to be hotworded, marked with back apostrophes in the way just explained. The last four parameters of 'make_hotworded' are all two-parameter procedures, which (if not OM) are called as the mouse moves over and clicks on the hotworded text zones. The first of these procedures, 'up_proc', is called when the mouse button is released on a hotworded zone in text, and the second, 'down_proc', when the mouse is pressed on a hotworded zone in text. The two last parameters, 'enter_proc' and 'leave_proc' are called when the mouse enters and leaves a hotworded text zone respectively. The two parameters passed to these routines when they re called are respectively the text widget containing the hotworded text,and the tag attached to the triggering text zone.

The following example shows how easy it is to use this hotwording scheme. It sets up two text areas in a window, each containing a sample hotworded text. (All four of the procedures then bound to this text are very trivial, and intended for illustration only. The 'up_proc' and 'down_proc' parameters passed merely print the tag associated with the hotworded text section on which a click occurs, the former in lowercase and the latter in uppercase. The 'enter_pro' and 'leave_proc' routines merely change the text color from black to red and back again, giving a 'highlighting' effect. Of course much more sophisticated effects could be obtained by elaborating these procedures.)

program test;                  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
  use tkw,hotword_pak,string_utility_pak; 
        -- use the main widget class and the hotword_pak

  var Tk,txt;                 -- globalize for use in procedure below

  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Hotworded Text";     -- create the Tk interpreter
  txt := Tk("text","40,5"); txt("side") := "top";   -- create a text widget
  txt("font") := "{Times 18 bold}";        -- set a font

  text := "`Now` is the `time` for all `good men` to `time` out.";
    -- define the text to be hotworded
       -- put hotworded text into the text widget
  txt("now",b := "background") := "yellow"; txt("time",b) := "green";
   -- make the tags visible
  txt("good~men",b) := "pink"; txt("time~2",b) := "cyan";

  txt := Tk("text","40,5"); txt("side") := "top";
       -- create a second text twidget
   txt("font") := "{Times 18 bold italic}";        -- set a different font
  text := "Twas `Brillig` and the `Slithy Toves` " 
  		+ "did `Gyre` and `Gimbal` in the `Wabe`.";
  		     -- define the second text to be hotworded
       -- put hotworded text into the second text widget
  txt("brillig",b) := "yellow"; txt("slithy~toves",b) := "green";
     -- make the tags visible
  txt("gyre",b) := "pink"; txt("gimbal",b) := "cyan"; txt("wabe",b) := "magenta";
  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

  procedure printit(txt,tag); print(tag); end printit;
              -- print tag on mouseup 
  procedure printcap(txt,tag); print(case_change(tag,"lu")); end printcap;
      -- print capitalized tag on mousedown 
  procedure hilite(txt,tag); txt(tag,"foreground") := "red"; end hilite;
       -- hilite the tagged text on entry
  procedure lolite(txt,tag); txt(tag,"foreground") := "black"; end lolite;
      -- hilite the tagged text on exit

end test;

The code shown below is that for the 'hotword_pak' used in the preceding example. Its one procedure, 'make_hotworded' accepts a text widget TW and some text marked in the manner described above, plus the four procedure parameters that we have described. The text is analyzed to find its hotworded zones, and then converted into text tagged in our standard manner, by using the text in each hotworded section as its own tag. This is accomplished by the subprocedure 'self_tag', which you can examine to see the details of this process. The tagged text produced by 'self_tag' is then written to TW. Following this, each of the four procedure parameters passed to 'make_hotworded' is bound to each of the tags found in the text, in such a way as to ensure that then appropriate triggering events will cause these procedures to be called and TW passed to them along with the tag attached to the triggering text section. The preceding example illustrates the use of all of these conventions.

package hotword_pak;    -- utility package for Tk text hotwording
  procedure make_hotworded(txt_widget,text,up_proc,down_proc,enter_proc,leave_proc);     -- put hotworded text into text widget
end hotword_pak;

package body hotword_pak;    -- utility package for Tk text hotwording
  use string_utility_pak;
  var tags_list := [],seen_already := {};
      -- tags_list will be collected by self_tag
  procedure make_hotworded(txt_widget,text,up_proc,down_proc,enter_proc,leave_proc);
       -- put hotworded text into text widget
    tags_list := [];    -- will be collected by self_tag
    pieces := breakup(text,"`");
        -- treat as a '`' treat as a '`'-delimited list
        -- convert the hotworded sections 'xxx' into <`xxx`>xxx<``xxx`>, 
        -- i.e. use stringitself as tag
    txt_widget(OM) := "" +/ [if odd(j) then piece 
      	else self_tag(piece) end if: piece = pieces(j)];
          -- self_tag also collects the tags
    for tag in tags_list loop
     		-- attach four bindings to each of the tags

     if up_proc /= OM then 
         	-- bind 'up_proc' to button-up event
     	txt_widget{tag,"ButtonRelease-1"} := apply(up_proc,txt_widget,tag); 
     end if;

     if down_proc /= OM then 
     		-- bind 'down_proc' to button-up event
     	txt_widget{tag,"ButtonPress-1"} := apply(down_proc,txt_widget,tag); 
     end if;    

     if enter_proc /= OM then 
    		-- bind 'enter_proc' to entry event
      	txt_widget{tag,"Enter"} := apply(enter_proc,txt_widget,tag); 
     end if;
     if leave_proc /= OM then 
     		-- bind 'leave_proc' to exit event
     	txt_widget{tag,"Leave"} := apply(leave_proc,txt_widget,tag); 
     end if;

    end loop;

  end make_hotworded;
  procedure self_tag(stg);         -- convert 'stg' a string carrying itself as tag

    safe_stg := join(breakup(stg," "),"~");
    	 -- convert " " to "~",which is btter for Tk
    sul := case_change(safe_stg,"ul");    -- make case-insensitive
    seen_already(sul) := n := (seen_already(sul)?0) + 1;
        -- count number of occurneces
    tags_list with:= (sul := if n = 1 then sul else sul + "~" + n end if);
       -- save the tag in tags_list; keep count if > 1

    return "<`" + sul + "`>"+ stg + "<``" + sul + "`>";
    	 -- return'stg' a string carrying itself as tag

  end self_tag;  

  procedure apply(proc,txt,tag); -- procedure binding former
    return lambda(); proc(txt,tag); end lambda;
  end apply;  

end hotword_pak;

Tk absolute Images (and 'absolute bitmaps', which will be described later) can be inserted into text, in which case they behave as single characters of a special kind. The following small program shows this, and also illustrates the use of the 'txt.linebox(n)' operation, which returns a pair of the form [box,baseline], where 'box' is the bounding box of the specified line, and 'baseline' is the position of the baseline of this line, as measured from the top of 'box'. Note also that 'txt("images")' returns the list of all images in a text widget, or, if there is only one, returns that image object.

The program seen below sets up a textarea and then reads in an image which is inserted into the text in the textarea. Two buttons are added, one of which prints the boxes containing two specified lines of text and the other the list of all images in the textarea. Note that, as seen in the code bound to the first button, the 'linebox()' operation assumes that n is given in a 0-based form.

 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class

   var Tk,txt;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   txt := Tk("text","30,12"); txt("side") := "top"; 
   txt(OM) := "Type\ntext\nhere";    -- create a text area
   txt("font,background") := "{Times 18 bold},green";
   abs_img := Tk("image","test_files/egyptian.gif");
      -- read an image file to create a Tk absolute image
           -- insert this into the text area 
   but := Tk("button","Print lineboxes"); but("side") := "top";
       -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); 
   	print(txt.linebox(0)); print(txt.linebox(2)); end lambda;
        -- bind this to a pair of linebox print actions
   but := Tk("button","Print images"); but("side") := "top";    -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print(txt("images")); end lambda;
        -- bind this to an image_list print action
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The text widget operations

txt.scan_mark(i,j);           and txt.scan_to(i,j);          

together allow the view of a text field containing more text than can be viewed at any one time to be shifted. The same operations are available for listboxes. This is demonstrated in the following example, which opens a text area, inserts some text into it, and then sets up buttons which invoke the 'scan_mark' and 'scan_to' operations to reposition the text in the text area. You can experiment with these buttons to verify that the 'scan_to' positions text relative to the point set by last preceding 'scan_mark' operation.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var txt;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

       txt := Tk("text","10,2"); txt("side") := "top"; 
       txt("background") := "yellow";
       txt(OM) :=  "  (1)Type text here\n  (2)Type text here\n " 
       		+ " (3)Type text here\n  (4)Type text here";
       txt("font") := "{times 36 bold}"; txt("wrap") := "none";
       but := Tk("button","Place scan mark at (0,0)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_mark(0,0); end lambda;
          -- place mark anchoring following offsets 
       but := Tk("button","Place scan mark at (-3,-3)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_mark(3,3); end lambda;
          -- place mark anchoring following offsets 
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (-2,-2)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to(-2,-2); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (-3,-3)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to(-3,-3); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (-4,-4)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to(-4,-4); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (2,2)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to(2,2); end lambda;
          -- move to left from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (3,3)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to(3,3); end lambda;
          -- move to left from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (4,4)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to(4,4); end lambda;
          -- move to left from (0,0)
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

    end test;

Next we give a very similar example for listboxes. This sets up a listbox, and then creates buttons which invoke the 'scan_mark' and 'scan_to' operations to repostion the listbox items. You can experiment with these buttons to verify that the 'scan_to' positions the listbox items relative to the point set by last preceding 'scan_mark' operation.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var lb;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

       lb := Tk("listbox",3); lb("side") := "top";
                  -- create a listbox, which shows 3 elements
       lb(1..0) := "Item1Item1Item1Item1Item1***********," 
       		+ "Item2,Item3,Item4,Item5,Item6,Item7,Item8,Item9,Last Item";
              -- put 10 elements, the first quite long, into the listbox
       lb("font") := "{times 18 bold}"; 
       but := Tk("button","Place scan mark at (0,0)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.scan_mark(0,0); end lambda;
          -- place mark anchoring following offsets 
       but := Tk("button","Place scan mark at (-3,-3)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.scan_mark(3,3); end lambda;
          -- place mark anchoring following offsets 
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (-2,-2)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.scan_to(-2,-2); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (-3,-3)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.scan_to(-3,-3); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (-4,-4)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.scan_to(-4,-4); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (2,2)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.scan_to(2,2); end lambda;
          -- move to left from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (3,3)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.scan_to(3,3); end lambda;
          -- move to left from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to (4,4)"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.scan_to(4,4); end lambda;
          -- move to left from (0,0)
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

    end test;
As the following variant example shows, the scan_mark and scan_to operations 1s also available for textlines, but in a '1-dimensional' rather than a '2-dimensional' form, namely as

txt.scan_mark_1(i);           and txt.scan_to_1(i);          

The following is an example. It sets up a textline, puts text into it, and and then creates buttons which invoke the 'scan_mark_1' and 'scan_to_1' operations to repostion the textline. You can experiment with these buttons to verify that the 'scan_to' positions the text relative to the point set by last preceding 'scan_mark' operation.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var txt;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

        txt := Tk("entry","10"); txt("side") := "top"; 
        txt("background") := "yellow";
        txt(OM) := "  (1)Type text here (2)Type text here " 
        	+ "(3)Type text here (4)Type text here";
       txt("font") := "{times 36 bold}"; 
       but := Tk("button","Place scan mark at 0"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_mark_1(0); end lambda;
          -- place mark anchoring following offsets 
       but := Tk("button","Place scan mark at -10"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_mark_1(-10); end lambda;
          -- place mark anchoring following offsets 
       but := Tk("button","Scan to -20"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to_1(-20); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to -30"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to_1(-30); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to -40"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to_1(-40); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to 10"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to_1(10); end lambda;
          -- move to left from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to 3"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to_1(3); end lambda;
          -- move to left from (0,0)
       but := Tk("button","Scan to 4"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); txt.scan_to_1(4); end lambda;
          -- move to left from (0,0)
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

    end test;

10.5. The canvas widget; canvas items.

The Tk canvas widget provided by SETL is a second powerful tool. Canvases are used to display a variety of graphical elements, known as canvas items. The following kinds of canvas items are provided:
	rectangle	- a rectangular figure
	oval		- a circular or figure
	polygon		- a general closed polygon or spline curve
	line 		- a general open polygon or spline curve
	arc 		- a circular or elliptical sector or pie-shaped region
	bitmap		- a bitmap, which can be displayed in designated colors
	image		- a photographic image
	widget 		- an arbitrary widget 
	canvas_text 	- non-editable fonted text, with a transparent background 
Canvas items are created by writing statements of the form

item := canvas("rectangle",descriptor),

item := canvas("polygon",descriptor),

item := canvas("image",descriptor), etc.

As shown in the following table, the kind of descriptor used depends on the kind of item being created

	'Descriptors' used with the various kinds of canvas items 

	rectangle	- left,top,right,bottom
	oval		- left,top,right,bottom of enclosing rectangle
	polygon		- comma-separated series of x,y positions
			- for polygon or spline points
	line 		- comma-separated series of x,y positions
			- for polygon or spline points
	arc 		- left,top,right,bottom of enclosing rectangle
	bitmap		- x,y coordinates of bitmap corner
	image		- x,y coordinates of image corner
	widget 		- widget object
	canvas_text 	- string contents of text 
Once they have been created within a canvas C, canvas items 'itm' are positioned (and so made visible) by writing
		itm("coords") := list_of_coords;
The list_of_coords that must be supplied is generally identical with the descriptor list appearing in the preceding table, except that for widget items in a canvas and for canvas_text items the list_of_coords should be the x,y coordinates of the object corner.

Once positioned in this way any canvas item can be repositioned (and, in some cases, reshaped) at any time by a subsequent

		itm("coords") := list_of_coords;
assignments. When repositioned or reshaped, objects move immediately to their new configuration, leaving no trailing artifacts. This make the canvas environment considerably easier to use than a simple 'draw' environment in which one needs to make explicit repairs of the prior positions of moved graphics. For example, the following program creates an animated pair of circles which move past each other.

Here is an example of the use of 'coords'. The code creates a canvas into which two ovals are placed and a button bound to a procedure which shifts the position of these circles every time it is clicked.

   program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,blue_circ,red_circ,num_steps := 0;
            -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw();                  -- create the Tk interpreter
       bu := Tk("button","Click to move the circles"); bu("side") := "top";
         -- create a button
       bu{OM} := advance_animation;  -- clicking the button starts the animation
       ca := Tk("canvas","640,280"); ca("side") := "top";   -- create a canvas
       blue_circ := ca("oval","100,100,140,140"); blue_circ("fill") := "blue";
         -- insert the circles
       red_circ := ca("oval","400,100,440,140"); red_circ("fill") := "red";
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
       procedure advance_animation();
             -- advance the animation and return true, or false if finished
          bcc := [str(unstr(c) + 5.0): c in blue_circ("coords")];
              -- reposition the circles
          blue_circ("coords") := bcc;
          rcc := [str(unstr(c) - 5.0): c in red_circ("coords")];
          red_circ("coords") := rcc;
       end advance_animation;
    end test;

Here is another example: a time-driven animation showing two colored circles. This code is very close to the preceding program but instead of using button clicks to change the position of the circles that appear, they move automatically under timer control once a triggering button is clicked. An additional comment is found below.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
   var Tk,blue_circ,red_circ,num_steps := 0;
        -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw();				-- create the Tk interpreter
   bu := Tk("button","Go"); bu("side") := "top";	-- create a button
   bu{OM} := advance_animation;	-- clicking the button starts the animation
   ca := Tk("canvas","640,280"); ca("side") := "top";	-- create a canvas
   blue_circ := ca("oval","100,100,140,140"); blue_circ("fill") := "blue";
   		  -- insert the circles
   red_circ := ca("oval","400,100,440,140"); red_circ("fill") := "red";
   Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
    procedure advance_animation();
 		-- advance the animation and return true, or false if finished
 	if (num_steps +:= 1) > 300 then return; end if;
 				-- end the animation after 300 steps
 	blue_circ("coords") :=        -- reposition the circles
 		str(100 + num_steps) + ",100," + str(140 + num_steps) + ",140";
 	red_circ("coords") := 
 		str(400 - num_steps) + ",100," + str(440 - num_steps) + ",140";
 				-- start a Tk timer (rings once)
    end advance_animation;
 end test;
The following comments will aid understanding of the preceding code. The initial lines of code create a button, a canvas, and two canvas items: a red and a blue circle. Clicking the button calls the procedure 'advance_animation', which repositions the two circles and then creates another timed call to itself, unless it has already been called 300 times, in which case it simply returns. Note that the desired animation is created simply by repositioning the two circles.

Note also that the line

can be replaced by
This will advance the animation as rapidly as possible, rather than after a specified time interval.

Each kind of canvas item has a list of attributes which can be used to control its graphical appearance. The following table lists the attributes for each canvas item type.

 rectangle attributes

	width			- width of outline
	fill			- color for interior
	outline			- color for outline
	stipple			- pattern for interior
 oval attributes

	width			- width of outline
	fill			- color for interior
	outline			- color for outline
	stipple			- pattern for interior
 polygon attributes

	width			- polygon outline width, in pixels
	smooth			- if true, polygon is a spline curve 
	splinesteps	- number of intermediate smoothing points to use, if spline
	fill			- color for polygon interior
	outline			- color for polygon outline
	stipple			- pattern for arc interior
 line attributes

	width			- curve width, in pixels
	smooth			- if true, curve is a spline curve 
	splinesteps	- number of intermediate smoothing points to use, if spline
	fill			- color for curve interior
	stipple			- pattern for arc interior
	stipple			- pattern for arc interior
	arrow		- position to place arrowheads: none, first, last, or both
	arrowshape	- three numerical parameters defining arrowhead shape: 
			- distance from base to point, head length, head width
	capstyle		- line end shape: butt, projecting, or round
	joinstyle		- line join shape: bevel, miter, or round
 arc attributes

	style			- pieslice, chord, or arc (circular boundary only)
	start			- starting angle of circular arc, in degrees
	extent			- extent of circular arc, in degrees
	width			- width of outline
	fill			- color for interior
	outline			- color for outline
	stipple			- pattern for interior
	outlinestipple	- pattern for outline
 bitmap attributes

	bitmap	- file name or built-in bitmap name defining picture geometry
	anchor	- point from which position is reckoned: n,s,e,w,nw,sw,ne, or se
	background		- display color for bitmap background
	foreground		- display color for bitmap foreground
 image attributes

	image			- image object to appear in canvas item
	anchor	- point from which position is reckoned: n,s,e,w,nw,sw,ne, or se
 canvas-widget attributes

	window			- widget object to appear in canvas item
	anchor	- point from which position is reckoned: n,s,e,w,nw,sw,ne, or se
	width			- widget width, in pixels or number of characters
	height			- widget height, in pixels or number of characters
 canvas-text attributes 

	text			- actual text string
	anchor	- point from which position is reckoned: n,s,e,w,nw,sw,ne, or se
	font			- text font, e.g. "Times,20,bold"
	justify			- left, right, or center
	fill			- text color
	stipple			- text pattern
	width			- text area width 

See the following section for a discussion of canvas scrolling.

Canvas Widgets. Widgets of any kind can be put directly into a canvas, as 'canvas widgets'. When so placed they retain their normal activity. This is done by creating the widgets w in the normal way, as children of the canvas, except that they are not made visible by packing of gridding them. instead, they are first converted into 'canvas widgets' by writing commands like

canv_w := canvas("widget",w);

The resulting canvas widget is then assigned coordinates by a command like

canv_w(""coords"):= "x,y";

These rules are illustrated by the following program. It sets up a canvas, and inserts three widgets into it, the first a frame containing a scrolling listbox (see the following section for additional details concerning scrollbars and scrolling listboxes) , the second a listbox, and the third a scrollbar widget geometrically disconnected from the other widgets but logically linked to the second. The scrollbar in the frame is given a horizontal orientation but connected to the y-scrolling action of the listbox in the frame (just to demonstrate that this is possible). You can execute this code and experiment with it to verify that all the canvas widgets behave as normally as other widgets.

 program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

   ca := Tk("canvas","300,300"); ca("side") := "left";  -- create a canvas
   ca("background") := "green";

   fr := ca("frame","100,50");    -- this frame will be put directly into the canvas
   fr_incanv := ca("widget",fr); fr_incanv("coords,anchor") := "10,10;nw";

   lb := fr("listbox",3); lb("side") := "top";
   	  -- this listbox, placed in the frame, shows 3 elements
   lb(1..0) := "Item1,Item2,Item3,Item4,Item5,Item6,Item7,Item8,Item9,Item10";
        -- listbox contains 10 elements, so a scrollbar is attached
   lb("yscroller") := scrollb := fr("scrollbar","h,10");
         -- attach a scrollbar, giving it a somewhat' perverse' orientation
   scrollb("side,fill") := "top,x";
   	    -- make the scrollbar visible by putting it into the frame

   lb2 := ca("listbox",4);   -- this listbox shows 4 elements
   lb2(1..0) := "Item1,Item2,Item3,Item4,Item5,Item6,Item7,Item8,Item9,Item10";
        -- the listbox contains 10 elements, so a scrollbar is attached
   lb2_incanv := ca("widget",lb2); lb2_incanv("coords,anchor") := "50,80;nw";
         -- put this listbox directly into the canvas, as a canvas widget

   lb2("yscroller") := scrollb := ca("scrollbar","v,10"); -- attach a scrollbar
   scrollb_incanv := ca("widget",scrollb); 
   scrollb_incanv("coords,anchor") := "250,100;nw";
          -- put this scrollbar directly into the canvas, as a canvas widget

   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

 end test; 
As shown by the following micro-program, the convenience operation


can be used to draw a group of any number of ovals in a canvas. Here,the descriptor should be a tuple of pairs [rect,fill], each defining the enclosing rectangle of an oval, and its fill. Each 'rect' should be a comma- or blank-delimited string of coordinates. The operation returns a pair consisting of first and last ovals drawn.

program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
  use tkw;    -- use the main widget class

  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
  ca := Tk("canvas","300,100"); ca("side") := "top";
  	  -- if packed; or left,right,bottom
  ca("background") := "#cccccc";
  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

end test;
Converting the contents of a canvas to printable Postscript. The graphical interface provides a means for translating the contents of a canvas into a Postscript file. These Postscript files are can either be printed or viewed a with a Postscript viewer. (A good Postscript viewer is 'GSView', which is free and can be downloaded the from the Web.) Translation to Postscript is the governed the options parameter in the command seen above, which should be supplied in the form of a comma-delimited string in which every in odd numbered element should be a option name, and each following even numbered element should be the corresponding option value. The most commonly used are Postscript option values are shown in the table below. (A few other options are also available; for information about these remaining options, consult one of the Tk references listed above.)

Option NameUse and possible values
xleft edge of canvas rectangle to be printed. Defaults to left edge of canvas.
ytop edge of canvas rectangle to be printed. Defaults to top edge of canvas.
widthwidth of canvas rectangle to be printed. Defaults to width of canvas.
heightwidth of canvas rectangle to be printed. Defaults to width of canvas.
pageanchordetermines point of printed canvas region used for positioning it on the Postscript page. Must be n,nw,w,sw,s,se, e,of center. Defaults to center.
pagexx position on page of canvas anchor point.
pageyy position on page of canvas anchor point.
pagewidthwidth on page of canvas rectangle image. Scaling to achieve this is the same in x and y. Defaults to 1.0.
pageheightheight on page of canvas rectangle image. Scaling to achieve this is the same in x and y. Overrides pagewidth.
colormodecontrols use of color in Postscript translation. Must be color, gray, or mono (black and white).
fileif given, Postscript output will be written to the file named, and the 'postscript' operation will return an empty string.

The following program illustrates the use of the 'postscript' operation.

 program test;  -- standard template for interactive programs
   use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class

   var Tk,global_1,global_2,global_3;

   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Caption";               -- create the Tk interpreter

   ca := Tk("canvas","300,200"); ca("side") := "left";        -- create a canvas

   rect := ca("rectangle","20,20,60,40"); rect("fill") := "red";
       -- put some overlapping geometric items and text into the canvas
   oval := ca("oval","80,20,120,40"); oval("width") := 5;

   line := ca("line","140,20,180,20,180,40,20,40"); 
   line("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";

   poly := ca("polygon","140,60,180,60,180,100,20,100"); 
   poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";

   poly := ca("polygon","140,80,180,80,180,120,20,120"); 
   poly("fill,smooth") := "green,true";

   oval := ca("oval","80,80,120,100"); oval("width") := 5;
   ct := ca("text","Text in the canvas"); 
   ct("coords") := "30,30"; ct("anchor,font") := "nw,{Times 36}";  

   printa(handl := open("postscript_test","TEXT-OUT"),
   		    -- generate Postscript for the canvas and write it out
 end test;
Note that the 'postscript' operation returns the Postscript translation of the canvas area contents as a string (Postscript translations have the form of code not involving any special characters) unless the 'file' option is given, in which case the Postscript output will be written to the file named, and the 'postscript' operation will return an empty string. Note that the 'GSView' Postscript viewer is able to export Postscript files in a wide variety of formats, including Adobe PDF (portable document format), EPS (encapsulated postscript), Adobe Illustrator, FAX, Tiff, JPEG, Pict, PNG (portable network graphics image format), PBM (portable bitmap format), and PCF (portable compiled, a format used for fonts) formats. This makes it possible to write the contents of a canvas in most important graphic and image file formats.

10.6. Scrollbars and scrollable widgets.

Some of the widgets w provided by SETL's graphical interface are scrollable, in that the logical area L that they occupy can be larger than the area visible at any one time, so that to view all of L the 'pane' though which L is seen must be scrolled over L. This is done by attaching scrollbars, either horizontal, vertical, or both, to w. The following rules apply:

(i) In regard to their geometry, scrollbars are treated as independent widgets, created by statements of the form

		sc := parent("scrollbar",descriptor);
h,width (for a horizontal scrollbar) or v,width (for a vertical scrollbar), where 'width' is the scrollbar width, in pixels, along its narrow dimension, e.g.
	sc := parent("scrollbar","v,10"); sc("side,fill") := "left,y"; 
	sc("yscroller") := sb;

(ii) Once created, the scrollbar must be made visible by packing, gridding, or placing it into a window or other widget (e.g. frame), in the same way as any other widget would be packed, gridded, or placed.

(iii) To attach a scrollbar to a scrollable widget w, so that the scrollbar will always reflect the current position within w of w's pane of visibility, and so that scrollbar manipulations will cause this pane to scroll in the expected way, one must write an assignment of the form

		w("xscroller") := scrollbar; (for a horizontal scrollbar)
		w("yscroller") := scrollbar; (for a vertical scrollbar)

The following example illustrates these scrollbar conventions. We create a text area within a frame and two scrollbars placed in only rough geometric relationship to the text area, but connected to it so as to have scrollbar dragging scroll the text in the normal way. Note that automatic wrapping of long lines is turned off so that the effect of horizontal scrolling can be seen.

 program test;	-- illustration of scrollbar usage
   use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
 	Tk := tkw();		-- create the Tk interpreter
	fr := Tk("frame","1,10"); fr("side") := "top";	-- create a frame
	t := fr("text","60,4"); t("side") := "left"; 	-- create a text area
	t("wrap") := "none";
	sbv := fr("scrollbar","v,10"); 	-- create a vertical scrollbar
	sbv("side,fill") := "left,y";
	t("yscroller") := sbv;
	sbh := Tk("scrollbar","h,10"); 	-- create a horizontal scrollbar
	sbh("side,fill") := "top,x"; 
	t("xscroller") := sbh;
	Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop

 end test;
Scrollbars have the following attributes, most of which affect their appearance only. (Since Tk implementations sometimes give scrollbars their 'native' appearance, not all of these are implemented on every platform.)
	orient		- 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
	width		- scrollbar width, in pixels, along its narrow dimension
	cursor		- cursor when mouse is over the scrollbar
	activebackground- color when mouse is over the scrollbar slider or arrows
	activerelief	- slider or arrow relief when scrollbar is over them
	background	- color of scrollbar border
	borderwidth	- width of scrollbar border
	elementborderwidth	- border width of slider and arrows
	highlightthickness	- thickness of scrollbar highlight border
	highlightbackground	- color of scrollbar highlight border 
				- when scrollbar does not have focus
	highlightcolor	- color of scrollbar highlight border 
				- when scrollbar has focus
	jump		- if true, scrolling takes place, not dynamically, 
				- but when scrollbar is released
	repeatdelay	- delay in milliseconds before start of autoscrolling 
				- on arrow or trough press
	repeatinterval	- milliseconds between successive autoscrolling steps 
				- on arrow or trough press 
	troughcolor	- color of scrollbar trough
Scrolling Canvases and Text Widgets. To scroll a canvas, one needs to give it a logical area which is greater than its visible area. The 'width' and 'height' values transmitted in the canvas' creation call 'parent("canvas","width,height")' set the visible area of the canvas; to set its logical area, a separate set of values should be assigned to its 'scrollregion' attribute, by a statement of the form

canv("scrollregion") := "left,top,right,bottom";

To position scrollbars in the conventional way it is best to put them, together with the canvases or the text area to which they attach, into a common frame within which they are positioned using the 'grid' geometry manager, with the canvas/text at the upper left of the grid. This creates a pair of scrollbars having a conventional appearance.

The following example illustrates canvas scrolling. Here we arrange the two scrollbars seen in a more conventional relationship to the scrolling canvas that they control. This is done by putting the canvas and the two scrollbars together into a common window, within which they are placed by gridding to achieve a conventional appearance.

 program test;	-- canvas scrolling
	use tkw;		-- use the main widget class

	Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	ca := Tk("canvas","100,75"); ca("row,column") := "1,1";
	  -- put a canvas in upper left corner of grid
	ca("scrollregion") := "0,0,300,100";

	         -- give the canvas a larger logical than visible area!
		      -- put horizontal scrollbar at bottom left of grid
	hsb := Tk("scrollbar","h,16"); hsb("row,column,sticky") := "2,1,news"; 
		      -- put vertical scrollbar at top right of grid
	vsb := Tk("scrollbar","v,16"); vsb("row,column,sticky") := "1,2,news"; 
	ca("xscroller") := hsb; ca("yscroller") := vsb;
	 	      -- connect the scrollbars to the canvas
	rect := ca("rectangle","20,20,60,40"); rect("fill") := "red";
	   -- put a rectangle and an oval into the canvas
	oval := ca("oval","80,20,120,40"); oval("width") := 5;

	line := ca("line","140,20,180,20,180,40,20,40"); 
	line("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";

	poly := ca("polygon","140,60,180,60,180,100,20,100");
	poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";
	ct := ca("text","Text in the canvas");
	   -- put some fonted text into the canvas
	ct("coords") := "30,30"; ct("anchor,font") := "nw,{Times 36}";	
	Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Although a vertical scrollbar can be used with any text widget which contains more text than will be contained in its specified vertical extent, a horizontal scrollbar can only be used if wrapping is suppressed in the widget by setting its "wrap" attribute to "none". The following small program illustrates this. The text area seen is gridded with its scrollbars in the same way as in the previous example, and is made non-wrapping by the 'tx("wrap") := "none";' instruction shown. If you comment out this instruction, you will see that the vertical scrollbar remains active, but the horizontal scrollbar is disabled.
 program test;	-- canvas scrolling
 	use tkw;		-- use the main widget class

	Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	tx := Tk("text","20,5"); tx("row,column") := "1,1"; 
	 -- put a text widget in upper left corner of grid
	tx("wrap") := "none";  -- turn off text wrapping
		      -- put horizontal scrollbar at bottom left of grid
	hsb := Tk("scrollbar","h,16"); hsb("row,column,sticky") := "2,1,news"; 
		      -- put vertical scrollbar at top right of grid
	vsb := Tk("scrollbar","v,16"); vsb("row,column,sticky") := "1,2,news"; 
	tx("xscroller") := hsb; tx("yscroller") := vsb;
	 	   -- connect the scrollbars to text widget

	             -- put some text into the text widget		
	tx(OM) := "To scroll a canvas, one needs to give it a logical area\n" +
		" which is greater than its visible area. The 'width'\n" + 
		" and 'height' values transmitted in the canvas' creation call\n" + 
		" 'parent(\"canvas\",\"width,height\")' set\n" + 
		" the visible area of the canvas; to set its logical area,\n" + 
		" a separate set of values should be \n" + 
		" assigned to its 'scrollregion' attribute.\n";	
	Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop

 end test;
The view of a canvas large enough to support scrolling (i.e. with a "scrollregion" attribute larger than its size) can also be shifted using the operations 'canvas.xview_percent(float_precent)', 'canvas.yview_percent(float_precent)', 'canvas.xview_scroll(n,what)', 'canvas.yview_scroll(n,what)' (where 'what' can be either 'units' or 'pages'. This is shown in the following adaptation of the scrolling canvas program shown above. Note that these same operations are available for listboxes, and for text widgets if their 'wrap' attribute is turned off. The 'horizontal' operations 'xview_percent' and 'xview_scroll' are also available for text lines.
 program test;  -- canvas scrolling
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
         var ca;        -- globalize for use in procedures below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
       ca := Tk("canvas","100,75"); ca("side") := "top";
         -- put a canvas in upper left corner of grid
       ca("scrollregion") := "0,0,300,100";
       rect := ca("rectangle","20,20,60,40"); rect("fill") := "red";
          -- put a rectangle and an oval into the canvas
       oval := ca("oval","80,20,120,40"); oval("width") := 5;
       line := ca("line","140,20,180,20,180,40,20,40");
       line("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";
       poly := ca("polygon","140,60,180,60,180,100,20,100"); 
       poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";
       ct := ca("text","Text in the canvas");
          -- put some fonted text into the canvas
       ct("coords") := "30,30"; ct("anchor,font") := "nw,{Times 36}"; 
       fr := Tk("frame","100,75"); fr("side") := "top";
              -- create frame for the next two buttons
       but := fr("button","View right"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); ca.xview_percent(0.5); end lambda;
           -- bind it to a rightwards view-shift operation
       but := fr("button","View left"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); ca.xview_percent(0.0); end lambda;
           -- bind it to a leftwards view-shift operation
       fr := Tk("frame","100,75"); fr("side") := "top";
              -- create frame for the next two buttons
       but := fr("button","Scroll right"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); ca.xview_scroll(4,"units"); end lambda;
           -- bind it to a rightwards view-shift operation
       but := fr("button","Scroll left"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); ca.xview_scroll(-4,"units"); end lambda;
          -- bind it to a leftwards view-shift operation
       fr := Tk("frame","100,75"); fr("side") := "top";
              -- create frame for the next two buttons
       but := fr("button","View bottom"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); ca.yview_percent(0.5); end lambda;
           -- bind it to a downwards view-shift operation
       but := fr("button","View top"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); ca.yview_percent(0.0); end lambda;
           -- bind it to a upwards view-shift operation
       fr := Tk("frame","100,75"); fr("side") := "top";
              -- create frame for the next two buttons
       but := fr("button","Scroll down"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); ca.yview_scroll(1,"units"); end lambda;
           -- bind it to a downwards view-shift operation
       but := fr("button","Scroll up"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); ca.yview_scroll(-1,"units"); end lambda;
          -- bind it to a upwards view-shift operation

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The following program shows the use of the 'scale_item' operation, which rescales canvas objects (but not canvas text) around a specified center by specified x and y amounts. We also show the use of slice-assignment operations to edit canvas text, which behaves like all other text in this regard.
 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,ct,rect,poly;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   ca := Tk("canvas","300,100"); ca("side") := "top";
     -- create a canvas
   rect := ca("rectangle","20,20,60,40"); rect("fill") := "red";
     -- put some graphic objects into the canvas
   oval := ca("oval","80,20,120,40"); oval("width") := 5;

   poly := ca("polygon","140,60,180,60,180,100,20,100"); 
   poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";
   ct := ca("text","Text in the canvas");
      -- put some canvas text into the canvas
   ct("coords") := "30,30"; ct("anchor,font") := "nw,{Times 36}";
   ct(1..1) := "XXX"; ct(4..6) := "";      -- edit the canvas text
   but := Tk("button","Scale"); but("side") := "top";
        -- create a button  
   but{OM} := lambda();
         	-- bind rescaling actions for the geometric and text objects to it
        end lambda;
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Even though regions in canvas text cannot be selected with the mouse in the same direct way that text in text widgets can,it is still possible to set selection regions in such text under program control; this gives the selected region a subtly 'highlighted' appearance. This is done using the operation


which assumes that the canvas text item in which a selection is to be set has been given a tag 'tag_name'. 'from' and 'to' are integer character numbers designating the range to be selected. The related expression


returns the selection boundaries in the canvas text item with the indicated tag. The following program illustrates the use of these operations. It sets up a canvas into which a canvas text widget is placed. Three buttons are also set up of which the first two, show and set the selection in the canvas text widget respectively. The third button shows the use of the 'move' operation which shifts a text item by a specified amount.

 program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var ca,ct;     -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Selection in a tagged text widget";
             -- create the Tk interpreter
   ca := Tk("canvas","300,100"); ca("side") := "top";
     -- if packed; or left,right,bottom
   ca("background") := "#cccccc";
   ct := ca("text","Text in the \ncanvas"); 
   ct("coords") := "30,30"; ct("anchor,font") := "nw,{Times 36}";  
   but := Tk("button","Set select in tagged canvas text");
   		-- create a button
   but("side") := "top";
   but{OM} := lambda(); ca.set_select("ttag",2,20);  end lambda;
       -- when clicked, prints the first mark after 1.1
   but := Tk("button","Get select in tagged canvas text"); 
   but("side") := "top";   -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print(ca.get_select("ttag"));  end lambda;
       -- when clicked, prints the first mark after 1.4
   but := Tk("button","Move tagged text"); but("side") := "top";
      -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print(ct("tags")); print(ca.move("ttag",5,5));  end lambda;
       -- bind it to a 'move' action
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The expression


returns the bounding box of all the items in a canvas which carry any of he tags in the indicated 'tags_list'. This must be a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of tag names. The expressions

canvas.canvasx(x,roundto)           and           canvas.canvasy(y,roundto)

respectively return the offset x and y locations corresponding to their screen x any y positions, in a scrolled canvas. If the 'roundto' parameter is not OM, it should be an integer, in which case the value returned will be rounded to the nearest multiple of this integer.

These operations are applied in the following program, which first forms a scrolling canvas containing a few tagged objects.

 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;         -- use the main widget class
    var Tk,ca;         -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";            -- create the Tk interpreter
   fr := Tk("frame","30,30"); fr("side") := "top";
         -- create a frame for a canvas and its scrollbars
   ca := fr("canvas","100,100"); ca("row,column") := "1,1";
     -- create a canvas
   ca("background") := "green";
   ca("scrollregion") := "0,0,300,300";
              -- give the canvas a larger logical than visible area!
                   -- put horizontal scrollbar at bottom left of grid
   hsb := fr("scrollbar","h,16"); hsb("row,column,sticky") := "2,1,news"; 
                            -- put vertical scrollbar at top right of grid
   vsb := fr("scrollbar","v,16"); vsb("row,column,sticky") := "1,2,news"; 
   ca("xscroller") := hsb; ca("yscroller") := vsb;
         -- connect the scrollbars to the canvas
   rect := ca("rectangle","20,20,60,40"); rect("fill") := "red";
       -- put some shapes in the canvas
   oval := ca("oval","80,20,120,40"); oval("width") := 5;

   poly := ca("polygon","140,60,180,60,180,100,20,100"); 
   poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";
   rect.addtag("thing"); oval.addtag("thing"); poly.addtag("ping");
     -- add tags to the shapes
               -- print the bounding boxes of the tagged items
   but := Tk("button","Canvas Location"); but("side") := "top";
        -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); 
           mouseloc := Tk("mouse"); print(); 
           print("mouseloc is: ",mouseloc," canvas loc is: ", 
        end lambda;  -- click on prints the mouse and canvas locations
   Tk.mainloop();      -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test; 

10.7. Fonts.

Fonts are written as formatted strings in the style supported by Tk, namely
  {font_name font_size font_style}	for example	{Times 24 bold}
The font_style and/or font_size can be omitted, as in {Times 24} or simply {Times}. A list of font_style parameters chosen from the list 'bold, italic, normal, roman, underline, and overstrike' can be given, as in
  {Times 24 {bold italic underline}}  or  {{Zapf Dingbats} 24 {bold underline}}
The fonts Times, Courier, and Helvetica are built into the Graphical interface, and so are always available. Other fonts are available only if they have been installed using whatever system conventions apply to the platform being used.

The available font attributes, set by these designators, are family (e.g. Sabon or {Zapf Dingbats}), size, weight ('bold' or 'normal'), slant ('roman' or 'italic'), underline ('true' or 'false'), overstrike ('true' or 'false').

A level of indirection, facilitating font substitution where desired, is available through the use of defined fonts. To define a font and set its attributes, we write

Tk("font","new_name,attributes") := attribute_vals;

where 'attributes' is a comma-separated list of attribute names, and 'attribute_vals' is a list of corresponding values. An example is

Tk("font","my_favorite_font,family,size,weight") := "Sabon,18,roman";

Font names introduced in this way can be used in the place of ordinary fonts, e.g. given a message object 'mes' we can write

mes("font") := my_favorite_font;

Here is an example. We set up a message and then designate a specific font as 'my_favorite_font'. The font is then assigned the message under this name. Our example shows all the attributes that can be assigned to fonts.

The expression Tk("fonts") returns a list of all the currently available fonts (not including the defined fonts.) The expression Tk("definedFonts") returns a list of all the currently defined fonts.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   msg := Tk("message","Messages\ncan\noccupy\nmany lines"); 
   msg("side") := "left";
   		 := "Times,36,bold,italic,1,0";
   msg("font") := "my_favorite_font";

   print(Tk("fonts")); print(Tk("definedFonts"));
   	  -- print information on fonts available in Tk 
   	  -- and on user-defined font names
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The expression


returns the pixel width of the string 'stg' when set in the font 'font' (ignoring the special effects of tabs and linebreaks.)


returns a SETL map which gives the ascent, descent, and line spacing of a font, and which indicates whether it is a fixed-width font.


returns the list of fonts available in Tk. The following program shows the use of these operations. It puts a series of lines into a test area. Each line contains a font name followed by the string 'Hello World' tagged with a uniquely assigned 2-character tag. The font named in the line is assigned to the tag, causing the following 'Hello World' to appear in this font. A textline containing text in a larger font size is placed at the top of the window containing the list of fonts, and an action changing the font in this textline and printing its font metrics, together with the pixel size of the string 'Hello World' in the given font, is bound to click on the 'Hello World' string in each line. By clicking on these lines you can examine the sample text in each of the fonts listed, and get some sense of how string width varies as the font used for a string is changed. P>Note (program line 8) that the names of fonts with multi-word names should be given in curly brackets, and that fonts (like 'Wingdings') available in the operating system but not directly in Tk can also be named and will be handled properly. A default font will be substituted for fonts that are not available from either source.

  program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class
    var Tk,txt;     -- globalize for use in procedure below 
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";  -- create the Tk interpreter
    txt := Tk("entry","15"); txt("side") := "top"; \txt(OM) := "Hello World";
    	  -- create a textline
    txt("font") := "{{Times New Roman} 36 bold}";  -- initialize its font

       -- set up list of fonts and abbreviations
    abbrevs_fonts := "am,{Andale Mono},ac,{Apple Chancery},ar,Arial,ab," 
    + "{Arial Black},ca,Capitals,cl,Charcoal,ch,Chicago,cs,{Comic Sans MS}," + 
    "co,Courier,cn,{Courier New},fs,FrenchScript,gt,Gadget,ge,Geneva,ga,Georgia," 
    + "he,Helvetica,ht,{Hoefler Text},ho,{Hoefler Text Ornaments}," + 
    "im,Impact,kp,Kidprint,ly,{Lydian MT},mo,Monaco,ms,{Monotype Sorts}," 
    + "me,{MT Extra},ny,{New York},pa,Palatino,sa,Sand,sk,Skia,sw,Swing,sy,Symbol," + 
    "te,Techno,tt,Textile,ti,Times,tnr,{Times New Roman},tb,{Trebuchet MS},"
     + "ve,Verdana,we,Webdings,wi,Wingdings";
       -- convert list of fonts and abbreviations to list of pairs,
       -- and build tagged string
    abbrevs_fonts := breakup(abbrevs_fonts,","); 
    af_pairs := [[ab,abbrevs_fonts(j + 1)]: ab = abbrevs_fonts(j) | odd(j)];
    abbrevs_fonts := join(["{" + font + "} <`" 
    		+ ab + "`>Hello World<``" + ab + "`>": 
    			[ab,font] in af_pairs],"\n");

    ta := Tk("text","60,45"); ta("side") := "top"; ta(OM) := abbrevs_fonts;
        -- set up a text area, inserting the tagged texts
    for [ab,fnt] in af_pairs loop 
    	ta(ab,"font") := fnt; ta{ab,OM} := setfont(fnt); 
    end loop;
         -- bind font change and fonted string measurement action to each tag 
    Tk.mainloop(); -- enter the Tk main loop
    procedure setfont(fnt);    -- returns hotword response action as a closure 

       return lambda(); txt("font") := bo36 := "{" + fnt + " 36 bold}"; 
            print(Tk.font_metrics(bo36)," ",
            	Tk.measure_fonted("Hello World",bo36));
            	    -- font change and fonted string measurement
          end lambda;

    end setfont;
  end test;

Cursors. As shown by the following program, Tk provides many built-in cursors which can be displayed by setting the cursor attribute of a window or widget to the cursor name. The program reads the names of all available cursors from the comma-delimited 'cursors_stg' constant provided by the tkw class, and converts this to tagged text which is displayed, two items per line, in a text area surrounded by two non-text areas. Each tag introduced into the text is bound to a procedure which sets the cursor for the window to that named in the text, so by clicking on any cursor name one can switch to the indicated cursor. Note that this change only becomes visible when the mouse moves into one of the two non-text areas, since within the text area the standard insertion cursor is preemptively displayed.

Additional cursors can be read from files; to see how this is done,consult one of the Tk reference works listed later in this chapter.

  program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Try the Tk Cursors";   -- create the Tk interpreter
   frl := Tk("frame","50,600"); frl("side") := "left"; 
   frl("background") := "#eeeeee";    -- create a left-hand frame
   frr := Tk("frame","50,600"); frr("side") := "right"; 
   frr("background") := "#eeeeee";    -- create a right-hand frame
   ncl := #(cursors_list := breakup(cursors_stg,","));
      -- convert the list of all builtin Tk cursors to a tuple
      -- arrange them by pairs, and tag each cursor name with itself as tag
   cursors_by_2s := "" +/ [self_tag(cnam) + 
   	if j = ncl then "" elseif odd(j) then (25 - #cnam) * " " 
   		else "\n" end if: cnam = cursors_list(j)];
   txt := Tk("text","50,40"); txt("side") := "left"; txt(OM) := cursors_by_2s;
       -- create a text area, and insert the taggesd string
   txt("font,background") := "{Monaco 12 bold},green";
    for c in cursors_list loop txt{c,OM} := set_cursor(c); end loop;
        -- bind each tagged string to a cursor-setting routine 
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
   procedure self_tag(stg);   -- convert 'stg' a string carrying itself as tag 
   	return "<`" + stg + "`>"+ stg + "<``" + stg + "`>"; 

   end self_tag;

   procedure set_cursor(cursor);   -- set the cursor to that named by 'cursor' 
   	return lambda(); Tk("cursor") := cursor; end lambda;
   end set_cursor;
end test;

10.8. Kinds of events, and their binding to widgets and tags. The 'Principal Events' and 'Principal Commands' associated with tags.

Widgets of all kinds can be sensitive to many events, as can the 'tags' associated with text ranges and with items in canvases, can be used to trigger SETL callbacks. Callbacks triggered by widget and tag sensitivity are crucial to creation of point-click-drag interactivity, including hotwording of text and interactive use of canvases. Widgets and tags in the interactive interface can be sensitive to the wide variety of events seen in the following list:

	ButtonPress		- mouse button pressed (equivalent to Button)
	ButtonRelease		- mouse button released
	KeyPress		- keyboard key pressed
	KeyRelease		- keyboard key released
	Motion			- mouse moved
	Enter			- mouse enters widget
	Leave			- mouse leaves widget
	Double			- mouse doubleclick
	Triple			- mouse triple
	FocusIn			- widget gains keyboard focus
	FocusOut		- widget loses keyboard focus
	Map			- window is opened
	Unmap			- window is iconified or withdrawn from visibility
	Circulate		- window stacking order changes
	Visibility		- window visibility has changed
	Destroy			- window is destroyed
	Expose			- window has been exposed
	Configure	- size, position, border, or stacking order has changed
	 		- widget has moved because of change in size of its
	 		- parent window
	Colormap		- color map has changed
	Activate		- the SETL application has been activated
	Deactivate		- the SETL application has been deactivated
	Reparent		- window has been reparented
	Property		- a window property has been changed or removed
	Cut		- system dependent keypress event designating 'Cut'
	Copy		- system dependent keypress event designating 'Copy'
	Paste		- system dependent keypress event designating 'Paste'	
Each of these events can generate a callback to SETL when it occurs. Events have various possible attributes, which can be transmitted as parameters to their associated callback procedures. As seen in the following table, every possible event attribute has an associated single-character code.

#event serial numberall events
a'above' field for eventconfigure event
bbutton number buttonpress, buttonrelease
cevent count fieldexpose, map
devent detail fieldenter, leave, focusin, focusout
ffocus value established by evententer, leave
hheight field configure, expose
kkeycode keypress, keyrelease
mmode enter, leave, focusin, focusout
ooverride redirectmap, reparent, configure
pplace placeontop, placeonbottom, circulate
sstatebuttonpress, buttonrelease, enter, leave,
keypress, keyrelease, motion
ttimeall events
vvalue mask configure event
wwidthconfigure, expose
xhorizontal position, widget relativeall mouse events
yvertical position, widget relativeall mouse events
Aprinting characterkeypress, keyrelease
Bborder width configure event
Esendevent fieldall events
Kkey symbol keypress, keyrelease
Nkey symbol in decimalkeypress, keyrelease
Rroot window idall events
Ssubwindow id all events
Ttype field all events
W'pathname' of widget receiving the eventall events
see 'obj_from_tkname', below
Xhorizontal position (absolute)buttonpress, buttonrelease,
keypress, keyrelease, motion
Yvertical position (absolute)buttonpress, buttonrelease,
keypress, keyrelease, motion
When we 'bind' events to widgets, canvas tags, text tags, or menu items, i.e. assign event sensitivities to these widgets, tags, or items, the names of event types are used as event descriptors, i.e. we use 'Buttonpress', 'Buttonrelease','Motion', 'FocusIn', etc. Button- and keypress-related descriptors can further be qualified by attaching 'modifier' prefixes and 'detail' suffixes, separated from the main descriptor keyword by dashes. 'Detail' suffixes specify a key symbol for keypress events and button numbers for button events. Thus we can have Keypress-a, Keyrelease-Z, Buttonpress-1 (mousedown with first button), etc. The system allows for up to 5 mouse buttons. 'Modifier' prefixes define keys or buttons that must have been pressed for a modified event to occur, and are also used in a few other special situations. The available modifier prefixes are
	Control		- control key must be down
	Shift		- shift key must be down
	Lock		- shift lock must be down
	Command		- command (Apple) key must be down (Macintosh only)
	Mod1 thru Meta 5	- specified one of 5 special keys must be down 
			- (mapped in system-dependent fashion)
	B1 thru B5	- designated button must be down
	Double		- event must occur twice rapidly, (e.g 'doubleclick')
	Triple		- event must occur three times rapidly, (e.g 'tripleclick')
	Meta		- Key Modj regarded as 'system meta-key' must be down
	Alt		- Key Modj regarded as 'system alt-key' must be down
Use of such prefixes (and of 'detail' suffixes if desired) gives us modified event descriptors like B1-motion (drag with first mouse button down), Command-a, Double-Buttonrelease-1 (doubleclick with button 1), etc. Modifier prefixes, but not detail suffixes, can be repeated, in lists separated by the '-' character. This gives us such still more closely specified events as Command-Shift-B1-motion (drag with first mouse button and two additional keys down), Double-B1-Buttonrelease-1 (doubleclick with button 1 while holding first mouse button down), etc.

Event handlers for the various kinds of mouse, keyboard, and other events to which Tk widgets and canvas items are sensitive are set up by writing nominal assignments having one of the two the syntactic forms

 widget{"event_descriptor:event_fields_signature"} := SETL_procedure;

 			 := SETL_procedure;

 canvas{"tag_name","event_descriptor:event_fields_signature"} := SETL_procedure;
(Note the use of curly brackets, characteristic for event bindings in the SETL interface). The first form is used to assign callback procedures to widget-related events, and the second is used to assign callback procedures to tags in text fields and canvases. Examples are:
  top_frame{"B1-Move:xy"} := my_drag_procedure;
  text_widget{"tag_name","B1-ButtonRelease"} := my_hypertext_click_procedure;
As seen in these examples, the single-character codes for the event parameters to be transmitted to an event's handler are assembled into a string. When an event of the designated type subsequently occurs, the corresponding parameter values are read from the 'event record' always associated with the event, and collected into a single parameter tuple which is transmitted to the callback procedure, which must of course have exactly one parameter (this tuple.)

The colon seen in this event-binding syntax is only required if a trailing event_fields_signature follows. If the event_fields_signature is empty, it can be omitted.

To bind a procedure to the 'principal' event of a canvas or text tag (this is always 'ButtonRelease-1'), write

text_widget{"tag_name",OM} := SETL_proc;    etc
. If several overlapping event bindings have set up for a widget, item, or tag, the most specific will be used. Suppose, for example, that the bindings
	top_frame{"B1-Move:xy"} := my_drag_procedure1;
 	text_widget{"Shift-B1-Move:xy"} := my_drag_procedure2;
Then my_drag_procedure1 will be called during drags unless the Shift key is down; but if the Shift key is down, my_drag_procedure2 will be called.

The event-binding system allows a sequence of (qualified and detailed) events rather than a single event to trigger a callback. To achieve this effect, simply replace the event_descriptor in the binding operations shown above by a semicolon- or comma-separated sequence of such descriptors. An example is:

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,string_utility_pak;		-- use the main widget class
   var Tk,textline;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
	Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

	textline := Tk("entry","25"); textline("side") := "top";
		 -- create an input textline
	textline(OM) := "Click twice, then type 'a'";
		 -- insert text
	textline("foreground,font") := "red,{Times 36}"; -- set the text attributes
	textline{"ButtonRelease-1,ButtonRelease-1,KeyPress-a"} := do_it;
			-- bind a text color change action to an event sequence
	   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
	procedure do_it(); textline("foreground") := "blue"; end do_it;
 end test;
If the instruction which appears in the input box in this example is followed, the text will turn blue, but this will not happen if one simply types an 'a' without clicking twice.

The code which follows can be used to explore the semantics of the event sensitivities and parameters described in the preceding paragraphs. It sets up one button and the five following event sensitivities

i,ii. the button is click sensitive, and sensitive to mouse-exit events

iii. the master window is sensitive to all keypress events

iv, v. the master window is sensitive to reconfiguration and uncover events.

When any of these events occurs, all event parameters are captured and passed to the 'print_event' procedure, which prints them, along with brief explanatory captions. By triggering them and examining the results produced, one can see which parameters give useful information for each type of event. The program seen creates a button within a frame and then binds two different kinds of events, namely a button clicking event and the event which occurs when the cursor leaves the area of the button. Both of these events are bound to the button. Three other types of events are bound to the window containing the button. These are
  1. the 'KeyPress' event which occurs when any key on the computer keyboard is pressed,
  2. the 'Configure' event which occurs when the window containing the button is reconfigured, for example changed in size;
  3. and the 'Expose' event which occurs when this window is brought to the foreground after having been at least partly covered by some other window.

For all the events considered the binding indicates that every possible event parameter is to be transmitted to the callback routine. This routine simply unpacks the parameter transmitted to it (which is a single tuple) and prints all the parameter values. It therefore gives a way of inspecting all the parameters of the events shown.

program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1

	use tkw,string_utility_pak;		-- use the main widget class
 	var Tk;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
	Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	         -- create and place a button
	but := Tk("button",
	   "Click, exit, reconfigure window, or expose window to generate event"); 
	but("side") := "top";

		-- bind a 'print action' call to each of various events, specifying 
		-- that all possible event parameters are to be captured
				:= make_print_event("ButtonRelease");
				:= make_print_event("Leave");

				:= make_print_event("Keypress");

				:= make_print_event("Configure");

	Tk{"Expose:#abcdefhkmopstvwxyABEKNRSTWXY"} := make_print_event("Expose");
	Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop

    procedure make_print_event(event_name);
		-- bind event_name into inner procedure
	return print_event;   -- bind 'event_name' into the event-response routine

	procedure print_event(params);	-- print event_name and data

				 := params;
			-- unpack all the event parameters
	event_type := event_name;

					-- print all the unpacked event parameters
	print("\n\nEvent data for " + event_name);
	print("serial number: ",num); 
	print("'above' field: ",a); 
	print("button number: ",b); 
	print("event count: ",c); 
	print("event detail: ",d); 
	print("focus value: ",f); 
	print("height field: ",h); 
	print("keycode: ",k); 
	print("mode: ",m); 
	print("override redirect: ",o); 
	print("place: ",p); 
	print("state: ",s); 
	print("time in millseconds: ",t); 
	print("value mask: ",v); 
	print("width: ",w); 
	print("horizontal position in widget: ",x); 
	print("vertical position in widget: ",y); 
	print("printing character: ",aa); 
	print("border width: ",bb); 
	print("sendevent field: ",ee); 
	print("key symbol: ",kk); 
	print("key symbol in decimal: ",nn); 
	print("root window id: ",rr); 
	print("subwindow id: ",ss); 
	print("type field: ",tt); 
	print("widget receiving the event: ",ww); 
	print("horizontal position in window: ",xx); 
	print("vertical position in window: ",yy); 
	end print_event;

    end make_print_event;
 end test; 

Creation of events under program control.

Events normally occur as a result of user mouse or keyboard actions. However, events can be created and transmitted to designated widgets and canvas under program control. To create and transmit an event, to a widget w, we write

w{"event_descriptor:event_fields_signature"} := event_parameter_vals;

where 'event_descriptor' and 'event_fields_signature' have the form detailed in the on-line help item 'binding events' and where 'event_parameter_vals' is either a comma-separated string or a tuple of corresponding event parameter values. An example is

top_frame{"B1-Move:xy"} := "25,25";

top_frame{"B1-Move"} := "";

As seen, the colon used in this event-binding syntax is only required if a non-empty event_fields_signature follows it.

The following small program illustrates the generation of events under program control. It creates a first button which beeps three times when clicked, and a second button which 'clicks' the first button twice when the second button is clicked.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
   var Tk,but;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
 Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
 but := Tk("button","click"); but("side") := "top"; 		-- create a button
 but{OM} := lambda(); for j in [1..3] loop Tk.beeper(); end loop; end lambda;
  			-- make it beep 3 times when clicked
 but2 := Tk("button","klick"); but2("side") := "top"; 	-- create a button
 but2{OM} := lambda(); -- make it 'click' the first button twice when clicked
 		but{"ButtonRelease-1"} := "";
 		 	-- generate a click event and send it to the first button
 		but{"ButtonRelease-1"} := "";
 			-- generate a click event and send it to the first button
 	end lambda;
 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

Here is a second example, which shows the generation of an event with parameters. We set up two buttons. The first simply prints whatever parameter tuple is passed to it. The second button generates a click event with several numerical parameter and sends it to the first button. Note that the parameter values to be passed to a generated event can be set up either as a semicolon- or comma-delimited string, or as a tuple. Parameters are described by the same 1-letter codes used for event bindings.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,but,click_count := 0;   -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
       but := Tk("button","click"); but("side") := "top";      -- create a button
       but{"ButtonRelease-1:#xy"} := lambda(param); print(param); end lambda;
       but2 := Tk("button","klick"); but2("side") := "top";  -- create a button
       but2{OM} := lambda();
       	 -- make it send a 'click' to the first button when clicked

             but{"ButtonRelease-1:#xy"} := str(click_count +:= 1) + ",20,20"; 
                  -- generate a click event and send it to the first button
           end lambda;
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;

Virtual Events.

In addition to events of the kind described in the preceding pages, which we shall call 'physical' events in what follows, SETL's interactive interface supports a supplementary kind of event called 'virtual events'. A 'virtual event' is simply a utility synonym for any one of a list of 'physical' events. One use for this notion is to enhance the platform independence of code. Suppose,for example, that we want to write a piece of interactive software that can be driven by a mouse, but that might also be driven by a joystick if one is available, or by patterned key strokes or pen-taps on a pocket computer having neither mouse nor joystick. To accomplish this, we can define a virtual event called 'Meaningful_motion', write the bulk of our application code as a set of responses to such events, and then define 'Meaningful_motion' for each platform and environment in whatever way is appropriate.

To define the list of physical events which map to a given virtual event, we write

Tk{"event",virtual_event_name} := physical_event_list;

where, as seen below, 'physical_event_list' is a comma- or semicolon-separated list of physical event names. If 'physical_event_list' is OM or is an empty string, the virtual event named by 'virtual_event_name' is simply deleted. The expression


returns this list, or, if its second parameter is OM, returns the list of all currently defined virtual events. To bind a response routine (addressed, as a physical event would be, to a particular widget or tag, to a virtual

    program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
      use tkw;       -- use the standard graphical interface package
      var men;
      Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Popup menus";      -- create the Tk interpreter
          -- print the list of all virtual events currently recognized 
          -- (these are the 'built-in' virtual events)
         -- find the physical meaning(s) of the 'Copy' virtual event
      Tk{"event","Catastrophe"} := "Shift-ButtonRelease-1,Shift-ButtonPress-1";
                    -- define a new virtual event, with the two indicated meanings
          -- print the revised list of all virtual events
         -- find the physical meaning(s) of the 'Catastrophe' virtual event
      Tk{"<Catastrophe>:xy"} := lambda(params); 
      print(params); end lambda;
         -- set up a binding for the 'Catastrophe' virtual event
      Tk.mainloop();                -- enter the main Tk loop
    end test;
The output produced is
	["Paste", "Clear", "PasteSelection", "Cut", "Copy"]
	["Control-Key-c", "Key-F3"]
	["Catastrophe", "Paste", "Clear", "PasteSelection", "Cut", "Copy"]
	["Shift-ButtonRelease-1", "Shift-Button-1"]

10.9. Images.

'Image' objects of two kinds are used in the SETL widget system. 'Absolute' images are binary data records representing images that can be drawn, but may not yet have been drawn. 'Canvas' images are absolute images that have been placed in a canvas, and therefore drawn. The 'image' attribute of a canvas image points to the absolute image to be drawn. This allows multiple copies of the same absolute image to be drawn, for example to draw an array of like images one loads one absolute image IM and sets up base 64any number of differently positioned canvas images, all referencing IM. This section describes images proper, that is, 'absolute' images.

Absolute image objects are generally created by commands of the form

img := tkw_name("image",file_name);

where 'tkw_name' is the name of the master widget object.

Here is an example showing the use of an image file to create an absolute image, followed by the display of this image as a canvas image.

 program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
     use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";  -- create the Tk interpreter
     ca := Tk("canvas","400,200"); ca("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a canvas in the window
     abs_img := Tk("image","test_files/orchid_trans.gif");     -- read an absolute image
     img := ca("image",abs_img);
           -- use the absolute image in a first canvas image
     img("coords") := "30,30"; img("anchor") := "nw";  
     Tk.mainloop(); -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
An alternative is to give the image data directly, as a base-64 string. This is done by using an empty file name, and then making an attribute assignment like

img("data") := "base64_string_of_image_data";

Images can be given a height and width different from that recorded in the file from which they are read, in which case they will be cropped if necessary. (The default height/width value 0 avoids this, by letting images assume the full size given in their source data). As the following variant of the preceding example shows, Tk can read images in the so-called 'GIF89a' format. This is one of the standard medium-quality formats used for images. It represents images with at most 1 byte of data per pixel, which are then expanded by using this data byte as an index into an RGB color table available within the image file. Transparency is supported by allowing one particular color index to be designated as 'transparent'. Images of this type can be produced with various image tools, including Adobe Photoshop. As seen in our example, which superimposes three copies of such an image on each other and on some simple background shapes, Tk handles GIF89a transparency correctly.

 program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";  -- create the Tk interpreter
       ca := Tk("canvas","400,200"); ca("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a canvas in the window
       ca("background") := "green";

       poly := ca("polygon","10,160,50,160,300,10,10,10"); 
       poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";
       poly := ca("polygon","10,10,50,10,300,150,40,150"); 
       poly("fill,smooth") := "red,true";
       abs_img := Tk("image","test_files/orchid_trans.gif");     -- read an absolute image
       img := ca("image",abs_img);
             -- use the absolute image in a first canvas image
       img("coords") := "-30,30"; img("anchor") := "nw";  
       img := ca("image",abs_img);
             -- use the absolute image in a second canvas image
       img("coords") := "60,40"; img("anchor") := "nw";  

       img := ca("image",abs_img);
             -- use the absolute image in a third canvas image
       img("coords") := "130,50"; img("anchor") := "nw";  
       Tk.mainloop(); -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The alternative photo image format, PPM, handled (and written) by Tk has the file layout shown in the following example. The first line ('P6') identifies the file type; the next gives the image size; the third gives the upper limit of the color data RGB 'image_data' values that follow. The image_data is a sequence of bytes giving RGB values for successive image pixels.
	150 150

The attributes of an absolute image item are:

	file	- source file containing image data
	data	- alternative to 'file': image data as base 64 string
	height, width	- height and width of image 
		- (these work by cropping, not by scaling, the image)
	format	- data format for file or data string, e.g. GIF, PPM, PGM
	gamma	- decimal value for color-correction exponent.
		- '1.0' indicates no correction 
	palette	- image color palette
Setting the 'file' attribute causes the image to be reread from the designed file.

The following small program illustrates the use of some of these attributes. We create two canvases, into which images derived from two copies of the same image file are placed. The second of these images is given a different appearance by setting its 'gamma-correction' parameter to a high value, and by cropping the image.

    program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";  -- create the Tk interpreter
       ca := Tk("canvas","400,200"); ca("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a canvas in the window
       ca2 := Tk("canvas","400,200"); ca2("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a second canvas
       abs_img := Tk("image","test_files/orchid_trans.gif");     -- read an absolute image
       abs_img2 := Tk("image","test_files/orchid_trans.gif");     -- read a second copy

       img := ca("image",abs_img);
             -- use the absolute image in a first canvas image
       img("coords") := "0,0"; img("anchor") := "nw";  
       img2 := ca2("image",abs_img2);
             -- use the second absolute image in a second canvas image
       img2("coords") := "0,0"; img2("anchor") := "nw";  
       abs_img2("height,width,gamma") := "150,300,3.0";
       	 -- crop and set unrealistic gamma

       Tk.mainloop(); -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;

Our next example illustrates the use of an image's 'file' attribute. It shows a window containing an image in a canvas and two buttons, the first of which carries an image rather than a caption. An action which changes the image in the canvas (by setting its 'file' attribute) and on the button (by direct assignment of the button's 'image attribute') is bound to the top button. An image crop action is bound to the second button.

    program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,abs_img,abs_img2,abs_img3,but;
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";  -- create the Tk interpreter
       ca := Tk("canvas","200,200"); ca("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a canvas in the window
       abs_img := Tk("image","test_files/orchid_trans.gif");
            -- read an absolute image
       abs_img2 := Tk("image","test_files/orchid_trans.gif");
            -- read a second copy
       abs_img3 := Tk("image","test_files/egyptian.gif");
               -- read a second image

       img := ca("image",abs_img);
             -- use the first absolute image in a first canvas image
       img("coords") := "0,0"; img("anchor") := "nw";  

       but := Tk("button",""); but("side") := "top";    -- create a button
       but("image") := abs_img3;             -- put an image on the button
        but{OM} := lambda;
             -- bind an image switch action for upper display and button
             if str(but("image"))(1) = "e" then 
                -- interchange images in upper display and on button
              abs_img("file") := "test_files/egyptian.gif"; but("image") := abs_img2;
                          -- interchange images in upper display and on button
              abs_img("file") := "test_files/orchid_trans.gif"; but("image") := abs_img3;
            end if; 
           end lambda;
       but2 := Tk("button","Crop Image"); but2("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but2{OM} := lambda; abs_img("height,width") := "100,40"; end lambda;
       	 -- bind an image crop action

       Tk.mainloop(); -- enter the Tk main loop

    end test;
Absolute images can be created as snapshots of the current state of a canvas, and by conversion of by conversion of an image object of the tuple manipulated by the image-analysis object class supplied with SETL (see Chapter YYY, Section aaa.) The operation


captures an absolute image of the canvas sub-rectangle defined by the coordinates [l,t,r,b]. The following small program,which sets up an array of small blue circles in a canvas of which it then takes a snapshot, illustrates this:

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
   var Tk,ca;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
 Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

	ca := Tk("canvas","200,200"); ca("side") := "top";   -- create a canvas
	for j in [1..18], k in [1..18] loop
		   -- put an array of ovals into the canvas
		ov := ca("oval",str(10 * j) + "," + str(10 * k) 
			+ "," + str(10 * j + 10) + "," + str(10 * k + 10));
		ov("fill") := "red";
	end loop;
	but := Tk("button","click"); but("side") := "top";   -- create a button
		-- when clicked, this will take a snapshot of a canvas rectangle
	but{OM} := take_snapshot;
			-- bind button-clicking to the snapshot action
	Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
  procedure take_snapshot();	-- snapshot procedure
 	image_of_canvas := ca.image_of([10,10,190,190]); 
      	-- capture the contents of the canvas, as an 'absolute' image
 	ntop := Tk("toplevel","300,300");	
 		-- create a toplevel, and put a canvas into it
 	ntopca := ntop("canvas","200,200"); ntopca("side") := "top";
 	imaje := ntopca("image",image_of_canvas);
 		-- create and place a canvas image
 	imaje("coords,anchor") := "0,0;nw";

  end take_snapshot;
 end test;
Using objects of 'image' class ('image-analysis ' images) in SETL's graphical interface. The same operation


which forms an absolute image from an image file name will form an absolute image (of graphical interface type) from an image object of the type used in the 'image' object class supplied with SETL. (These objects are intended for use in elaborate image analysis operations. See Chapter 11 for details concerning this object class, and the extensive native package of image-manipulation routines on which it is based). That is, the 'file_or_image' parameter can either be the name of the file from which the image should be read, or can be an image object of 'image analysis' type. The following example illustrates the use of these 'image' objects. The program seen reads in an image converting it to an 'image' object of the kind described in Chapter 11. This 'image' object is then converted to a Tk 'absolute' image which finally is converted to a canvas image and displayed.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,image;
   		-- use both the graphic interface and the image-analysis class
	Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

	folder_containing_SETL := "HardDisk:DavidPPC:SETL2:FromGiuseppeLATEST:";
	  		-- reference the folder containing SETL
	img_analysis_image := image(folder_containing_SETL + "1.jpeg");
	  	-- use a primitive of the GRLIB_PAK 'image' class
	  	-- to read an image file and create an 
	  	-- image-analysis class image object from it.
	abs_img := Tk("image",img_analysis_image);
		-- this is the operation explained above
	  	-- convert this image to a Tk absolute image 
	canv := Tk("canvas","200,200"); canv("side") := "top";
		-- finally, create a canvas, and display abs_img in it

	canv_img := canv("image",abs_img); canv_img("coords,anchor") := "0,0;nw";
		-- convert the absolute image to a canvas image, to display it
 end test;
Converting canvases into GRLIB_PAK image objects. 'Absolute images' of the SETL graphical interface can be converted into 'image' objects (image-analysis objects, see Chapter 11) by putting them into a canvas 'my_canv' and then applying the operation my_canv("image") to it. This returns an image of the whole canvas, as an object of the image-analysis class. The sophisticated operations of the image-analysis class, detailed in Chapter YYY, Section aaa, can then be used to produce new images, which can be converted back to absolute images and displayed in the way just explained. The following example illustrates this process. In it, two successive images are built in canvases of the same size, one of an array of small red circles, the other a blue text caption. These images are than captured (as 'image-analysis' images) and blended by averaging them with weights of 2 and 3 respectively, and then displayed. The blending step uses some of the operations, detailed in Chapter YYY, Section aaa, which apply to 'image-analysis' images. Specifically, these are multi-plane (e.g. 3-plane RGB) images which can be carried either in a floating-point or fixed-point format. The operations to_float() and to_int()() convert from fixed to floating format and vice-versa. img1 + img2 forms the plane-by-plane, pixel-by-pixel, sum of two images, and operations like [c,c,c] * img can be used to multiply or divide each of the pixels of a 3-plane image by the numerical constant c.

All of this is shown in the following program which takes a snapshot of two separate canvases, converts the resulting images to objects of the 'image' class described in Chapter 11 and uses one of the standard operations on such objects to blend them, which would be impossible in Tk. The blended result is then converted back to a Tk absolute image and then displayed.

 program test;           -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,image;  -- use the main widget class and the image-object class
   var Tk,ca,ca2;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
 Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Canvas Snapshots";   -- create the Tk interpreter
	but := Tk("button","click"); but("side") := "top";  -- create a button
	but{OM} := take_snapshot;
		-- this will transform the canvas contents 
		-- into an 'image' object when clicked
	ca := Tk("canvas","200,200"); ca("side") := "left";  -- create two canvases
	ca2 := Tk("canvas","200,200"); ca2("side") := "left";  
	for j in [1..18], k in [1..18] loop  -- set up an array of small red circles
		ov := ca("oval",str(10 * j) + "," + str(10 * k) 
			+ "," + str(10 * j + 10) + "," + str(10 * k + 10));
		ov("fill") := "red";
	end loop;
	tex := ca2("text","YES");    -- set up some blue canvas text
	tex("coords,anchor,font") := "10,60;nw;{Times 96}";
	tex("fill") := "blue";
	Tk.mainloop();	 -- enter the Tk main loop
 procedure take_snapshot();
 	  -- capture and combine the contents of the canvases, as 'image' objects
 	image_of_canvas := ca("image").to_float();
 			-- convert to floating format to prepare for averaging
 	image_of_canvas2 := ca2("image").to_float(); 
 	blended_image := -- blend these two images by averaging them
 	   ([2.0,2.0,2.0] * image_of_canvas + image_of_canvas2) / [3.0,3.0,3.0];
 	write_captioned_image(blended_image.to_int()(),"Blended canvas contents");
 	    -- display the blend
 end take_snapshot;
 procedure write_captioned_image(img_analysis_image,cap);	
 		-- write an 'image-class' image to a Tk window
 	[height,width,-,-] := #img_analysis_image;
 	toplev := Tk("toplevel","10,10"); toplev(OM) := cap; 
 		-- enter the window title

 	newca := toplev("canvas",str(height) + "," + str(width));
 	newca("side") := "top"; -- create an auxiliary canvas
 		-- use the 'image-class' image to create a Tk absolute image
 	abs_image := Tk("image",img_analysis_image);
 	canv_image := newca("image",abs_image);
 		 -- create as a canvas image and position it
 	canv_image("coords,anchor") := "0,0;nw";	
 end write_captioned_image;
 end test;
Though the operations it provides are not as powerful as those provided by the GRLIB_PAK image library described in the next chapter, Tk does furnish a few useful operations on absolute images. These are




and a pixel-extraction operation having the form


A simple rectangle extraction and insertion operations are also available in the syntactic form

abs_img(         and abs_img( := abs_img2;        

In these last operations ul and lr, which respectively define the upper left and lower right corners of the desired rectangle, should both be strings of the form x,y.

In the other operations listed above, 'options' should be a semicolon delimited string consisting of alternating option names and option values, which can however be empty or OM. Each of the image operations shown above has its specific list of allowed options. For the 'write_im' operation these are 'format' and 'from'. If used, 'format' can only be 'PPM/PGM', (signifying Portable Pixmap/Graymap format, a flat form of image data), or 'GIF' (explained below). Images written with no output format specified will be written in PPM format.

If used, the 'write_im' 'from' format value must be a comma-delimited list of integers of the form 'x,y,u,v' defining the sub-rectangle of the source image to be written to the file named. 'u,v' can be omitted, in which case it defaults to the lower right-hand corner of the source image.

The 'copy_im' operation has the options 'from', 'to', 'subsample', 'zoom', and 'shrink'. The 'from' option has the same form and meaning as for the 'write_im'. The 'to' option has the same form, but designates the rectangle in the target_abs_img into which the copied data is to be put. If the 'to' value gives both the upper left and lower right coordinates of the target rectangle, then the source rectangle will be tiled as many times as necessary to fill the target rectangle. The 'subsample' option value should have the form x,y, where x and y are integers. If given, it indicates that only every x'th pixel in the horizontal and y'th in the vertical direction is to be copied from the source rectangle. y can be omitted, in which case it defaults to x. The 'zoom' option value as this same form, but here x and y indicate the number of times each pixel in the source image is to be repeated in the target image(in the horizontal and vertical directions respectively). The 'shrink' option has no parameter. If used, it indicates that the source image is to be reduced in size, if necessary, so as not to overstep the boundaries of the target image.

The 'stuff_im' operation has no options. Its color_data_list parameter must be a semicolon- and comma-delimited list of color values. This gif color data for a rectangle. All the semicolon-delimited sections must have the same number of comma-delimited values, which can either be color names like 'red' or hexadecimal color codes like "#ff0000". The target_rect parameter of 'stuff_im' has the same form and meaning as the 'to' option value of 'copy_im'.

The following program illustrates the operations, and some of the options, described in the last few paragraphs. We create three canvases, with differently colored backgrounds, in a window. An image derived from an absolute image is place in te first canvas. Then a sub-rectangle of the absolute image is written out using 'write_im', and immediately read back into a second absolute image which is re-dithered and displayed in the second canvas. A second sub-rectangle of the first absolute image is extracted directly using the 'image(' expression and displayed in the third canvas. A pixel value is read from this extracted sub-image and printed. The 'copy_im' operation is then used to copy a piece of the original absolute image into an area of the extracted sub-image of different size, creating a 'tiling' effect, and a bit of color data written to this same image using 'stuff_im'. Note that these operations change the appearance of the copy of the extracted sub-image displayed in the third canvas, showing that canvas images retain their links to the absolute image from which they are formed, and will display differently if the absolute image is changed. Finally we write the extracted sub-image back to a subregion of the original absolute image using the 'image( := image2;' operation. Note that, for the reason just explained, this changes the appearance of the image seen the first canvas.

  program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
     use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";  -- create the Tk interpreter
     ca := Tk("canvas","400,150"); ca("side") := "top"; 
     ca("background") := "yellow";
         -- create and place a first canvas in the window

     ca2 := Tk("canvas","400,150"); ca2("side") := "top"; 
     ca2("background") := "cyan";
         -- create and place a second canvas in the window

     ca3 := Tk("canvas","400,150"); ca3("side") := "top"; 
     ca3("background") := "green";
         -- create and place a third canvas in the window

     abs_img := Tk("image","test_files/orchid_trans.gif");
          -- read an absolute image
     img := ca("image",abs_img);
           -- use the absolute image in a first canvas image
     img("coords") := "0,0"; img("anchor") := "nw";  

         -- write subrectangle of absolute image to file
     reread_img := Tk("image","orch_copy.PPM");
             -- reread the subimage written
     img := ca2("image",reread_img);
                 -- display the reread image
     img("coords") := "0,0"; img("anchor") := "nw";  
     reread_img.dither();      -- dither the reread image
      abs_piece := abs_img("10,10".."130,130");
              -- extract a subrectangle of the absolute image
                      -- print a pixel value
     img := ca3("image",abs_piece);
                  -- display the extracted subrectangle
     img("coords") := "0,0"; img("anchor") := "nw";  
          -- copy an image portion to the subrectangle image
                     -- print the changed pixel value

         -- write color data to the subrectangle image
     abs_img("25,25".."145,145") := abs_piece;
             -- write a subrectangle into the original the absolute image
     Tk.mainloop(); -- enter the Tk main loop
  end test;

10.9.2 Rastport Widgets.

Rastports are a new form of canvas-like canvas widget, specific to the version of Tk distributed with SETL, for the efficient display of images of the GRLIB_PAK type described at length in Chapter 11. About 2 dozen rastport operations are provided. These operations give Tk some of the 'ink effects' capability that is so useful in graphic systems like Macromedia Director. The two most characteristic rastport operations are


which copies the part of the image in the rastport 'rast' that gr_img would overlay if placed in position p to gr_img; and


which moves a copy of gr_img to position u, v in rastport. Rastport operations are executed in-place, and efficiently.

The available variants of these basic operations, which combine images gr_img of GRLIB_PAK type with the contents of rastport, are shown in the following table.

The operations analogous to rast.put_img are
rast.put_add(gr_img,x,y); inserts the sum of the rastport data and gr_img into rastport
rast.put_dif(gr_img,x,y); inserts difference of the rastport data and gr_img into rastport
rast.put_mul(gr_img,x,y); inserts product the rastport data and gr_img into rastport
rast.put_div(gr_img,x,y); inserts quotient of the rastport data and gr_img into rastport
rast.put_min(gr_img,x,y); inserts the min of the rastport data and gr_img into rastport
rast.put_max(gr_img,x,y); inserts the max of the rastport data and gr_img into rastport
rast.put_blend(gr_img,x,y,c1,c2); (blends gr_img with underlying rastport data using coefficients c1 and c2, and stuffs the result into rastport
The operations analogous to rast.get_img are
rast.get_add(gr_img,x,y); returns gr_img copy holding sum of rastport data and gr_img
rast.get_dif(gr_img,x,y); returns gr_img copy holding difference of rastport data and gr_img
rast.get_mul(gr_img,x,y); returns gr_img copy holding product of rastport data and gr_img
rast.get_div(gr_img,x,y); returns gr_img copy holding quotient of rastport data and gr_img
rast.get_min(gr_img,x,y); returns gr_img copy holding min of rastport data and gr_img
rast.get_max(gr_img,x,y); returns gr_img copy holding max of rastport data and gr_img
rast.get_blend(gr_img,x,y,c1,c2); blends gr_img with underlying rastport data using coefficients c1 and c2, and returns the result in a copy of gr_img

A set of rotated versions of the 'put' operations are also provided. These act like put_img, put_add, but rotate gr_img by 90 degrees before combining it with the rastport data and stuffing the result into the rastport. They have forms like rast.put_imgr(gr_img,u,v), and are named put_imgr, put_addr, put_difr, put_mulr, put_divr, put_minr, put_maxr, and put_blendr. The put_blendr operation, like put_blend, has the form


The following code shows the use of a rastport. Its sets up a rastport surrounded by several checkboxes and buttons. The photographic image is read in and an elliptical image generated (the image operations used here will be described in more detail in the next chapter). The first of the checkboxes selects between rotated and non-rotated writes. The second checkbox chooses between one of two variants of the ellipse image, as described in the next chapter. When clicked the buttons write the elliptical image onto the photographic image with which the rastport is initialized. Writing can be done in any of the modes listed in the preceding table. That is, the ellipse can be written as an opaque image or can be combined with the underlying image by taking minimum pixel values, maximum pixel values, blending pixel values, etc. You can experiment with these options to get a sense of the operations they trigger.

program test;  -- Rastport test 1
  use tkw,string_utility_pak,image;    -- use the main widget class

	 var Tk,rast,photo,ellipse,orig_ellipse,dense_ellipse,ckbut,flag := false; 
	    -- globalize for use in procedures below

	 Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Rastport test 1";   -- create the Tk interpreter

	 fr0 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr0("side") := "top";
	   -- create a frame for the following checkboxes

	 ckbut := fr0("checkbutton","Rotate"); ckbut("side") := "left"; 
	 ckbut("var") := "checked";
	 	  -- create a checkbutton

	 ckbut{OM} := lambda();   -- use it to set a flag
	         print(flag := Tk.getvar("checked") = "1"); 
	         rast.put_img(photo,0,0);    -- re-initialize the rastport contents
	         if flag then 
	         	rast.put_imgr(ellipse,0,0); else rast.put_img(ellipse,0,0); 
	         end if;
	      end lambda;

	 ckbut := fr0("checkbutton","Dense"); ckbut("side") := "left"; 
	 ckbut("var") := "dense";	-- create a checkbutton

	 ckbut{OM} := lambda();
          -- use it to chose an image variant
          ellipse := if Tk.getvar("dense") = "1" then dense_ellipse 
          		else orig_ellipse end if; 

                  -- re-initialize the rastport contents
          if flag then 
          end if;
        end lambda;

  fr := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr("side") := "top";
    -- create a frame for the following rastport

  rast := fr("rastport","300,200"); rast("side") := "top";
       -- create a rastport

  photo := image("1.jpeg");     -- read in a photographic image
  ellipse := orig_ellipse := image(["oval",300,200,2,40,[255,255,0]]);
      -- yellow ellipse confined to yellow region
  dense_ellipse := ellipse.to_dense();
                      -- yellow ellipse, black outside yellow region

  rast.put_img(photo,0,0); rast.put_img(ellipse,0,0);

  fr1 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr1("side") := "top";
    -- create a frame for the buttons

  but := fr1("button","Copy"); but("side") := "left";
    -- create a button; bind 'put_img' action to button-click
  but{OM} := lambda(); rast.put_img(photo,0,0); 
	  if flag then rast.put_imgr(ellipse,0,0); 
	  else rast.put_img(ellipse,0,0); 
	  end if; 
  end lambda;
     -- bind 'put_img' action to button 

  but := fr1("button","Min"); but("side") := "left";
    -- create a button;  bind 'put_min' action to button-click
  but{OM} := lambda(); rast.put_img(photo,0,0); 
	  	if flag then rast.put_minr(ellipse,0,0); 
	  	else rast.put_min(ellipse,0,0); 
	  	end if; 
	  end lambda;

  but := fr1("button","Max"); but("side") := "left";
    -- create a button; bind 'put_max' action to button-click
  but{OM} := lambda(); rast.put_img(photo,0,0); 
	  if flag then rast.put_maxr(ellipse,0,0); 
	  else rast.put_max(ellipse,0,0); 
	  end if; 
  end lambda;

  but := fr1("button","Blend"); but("side") := "left";
    -- create a button; bind 'put_blend' action to button-click
  but{OM} := lambda(); rast.put_img(photo,0,0); 
	  if flag then rast.put_blendr(ellipse,0,0,0.5,0.5); 
	  else rast.put_blend(ellipse,0,0,0.5,0.5); 
	  end if; 
  end lambda;

  but := fr1("button","Add"); but("side") := "left";
    -- create a button; bind 'put_add' action to button-click
  but{OM} := lambda(); rast.put_img(photo,0,0); 
	  if flag then rast.put_addr(ellipse,0,0); 
	  else rast.put_add(ellipse,0,0); 
	  end if; 
  end lambda;

  but := fr1("button","Diff"); but("side") := "left";
    -- create a button; bind 'put_dif' action to button-click
  but{OM} := lambda(); rast.put_img(photo,0,0); 
	  if flag then rast.put_difr(ellipse,0,0); 
	  else rast.put_dif(ellipse,0,0); 
	  end if; 
  end lambda;

  but := fr1("button","Mult"); but("side") := "left";
    -- create a button; bind 'put_mul' action to button-click
  but{OM} := lambda(); rast.put_img(photo,0,0); 
	  if flag then rast.put_mulr(ellipse,0,0); 
	  else rast.put_mul(ellipse,0,0); 
	  end if; 
  end lambda;

  but := fr1("button","Divide"); but("side") := "left";
    -- create a button; bind 'put_div' action to button-click
  but{OM} := lambda(); rast.put_img(photo,0,0); 
	  if flag then rast.put_divr(ellipse,0,0); 
	  else rast.put_div(ellipse,0,0); 
	  end if; 
  end lambda;
  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

end test;
Next we show a more typical use of the rastport operations by giving a small skeleton application, a 'photo colorizer' which allows one to draw over a photographic image with a graphical pen of adjustable shape and color, which can draw with a choice of ink effects. Note that without rastports, using only the other facilities of Tk, nothing quite like this would be possible.

Our small application sets up a canvas above a rastport and also makes use of the 'map_slider' or 'multi-slider' widget whose operation is sketched after the code seen. The 'map_slider' can be used to set any one of five brush parameters; its height, width, and RGB intensity values. Four radio buttons are also set up. These allow choice of the mode in which the brush will draw to the underlying photographic image when the mouse, representing the brush position, is dragged over the rastport area. A sample image is loaded into the rastport, and a motion response routine which causes the brush to follow the mouse and to write its color to the underlying image in whatever mode was selected, is bound to motion events taking place over the rastport. The other procedure needed is a simple brush adjustment routine, which reacts to changes in the brush parameters by reading these brush parameters into global variables which the 'painting' (motion response) routine can access.

One additional standard button, bound to an action which simply re-initializes the rastport, is also provided.

 program test;  -- Paint-window example
   use tkw,string_utility_pak,image,map_slider;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,img1,ima,rast,rast2,prior_black_img := OM,
   		ca,map_slidr,hgt,width,brush,ink,ovim;   -- globalize for use below

  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Photo Colorizer";          -- create the Tk interpreter
  brushframe := Tk("frame","160,60"); brushframe("side") := "top";
    -- create a frame for setting brush size and color  
  msg := brushframe("message","Pen Shape: "); msg("place,x,y") := "0,0";
     -- put a message into the frame
  ca := brushframe("canvas","60,60"); ca("place,x,y") := "70,0";
     -- put a canvas into the frame
  oval := ca("oval","5,5,55,55"); oval("outline,fill") := "black,black";
     -- put an oval 'pen shape' into the canvas

  Tk.update();   -- update to ensure that the oval's image is available

  ovim := ca("image");   -- capture the oval's image
  oval("coords") := OM;    -- remove the oval 'pen shape', 
  		-- whose image has now been captured
  ovim_new := ovim.scale([10,10]);
      -- scale the pen image to its default size

  rast2 := brushframe("rastport","60,60"); 
  rast2("place,x,y") := "70,0";   -- over-write the canvas with a rastport
   -- clear the rastport to light grey by putting a light grey rectangle into it
  brush := ovim_new.get_level([0,0,0]);    -- restrict oval image to its interior
  tk_abs_image := Tk("image",ovim_new);  
  ima := ca("image",tk_abs_image); ima("coords") := "30,30"; 
  ima("anchor") := "center";

  map_slidr := map_slider(Tk,"Hgt@1@25@20;Width@1@25@10;" 
  		+ " R@0@255@200;G@0@255@0;B@0@255@0",makebrush);
          -- set up multislider meta-widget, whose value changes 
          -- trigger brush adjustment procedure
     -- set up a frame for the following button and radiobuttons
  buts_frame := Tk("frame","100,50"); buts_frame("side") := "top"; 

     -- create 4 radiobuttons, binding each of them to 
     -- a brush-mode adjustment procedure
  radbut1 := buts_frame("radiobutton","Opaque  "); 
  radbut1("side") := "left"; radbut1{OM} := makebrush;

  radbut2 := buts_frame("radiobutton","Darkest  "); 
  radbut2("side") := "left"; radbut2{OM} := makebrush;

  radbut3 := buts_frame("radiobutton","Lightest  "); 
  radbut3("side") := "left"; radbut3{OM} := makebrush;

  radbut4 := buts_frame("radiobutton","Blend  "); 
  radbut4("side") := "left"; radbut4{OM} := makebrush;

  but := buts_frame("button","Clear"); but("side") := "left";
      -- put a button labeled 'Clear' into it
  but{OM} := lambda(); rast.put_img(img1,0,0); end lambda;
      -- bind image-re-initialization action to this button

     -- set the 'ink' parameter associated with each of these radiobuttons
  radbut1("variable,value") := "ink,opaque"; 
  radbut2("variable,value") := "ink,darkest";
  radbut3("variable,value") := "ink,lightest"; 
  radbut4("variable,value") := "ink,blend";
     -- (Note that the common 'variable' and distinct 'values' 
     -- puts these radiobuttons into the same 'group')
  Tk.setvar("ink","lightest");     -- initialize to "blend" state

  parent := Tk("frame","100,50"); parent("side") := "top";
      -- create a frame for the following rastport    
  rast := parent("rastport","320,240"); rast("side") := "top";
    -- put a rastport into the frame

  rast{OM} := motion_response;     -- bind rastport motions to a response routine
  img1 := image("1.jpeg");       -- read in a sample image to be colorized
  rast.put_img(img1,0,0);        -- put the image into the rastport
  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
  procedure motion_response(xy);
    -- motion response routine; write brush image to rastport

    [x,y] := xy; [x,y] := [unstr(x),unstr(y)];
      -- get mouse position within rastport 

    case ink     -- write brush image in mode selected
     when "blend" => rast.put_blend(brush,x - width,y - hgt,0.8,0.2); 
     when "lightest" => rast.put_max(brush,x - width,y - hgt); 
     when "darkest" => rast.put_min(brush,x - width,y - hgt); 
     otherwise => rast.put_img(brush,x - width,y - hgt); 
    end case;

  end motion_response;

  procedure makebrush();  -- brush adjustment procedure
    hgt := map_slidr("Hgt"); width := map_slidr("Width");
         -- read height, width, and mode from multi-slider widget
    red := map_slidr("R"); green := map_slidr("G"); blue := map_slidr("B");
         -- read color intensities from multi-slider widget
    ink := Tk.getvar("ink");
         -- read pen coloring mode from radiobutton

    ovim_new := (black_img := ovim.scale([2 * width,2 * hgt]));
        -- scale the brush image to its new size
        -- we also create a black version of the pen
        -- if this is not the first pen adjustment, 
        -- clear the background of the pen image in the upper window
    if prior_black_img /= OM then 
    	rast2.put_img(prior_black_img + [235,235,235],0,0); 
    end if;

    prior_black_img := black_img;
        -- save the current pen shape,for clearing later

    brush := ovim_new.get_level([0,0,0]) + [red,green,blue];
        -- restrict oval image to its interior, setting color levels
    rast2.put_img(brush,0,0);    -- show the new pen shape

  end makebrush;
   	-- utilities for conversion of color levels into color codes
  procedure chars2(n); return hexy(n/16) + hexy(n mod 16); end chars2;

  procedure hexy(n); 
     return if n < 10 then char(abs("0") + n) 
  	else char(abs("a") + n - 10) end if; 
  end hexy;

end test;

A map slider can be thought of as a slider-controlled, numerically valued map whole domain is the set of labels associated with the slider. Map sliders are created by calls of the form

ms := map_slider(parent_window_or_frame,"descriptor",response_routine);

The descriptor appearing here must be a semicolon-delimited string consisting of @-delimited quadruples of the form

Label@lower_limit@upper_limit@default value

each defining one slider label, along with the upper and lower limits for the numerical quantity associated with it, and its initial value. The 'response_routine' which will be called whenever a slider-controlled value changes, should be parameterless. To switch the slider to control the value associated with a particular label, we simply click on the label in the visible form of the map_slider. The value currently associated with any label can be retrieved by writing ms("label"), and set by writing ms("label") := val; this last operation also adjusts the visible slider position.

The operations get_img, get_min, get_max, get_blend, get_add, get_mul, and get_div act like their 'put' relatives, except that instead of writing to a rastport they set their second parameter to what the 'put' operations would have written. This is shown in the following example, which creates two rastports in a frame and writes a photograph to the first of them. A grey circle with a black rectangular boundary is then created using the image library described in Chapter 11. Buttons are then created which allow this 'GRLIB_PAK' image to be combined with the circle-in-rectangle image using 'get_min', 'get_max', 'get_blend', etc. and displayed in a second rastport.

program test;  -- Rastport test 1
   use tkw,string_utility_pak,image;
       -- use the main widget class, plus the GRLIB_PAK image-object class

   var Tk,rast,rast2,grey_circle;    -- globalize for use in procedures below

   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Rastport test 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter

   fr := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr("side") := "top";
     -- create a frame for the following rastport

   rast := fr("rastport","300,200"); rast("side") := "top";
       -- create a rastport in the frame
   rast2 := fr("rastport","300,200"); rast2("side") := "top";
       -- create a rastport in the frame

   photo := image("1.jpeg");       -- read in a photograph as a GRLIB_PAK image
   grey_circle := image(["oval",151,151,2,75,[155,155,155]]).to_dense();
      -- create a grey circle, but extend it with a black boundary 
      -- to the square containing it

   rast.put_img(photo,0,0);                -- put the second image into the rastport
           -- read a circular portion of it into the white circle
   rast2.put_img(grey_circle,75,25);       -- put the first image into the rastport
   but := Tk("button","Copy"); but("side") := "left";  -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); fill_circle(rast.get_img); end lambda;
    -- bind 'get_min' action to button click
   but := Tk("button","Min"); but("side") := "left";  -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); fill_circle(rast.get_min); end lambda;
    -- bind 'get_min' action to button click
   but := Tk("button","Max"); but("side") := "left";  -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); fill_circle(rast.get_max); end lambda;
    -- bind 'get_min' action to button click
   but := Tk("button","Blend"); but("side") := "left";  -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); fill_circle2(rast.get_blend); end lambda;
    -- bind 'get_blend' action to button click
   but := Tk("button","Add"); but("side") := "left";  -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); fill_circle(rast.get_add); end lambda;
    -- bind 'get_add' action to button click
   but := Tk("button","Mul"); but("side") := "left";  -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); fill_circle(rast.get_mul); end lambda;
    -- bind 'get_mul' action to button click
   but := Tk("button","Div"); but("side") := "left";  -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); fill_circle(rast.get_div); end lambda;
    -- bind 'get_div' action to button click
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
  procedure fill_circle(use_proc);
     grey_circle := image(["oval",151,151,2,75,[155,155,155]]).to_dense();
      -- create a grey circle, but extend it with a black boundary
      -- to the square containing it
  end fill_circle;

  procedure fill_circle2(use_proc);
     grey_circle := image(["oval",151,151,2,75,[155,155,155]]).to_dense();
      -- create a grey circle, but extend it with a black boundary
      -- to the square containing it
    use_proc(grey_circle,75,25,0.5,0.5);    -- make a 50/50 blend
  end fill_circle2;

end test;

In further illustration of the operations exhibited in the preceding program, we use one of them to rotate a circular portion of a photograph 90 degrees. This is done in the following short program. Following this we test the speed of the image operations involved by adding a slider which allows the position of the rotated image portion to be varied dynamically.

 program test;  -- Rastport test 1
   use tkw,image;
       -- use the main widget class, plus the GRLIB_PAK image-object class
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Rastport test 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   fr := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr("side") := "top";
     -- create a frame for the following rastport
   rast := fr("rastport","300,200"); rast("side") := "top";
       -- create a rastport in the frame
   photo := image("1.jpeg");     -- read in a photograph as a GRLIB_PAK image
   white_circle := image(["oval",151,151,2,75,[255,255,255]]).to_dense();
       -- create a white circle, but extend it with a black boundary
       -- to the square containing it
   black_circle := image(["oval",151,151,2,75,[0,0,0]]);
       -- create a black circle, confined to its circular area
   rast.put_img(photo,0,0);                -- put the image into the rastport
               -- read a circular portion of it into the white circle
               -- blot a circular area in its center to black
               -- write the circular portion image back in a rotated orientation
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The following is a 'double-buffered', slider-controlled dynamic variant of the previous program. Again we use a black circle in a white rectangular frame as 'cookie cutters' to extract a rotated copy of a circular area in our test photograph. This is written back to second, invisible rastport (the 'doubled buffer') to prevent visible flickering when a circular area in the rastport is cleared to black by writing the black circle to it in preparation for re-insertion of the rotated circular part of the original image by the 'put_maxr' operation seen below. (The second rastport, 'rast2', is left invisible simply by not assigning it a 'side', You can add the assignment 'rast2("side") := "top";' to make it visible in order to see the flickering which it serves to suppress.) Finally the modified second rastport is copied to the visible first rastport, via an auxiliary image. All this happens fast enough to give a reasonably smooth sliding motion of the rotated circular image portion over its background image.
 program test;  -- Rastport test 1
     use tkw,image;
         -- use the main widget class, plus the GRLIB_PAK image-object class
     var rast,rast2,photo,aux_photo,black_circle;
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Rastport test 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
     fr := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr("side") := "top";
       -- create a frame for the following rastport
     rast := fr("rastport","300,200"); rast("side") := "top";
         -- create a rastport in the frame
     rast2 := fr("rastport","300,200");
                 -- create a second rastport in the frame, but leave itinvisible
     photo := image("1.jpeg");         -- read in a photograph as a GRLIB_PAK image
     aux_photo := image("1.jpeg");     -- read in a photograph as a GRLIB_PAK image
     black_circle := image(["oval",151,151,2,75,[0,0,0]]);
         -- create a black circle, confined to its circular area
     slider := Tk("scale","25,125");
                 -- create a slider with range create a slider with range -50,50
     slider("side") := "top";                -- make it visible
     slider("length,width,orient") := "350,10,horizontal";
         -- set the physical size of the slider
     slider{OM} := slider_response;             -- bind a response routine to it
     slider(OM) := 75;
     Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
     procedure slider_response(x);
         -- slider response routine; parameter is value as a tuple, string form
       circ_posn := unstr(x(1));
       white_circle := image(["oval",151,151,2,75,[255,255,255]]).to_dense();
         -- create a white circle, but extend it with a black boundary
         -- to the square containing it
       rast2.put_img(photo,0,0);            -- put the image into the rastport
             -- read a circular portion of it into the white circle
             -- blot a circular area in its center to black
            -- write the circular portion image back in a rotated orientation
                  -- copy the modified invisible rastport to an auxiliary image
                  -- copy the auxiliary image to the visible rastport
     end slider_response;

 end test;

10.9.2 Bitmap Images and the XBM bitmap format.

Tk provides a second, more economical,image form, the bitmap, as a less elegant but more efficient alternative to photographic images. Bitmaps are defined by one or two data strings, the first of which simply gives the n by m size of the bitmap and indicates which pixels in its rectangular area are on. If a second such string in the same format is given, it indicates which pixels in the same rectangle are opaque and which are transparent. The foreground and background color of bitmaps can also be assigned, leading to a certain flexibility in their use.

Tk bitmap data must have the so-called 'XBM' format first developed for the X-Windows system. Many icons in XBM format can be retrieved form the Web, one good source being Examples of data in this curious format are seen in the program below. XBM presents its data in a character format, and specifically in a C code form, which is however not compiled as C but simply parsed and transformed by a small XBM reader. XBM-format data begins with three lines of the form

		#define icon_name_width n
 #define icon_name_height n
 static char icon_name_bits[] = {
followed by the successive bytes of the data, represented in the C format '0xff'. The following is an example of this format.
arrow_icon := "define back_width 20" +
"#define back_height 23" +
"static char back_bits[] = {" +
" 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x0f,0x00,0x80,0x0f," +
" 0x00,0x80,0x0f,0x00,0x80,0x0f,0x00,0x80,0x0f,0x00,0x80,0x0f,0x60,0x80,0x0f," +
" 0x70,0x80,0x0f,0x78,0x00,0x00,0xfc,0xff,0x0f,0xfe,0xff,0x07,0xff,0xff,0x03,
" 0xfe,0xff,0x01,0xfc,0xff,0x00,0x78,0x00,0x00,0x70,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x00,0x00,
" 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
Note that this data format is roughly ten times as bulky as it needs to be, since five characters are used to represent a single byte of data, and since even if this redundancy is eliminated changed the length of the resulting string can generally be halved using some standard compression scheme.

The program seen below displays two bitmaps collected from the Web. It offers a variety of ways of viewing these icons, since each can be seen with or without mask data, and in any desired foreground and background color. The bitmap data is given in a form which eliminates the XBM redundancies noted above, but then re-expanded into 'official' XBM by the small 'xbm' procedure seen below. Each icon is displayed in two formats, one with a mask plane, the other without. Buttons are provided for turning a magenta background on and off in the two 'abacus' icons displayed. By experimenting with these buttons, you will be able to verify the following facts:

  1. If no background color is given, bitmaps with and without a mask plane have the same appearance: '1' bits are shown in the foreground color, '0' bits are transparent.

  2. If a background color is given, bitmaps without a mask plane appear against a background of the indicated color.

  3. If a background color is given, bitmaps with a mask plane become transparent wherever the mask plane has a '0' bit, but have a white background wherever the bitmap has a 1 bit and the mask plane has a 0 bit.
program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
  use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class

  var Tk,icon2,icon4;             -- globalize for use in procedure below

   const arrow_icon := "20 23 " +    -- compressed XBM data for arrow icon
     "00000000000000000000800f00800f00800f00800f00800f00800f60800f70800f780000fcff0ffeff07ffff03" +
  const abacus_icon := "64 54 " +    -- compressed XBM data for abacus icon

  const abacus_icon_back := "64 54 " +    -- compressed XBM data for abacus icon
  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Two Icons";          -- create the Tk interpreter
  ca := Tk("canvas","300,100"); ca("side") := "top";
    -- if packed; or left,right,bottom
  ca("background") := "grey";
  rect := ca("rectangle","5,10,260,40"); rect("fill") := "cyan";
  print(#abacus_icon,);  -- size of abacus_icon is 870 (uncompressed is 2240 bytes), 
  		-- but can be reduced to roughly 220

  icon := Tk("bitmap",[arxb := xbm(arrow_icon),arxb]);
            -- create an absolute bitmap
  icon2 := Tk("bitmap",[abxb := xbm(abacus_icon),xbm(abacus_icon_back)]);
      -- create a second absolute bitmap
  icon3 := Tk("bitmap",arxb);    -- create an absolute bitmap, no mask
  icon4 := Tk("bitmap",abxb);    -- create a second absolute bitmap, no mask

  icon("foreground") :="red"; icon2("foreground,background") :="magenta,magenta"; 
  icon4("foreground,background") :="blue,magenta";

  bm := ca("image",icon);      -- use the absolute bitmap in a first canvas bitmap
  bm2 := ca("image",icon2);
       -- use the second absolute bitmap in a first canvas bitmap
  bm3 := ca("image",icon3);
       -- use the third absolute bitmap in a first canvas bitmap
  bm4 := ca("image",icon4);
       -- use the fourth absolute bitmap in a first canvas bitmap
  bm("coords") := "20,25"; bm("anchor") := "nw";   -- put the icons into the bitmap 
  bm2("coords") := "60,10"; bm2("anchor") := "nw";    
  bm3("coords") := "130,25"; bm3("anchor") := "nw";    
  bm4("coords") := "160,10"; bm4("anchor") := "nw";    

  txt := Tk("text","30,6");     -- create a text area
  txt("side") := "top"; txt(OM) := "Type\ntext\nhere";
  txt("font,background") := "{Times 18 bold},green";
          			-- insert absolute bitmap into the text area 
          	-- insert another absolute bitmap into the text area 
  print(txt("images"));    -- this expression also retrieves all bitmaps

  fr := Tk("frame","30,6"); fr("side") := "top";
      -- create a frame for the buttons

  but := fr("button","Bgd 1 off"); but("side") := "left";
      -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); icon2("foreground,background") := "magenta,"; end lambda;
      -- bind it to a 'background off' action

  but := fr("button","Bgd 1 on"); but("side") := "left";
      -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); icon2("foreground,background") := "magenta,magenta"; 
  		end lambda;
    -- bind it to a 'background on' action

  but := fr("button","Bgd 2 off"); but("side") := "left";
      -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); icon4("foreground,background") := "blue,"; end lambda;
        -- bind it to a 'background off' action

  but := fr("button","Bgd 2 on"); but("side") := "left";
      -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); icon4("foreground,background") := "blue,magenta"; end lambda;
     -- bind it to a 'background on' action

  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
  procedure xbm(compressed);     -- decompressor for compressed XBM
    i1 := break(compressed," "); match(compressed," "); 
    i2 := break(compressed," "); match(compressed," ");

    dec_data := "" +/ [compressed(j..jp1 := j+ 1)
    	 + if jp1 = nc then "};" else ",0x" end if: 
    	 		j in [1, :=#compressed]];
    dec := "#define xbm_width " + i1 + "\n#define xbm_height " 
    	+ i2 + "\nstatic char xbm_bits[] = {\n0x" + dec_data;
    return dec;

  end xbm;

end test;
As seen in the following program, bitmaps and images can replace the captions on ordinary buttons, checkbuttons, radio buttons, and menu buttons. The program creates objects of these various kinds and puts an imge or icon on each.
program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;       -- use the standard graphical interface package
    const arrow_icon := "20 23 " +    -- compressed XBM data for arrow icon
      "00000000000000000000800f00800f00800f00800f00800f" + 
      "00800f60800f70800f780000fcff0ffeff07ffff03feff01" +
    Tk := tkw();         -- create the Tk interpreter
    Tk(OM) := "Buttons with Images/Bitmps";
    abs_img := Tk("image","test_files/orchid_trans.gif");
        -- read an image file to create a Tk absolute image
    icon := Tk("bitmap",[the_xbm := xbm(arrow_icon),the_xbm]);
           -- create an absolute icon
    but := Tk("button",""); but("side") := "top";    -- create a button
    but("image") := abs_img;   -- put the image on the button
    fr := Tk("frame","1,1"); fr("side") := "top";    -- create a frame
    but := fr("button",""); but("side") := "left";    -- create a button
    but("image") := icon;              -- put the icon on the button
    ckbut1 := fr("checkbutton",""); ckbut1("side") := "left";
        -- create a checkbutton
    ckbut1("image") := icon;            -- put the icon on the checkbutton

    rbut1 := fr("radiobutton",""); rbut1("side") := "left"; 
       -- create a radio button
    rbut1("image") := icon;             -- put the icon on the radio button

    mb := fr("menubutton",""); mb("side") := "left";
      -- create a menubutton
    mb("image") := icon;             -- put the icon on the menubutton
    descriptor := "b:Item1,b:Item2,s,c:Item3,c:Item4";
             -- set up a menu descriptor
    mb(OM) := men := mb("menu",descriptor);            -- attach a menu
    Tk.mainloop();                -- enter the main Tk loop
    procedure xbm(compressed);     -- decompressor for compressed XBM
     i1 := break(compressed," "); match(compressed," "); 
     i2 := break(compressed," "); match(compressed," ");

     dec_data := "" +/ [compressed(j..jp1 := j+ 1) 
     	+ if jp1 = nc then "};" else ",0x" end if: 
     		j in [1, :=#compressed]];
     dec := "#define xbm_width " + i1 + "\n#define xbm_height " 
     	+ i2 + "\nstatic char xbm_bits[] = {\n0x" + dec_data;

     return dec;

    end xbm;

end test;

10.10. Menus and Menu Items.

SETL menus can contain three kinds of button-like items, and one kind of menu-like item, allowing them to be structured hierarchically. Menus are seen as tuples of menu items, which can be of the types "b" (like a button), "c" (like a checkbutton), "r" (like a radiobutton), and "s" (reference to a cascaded submenu). (But on the Macintosh, the distinction between many of these menu item types is ignored). Two simpler kinds of items, "separators" (used to separate menu items into groups so as to ease reading), and "tearoffs" (used to allow menus to be 'torn off', which makes them self-standing till closed), can also appear. Menus have attributes, which in some cases can be over-ridden by separate individual attributes assigned to their menu items.

Menus are created by operations of the form


where 'descriptor' is a string of comma-separated items of the form 'b:label', 'c:label', 'r:label', 's:label', 's' (a separator), and 't' (a tearoff.) The following code illustrates these conventions. It creates a menubutton to which a menu is then attached. Two levels of submenus are attached hierarchically, each to the sixth item of its parent menu. The menu appears when the button is pressed, and each attached submenu as we roll over its parent item.

  program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw();                  -- create the Tk interpreter
       mb := Tk("menubutton","Menu"); mb("side") := "top";   -- create a menubutton
       men := mb("menu","b:Button-item,c:Checkbutton-item," + 
       		  -- create a menu to attach to the menubutton
       mb(OM) := men;            -- attach the menu to the menubutton
       sub_men := mb("menu","b:XButton-item,c:XCheckbutton-item," + 
         	-- create a second menu to attach hierarchically
       men(6,"menu") := sub_men;            -- attach it to the sixth menu item
       sub_sub_men := mb("menu","b:XXButton-item,c:XXCheckbutton-item,r" + 
       	     -- create a third menu to attach hierarchically
       sub_men(6,"menu") := sub_sub_men;     -- attach it to the sixth submenu item
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
  end test;

The expression #menu gives the number of items in a menu. If nm is the string name of a menu item, menu.index(nm) will give its numerical position. The numerical position of the currently activated menu item (if any) is available as menu.index("active").

To set the command triggered when a menu item is chosen, we write

menu{item_index,OM} := SETL_proc;

where the SETL_proc should be parameterless. To set the other attributes of a menu item (these are listed below) we write

menu(item_index,attributes) := attribute_vals;

where as usual 'attributes' is a comma- (or semicolon-) separated string of attribute names, and attribute_vals is either a string of the same kind, or a tuple, giving the corresponding attribute values.

The following small program illustrates some of these conventions. It first creates a menubutton and an associated menu. A command which emits j beeps and sets the name of the button to the name of the item is then associated with the j-th menu item.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
   var Tk,mb,men;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw();		-- create the Tk interpreter
   mb := Tk("menubutton","Menu"); mb("side") := "top";	-- create a menubutton
   men := mb("menu",			-- create a menu
   mb(OM) := men;		-- associate the menu with the menubutton
 				-- assign commands to the menu items
   for j in [1..#men] loop men{j,OM} := beeps(j); end loop;
   Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 procedure beeps(k); 	-- create a procedure (closure) which beeps k times
 	return lambda(); 	-- we return a parameterless function
 			-- get the item label and assign it to the menu button
 		mb("text") := men(k,"label");
 		for j in [1..k] loop Tk.beeper(); end loop; -- beep k times
 	end lambda;
 end beeps;
 end test;
To attach a submenu 'sub' to an 's'- (submenu-) type item in a menu M, write

M(ix,"menu") := sub;

To bind a callback to the selection event of the j-th menu item, we write

M{j,OM} := callback_proc;

This is seen in the following variant of the preceding code, which creates a menubutton and attaches a menu to it. This first menu has a submenu item, to which a second menu containing its own submenu item is then attached, A third submenu is then attached to this second submenu, creating a 3-level submenu hierarchy. The remaining entries in all of these menus are then set up to beep when selected.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
   var Tk,mb;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
 Tk := tkw();		-- create the Tk interpreter
 mb := Tk("menubutton","Menu"); mb("side") := "top";	-- create a menubutton
 mb("width") := 18;	-- allow for 18 characters
 		men := mb("menu",			-- create a menu
 sub_men := mb("menu",		-- create a first submenu
 sub_men2 := mb("menu",		-- create a sub-submenu

 mb(OM) := men;		-- associate the menu with the menubutton
  		-- associate the second menu with item 5 of the first menu
 men(5,"menu") := sub_men;
 	-- associate the third menu with item 5 of the second menu
 sub_men(5,"menu") := sub_men2;

 				-- assign commands to the menu items
 for j in [1..#men - 1] loop men{j,OM} := beeps(men,j); end loop;
 for j in [1..#sub_men - 1] loop sub_men{j,OM} := beeps(sub_men,j); end loop;
 for j in [1..#sub_men2] loop sub_men2{j,OM} := beeps(sub_men2,j); end loop;
 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 procedure beeps(the_menu,k); 	-- create a procedure (closure) which beeps k times
 	return lambda(); 	-- we return a parameterless function
 			-- get the item label and assign it to the menu button
 		mb("text") := the_menu(k,"label");
 		for j in [1..k] loop Tk.beeper(); end loop; -- beep k times
 	end lambda;
 end beeps;
 end test;
Menu bars created using the SETL interface can be attached directly to toplevel windows, or can replace the menu bar normally present at the top of the screen. To do this, create a first menu M consisting exclusively of submenu items; this will become the menubar. Then create and attach submenus to each of the items of M; these can be hierarchical if desired. To install M, create the window w with which it is to be associated, and assign M as the 'menu' attribute of w by writing

W("menu") := M;

On the Macintosh, menus M treated in this way replace the standard menu at the top of the screen whenever the window w is active. Under Windows and UNIX, these menus M appear at the top of their associated windows w. To have M replace the standard top-of-screen menu one must then make M the 'menu' attribute of the root window Tk.

The following program illustrates these conventions. It creates a menu M consisting of three submenu items, and attaches hierarchical submenus to each of them. Then it creates a toplevel window w and assigns M as its window attribute, causing M to replace the standard (Macintosh) top-of-screen menubar when w is active. Beeps are attached to the selectable items in all menus.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;		-- use the main widget class

   var tk;			-- globalize for use in procedure below

 Tk := tkw();		-- create the Tk interpreter
 top := Tk("toplevel","400,100"); top(OM) := "This window carries menu";
 men := top("menu","s:Submenu,s:SubmenuA,s:SubmenuB");
 	-- 3 submenus make the menu bar
 sub_men := top("menu",		-- create a first hierarchical menu
 sub_men2 := top("menu",
 sub_menA := top("menu",		-- create a second hierarchical menu
 sub_menA2 := top("menu",
 sub_menB := top("menu",		-- create a third hierarchical menu
 sub_menB2 := top("menu",
 top("menu") := men; 	-- attach the menubar to the window
 		 	-- attach the hierarchical menus to the menubar
 men(1,"menu") := sub_men; sub_men(5,"menu") := sub_men2;
 men(2,"menu") := sub_menA; sub_menA(5,"menu") := sub_menA2;
 men(3,"menu") := sub_menB; sub_menB(5,"menu") := sub_menB2;
           -- attach beep actions to the menu items
 for j in [1..#sub_men - 1] loop sub_men{j,OM} := beeps(j); end loop;
 for j in [1..#sub_menA - 1] loop sub_menA{j,OM} := beeps(j); end loop;
 for j in [1..#sub_menB - 1] loop sub_menB{j,OM} := beeps(j); end loop;
 for j in [1..#sub_men2] loop sub_men2{j,OM} := beeps(j); end loop;
 for j in [1..#sub_menA2] loop sub_menA2{j,OM} := beeps(j); end loop;
 for j in [1..#sub_menB2] loop sub_menB2{j,OM} := beeps(j); end loop;
 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 procedure beeps(k); 	-- create a procedure (closure) which beeps k times
 	return lambda(); 	-- we return a parameterless function
 			-- get the item label and assign it to the menu button
 		for j in [1..k + 1] loop Tk.beeper(); end loop; -- beep k times
 	end lambda;
 end beeps;
 end test;

'Option buttons' are menu buttons of a somewhat special kind created by calls of the form


rather than by the ordinary


The 'descriptor' used to create an option button must be a string of the form 'varname;alt,alt,alt...', consisting of the name 'varname' of an auxiliary variable which will be used to store the value of the currently selected option, followed by a comma-separated list alt,alt,alt... of the available options. (The value stored in the special graphical interface variable 'varname' can be fetched/stored using the commands val := getvar(varname); and setvar(varname,val); see Section 14.).

The following small example shows the construction and behavior of an option button. We set up an option button which displays four options. Selection actions are assigned to each of these buttons. This action simply prints the item selected, which is obtained from the variable 'ob_var' associated with the button.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk;
       Tk := tkw();  -- create the Tk interpreter
       ob := Tk("optionbutton","ob_var;a,b,c,d"); ob("side") := "top";
       obmen := ob(OM);
            -- get the menu of the option button (which is its 'main' attribute)
       for j in [0..3] loop obmen{j,OM} := pick_response; end loop;
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
       procedure pick_response(); print(Tk.getvar("ob_var")); end pick_response;
    end test;

The attributes of menus are:

	 type			- normal, menubar, or tearoff
	 foreground		- text color
	 background		- background color 
	 selectcolor	- color for selector in checkbutton and radiobutton entries
	 font			- font for entries
	 activeforeground	- text color when mouse is over an entry 
	 activebackground	- background color when mouse is over an entry 
	 disabledforeground	- text color when entry is disabled
	 borderwidth		- menu border width, in pixels 
	 activeborderwidth	- menu active border width, in pixels 
	 cursor			- cursor to display when mouse is over menu
	 postcommand		- command to execute just before menu is posted 
	 tearoffcommand		- command to execute when menu is torn off 
	 takefocus		- command to be executed when menu receives focus 
	 			- via tab
The attributes of menu items are:
	 label			- label of entry
	 image			- image to display instead of label
	 bitmap			- bitmap to display instead of label
	 justify		- label justification: left, right, or center
	 foreground		- text color
	 background		- background color 
	 accelerator	- text for keystroke-binding reminder 
	 selectcolor	- selection-indicator color for checkbutton
	 			-  and radiobutton entries
	 state			- normal, active, or disabled
	 font			- font for entries
	 underline		- index of text character to underline
	 activeforeground	- text color when mouse is over an entry 
	 activebackground	- background color when mouse is over an entry 
	 columnbreak		- start a new menu column with this entry
	 variable	- if non-null, names a Tk variable holding selection state
	 value			- value for 'variable' when radiobutton is selected
	 onvalue		- value for 'variable' when checkbutton is selected
	 offvalue	- value for 'variable' when checkbutton is not selected
	 hidemargin	- suppress the margin reserved for button indicators
As shown by the following, menus need not depend on associated menubuttons to open them: they can be opened, at any desired screen position, under program control. Two nearly synonymous commands,

menu.popup(i,j);           and ,j);

are available for this. In both these commands, i,j designates an absolute screen position. Menus opened with either of these commands remain open only as long as the mouse button is depressed.

The following program creates two menus, the second tied hierarchically to the first. The first is then opened at a stated position,either by 'popup' or by 'post'. (Either of the two commands shown can be executed, with the other commented out). The 'postcascade' command nominally opens the hierarchical submenu at its appropriate position, but may be unreliable on some platforms.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the standard graphical interface package
       var men;
      Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Popup menus";        -- create the Tk interpreter
      descriptor := "b:Item1,r:Item2,s,c:Item3,c:Item4,s:Item5";
           -- set up a menu descriptor
      men := Tk("menu",descriptor);           -- create a menu
      descriptor2 := "b:XItem1,b:XItem2,s,c:XItem3";
                -- set up another menu descriptor
      men2 := Tk("menu",descriptor2);         -- create another menu
      men(6,"menu") := men2;
      Tk{"ButtonPress-1"} := 
      	lambda(); men.popup(100,100); men.postcascade(6); end lambda;
          -- bind buttonpress in the window to menu popup
      Tk.mainloop();                -- enter the main Tk loop
 end test;
To set the attributes of a menubutton, one uses assignments of the form

menubutton_obj(attribute_list) := attribute_value_list;


To set the attributes of a menu item, one uses assignments of the form

menu_obj(attribute) := attribute_value;

where . Note however that

 program test;     -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw; -- use the main widget class
   Tk := tkw();      -- create the Tk interpreter

   mb := Tk("menubutton","Menu"); mb("side") := "top";   -- create a menubutton
   mb2 := Tk("menubutton","Menu"); mb2("side") := "top";   -- create a menubutton

   abs_img := Tk("image","test_files/egyptian.gif");
       -- read an image file to create a Tk absolute image

   men := mb("menu","b:Button-item,c:Checkbutton-item," + 
      -- create a menu to attach to the menubutton
   mb(OM) := men;     -- attach the menu to the menubutton
   mb("image,cursor") := [abs_img,"Gumby"];

   men(2,"state,image") := ["disabled",abs_img];
   print(men(2,"state")); print(men(2,"image"));

   sub_men := mb("menu","b:XButton-item,c:XCheckbutton-item," + 
      -- create a second menu to attach hierarchically
   men(6,"menu") := sub_men;       -- attach it to the sixth menu item
   sub_sub_men := mb("menu","b:XXButton-item,c:XXCheckbutton-item," + 
        -- create a third menu to attach hierarchically
   sub_men(6,"menu") := sub_sub_men;       -- attach it to the sixth submenu item

   men("foreground,font,tearoff,cursor") := "red,{Tines 48},0,Pirate";
   men2 := mb("menu","b:Button-item,c:Checkbutton-item," + 
     -- create a menu to attach to the menubutton

    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

10.11. Standard Dialogs.

The SETL graphical interface provides five main types of utility dialogs, under the names "ask", "ask_ok", "ask_file", "ask_save_file", and "ask_color". All, particularly the "ask" dialog, are personalizable. The following example, which creates a button which opens a dialog and writes its result to a textline, shows how a typical dialog is opened and delivers its result.
 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	 use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
	 var Tk,ent;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
	 Tk := tkw();				-- create the Tk interpreter
	 but := Tk("button","Click Me"); but("side") := "left";
	     -- create and place a first button
	 but{OM} := ask;    -- bind the 'ask' response to the button

	 	-- create a textline widget for display of the dialog response
	 ent := Tk("entry","15"); ent("side") := "left"; 
	 ent("justify") := "center";
	 Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
	procedure ask();	-- button response routine; 
 		-- opens a 'yesnocancel' dialog, with 'no' as the default
 			:= "yesnocancel,no,Choose an alternative";
 	ent(OM) := dialog_response; 
 	end ask;
 end test;

The "ask" dialog presents a set of captioned buttons, of which one can be designated as the default, and can include a bit-mapped icon. Its attributes are:

	labels	- list of labels to appear
	default	- number of default label		
	message	- message to appear
	parent	- toplevel in which dialog is to appear
	title	- title of toplevel in which dialog is to appear (Unix and Windows)
	icon	- bitmap to appear, if any

The "ask_ok" dialog is a specialized variant of the "ask" dialogs, which presents one, two, or three buttons, depending on its type, which can be yesno, ok, okcancel, retrycancel, yesnocancel, or abortretrycancel. Its attributes are:

	type	- dialog type, as just listed
	default	- number of default label		
	message	- message to appear
	icon	- bitmap to appear, if any
	parent	- toplevel in which dialog is to appear (Unix and Windows)
	title	- title of toplevel in which dialog is to appear

The "ask_file" dialog opens the standard system 'select/open file' utility. Its attributes are:

	filetypes- list of file types to be shown. If empty, all are shown
	 - see the main documentation for the format of this list
	initialdir- initial directory whose contents shown; current dir if empty
	parent	- toplevel in which dialog is to appear
	title	- title of toplevel in which dialog appears (Unix and Windows)
The list (if any) supplied as the value of an "ask_file" dialog's 'filetypes' attribute should be a tuple of items, each of which describes one choice of the file types to be listed. Each of these items should be a semicolon-separated list of 2 or 3 parts, having either the form




If the 'filetypes' attribute is set in this way, an additional popup menu which lists every 'caption_for_filetype' given will appear at the bottom of the "ask_file" dialog; each such 'caption_for_filetype' is simply a string which should be chosen to define the group of filetypes selected by the extensions_list and Macintosh_file_typecodes_list which follow. The extensions_list is a list of all the file extensions which are to be admitted when such a group is chosen. The Macintosh_file_typecodes_list which optionally

An example is

["All Files;*","SETL Files;stl"]

The "ask_save_file" dialog opens the standard system 'save file' utility. Its attributes are:

	initialdir- initial directory whose contents shown; current dir if empty
	 initialfile- default file name
	 defaultextension- default file extension, if none given
	 parent	- toplevel in which dialog is to appear
	 title	- title of toplevel in which dialog appears (Unix and Windows)

The following small program opens a get_file dialog when one of two buttons is clicked, and writes the name of the file chosen to a textline. If the other button is clicked a save_file dialog is opened instead.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;   -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,ent;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw();     -- create the Tk interpreter
       but := Tk("button","Click Me"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create and place a first button
       but{OM} := ask;    -- bind the 'ask' response to the first button
       but2 := Tk("button","Or Click Me"); but2("side") := "left";
           -- create and place a second button
       but2{OM} := ask2;    -- bind the 'ask2' response to the second button

       ent := Tk("entry","45"); ent("side") := "left"; ent("justify") := "center";
           -- create and insert a text display line
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
       procedure ask();    -- button response routine; opens get_file dialog, 
       		-- prepared to display either '.stl' or all files

          Tk("ask_file","filetypes") := ["{\"SETL Files\" {.stl} {TEXT}}"
          		,"{\"All Files\" {*} {TEXT}}"];
           ent(OM) := dialog_response;         -- display the response

       end ask;
       procedure ask2();
           -- button response routine; opens save_file dialog 
           -- with default name "untitled.stl"
          Tk("ask_save_file","initialfile") := ["untitled.stl"];     
          ent(OM) := dialog_response;         -- display the response
       end ask2;
    end test;

The "ask_color" dialog opens a color picker. Its attributes are:

	initialcolor- initial color, when picker dialog opened
	 parent	- toplevel in which dialog is to appear
	 title	- title of toplevel in which dialog appears (Unix and Windows)

The following program opens an 'ask_color' dialog.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;   -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,ent;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw();     -- create the Tk interpreter
       but := Tk("button","Click Me"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create and place a first button
       but{OM} := ask;    -- bind the 'ask' response to the first button
       ent := Tk("entry","45"); ent("side") := "left"; ent("justify") := "center";
       		-- create and insert a text display line
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
       procedure ask();    -- button response routine; opens get_file dialog, 
       		-- prepared to display either '.stl' or all files
          		:= "red,Buddy: won't you pick a Color";			
          ent(OM) := dialog_response;         -- display the response
       end ask;
    end test;
Tk's standard color picker is very deluxe. It allows a color to be picked in any one of a wide variety of ways. Note that, like the other selection dialogs described in this section, the color picker returns an empty string if the dialog is cancelled. Otherwise it returns a hex string color representation of the standard form #rrggbb.

10.12. Attributes of the other kinds of widgets.

10.12.A. Listboxes.

Listboxes are lists of items set up for the selection of one for more of their elements. Since not all the alternatives that they contain need be visible at any one time, one will sometimes want to attach (vertical) scrollbars to listboxes. To create a listbox which shows n of its elements at any one time, write

lb := parent("listbox",n);

The SETL interface uses a tuple-like syntax for some listbox operations. For example, the items in a listbox lb can be defined by writing

lb(1..0) := tuple_of_strings;

and the same tuple-like syntax can be used to insert additional elements and to delete elements.

The following code creates a listbox of 20 elements with an attached scrollbar. Five of the 20 elements are visible at any one time.

  program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	 use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
	 Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Test Window";	-- caption the main window
	 lb := Tk("listbox",str(lb_len := 5)); lb("side") := "left";
	 	-- create a listbox
	 lb(1..0) := ["Item" + str(j): j in [1..4 * lb_len]];
	 	-- create the listbox items
	 sb := Tk("scrollbar","v,10"); 	-- create a thin vertical scrollbar
	 sb("side,fill") := "left,y";
	  	-- pack to the left of the listbox, filling available vertical range
	 lb("yscroller") := sb;	-- attach the scrollbar t the list box
	 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
  end test;

Listboxes have the following attributes:

	height		- number of listbox lines visible
	 width		- width of listbox, in characters
	 font		- item text font
	 foreground	- color of item text
	 background	- item background color 
	 selectforeground	- text color of selected items 
	 selectbackground	- background color of selected items 
	 borderwidth	- extra border width, in pixels, around the listbox
	 selectborderwidth	- extra border width around listbox text 
	 			- items for 3D effect
	 selectmode	- single, browse, multiple, or extended. 
	 			- See main documentation 
	 setgrid		- if true, restrict resizing to whole number 
	 			- of lines and chars
	 cursor		- cursor to display when mouse is over listbox
	 relief		- relief for entire listbox 
	 highlightthickness	- thickness of additional border 
	 			- used to indicate focus 
	 highlightbackground	- color of additional border 
	 			- when listbox does not have focus
	 highlightcolor	- color of additional border when listbox has focus		
	 takefocus	- command to be executed when listbox receives focus
	 yscroller	- vertical scrollbar for the listbox, if any
	 exportselection	- if true exports selected text (XWindows only)

The following example creates a listbox which displays five items but contains twenty. We set the selectmode of the listbox in such a way as to allow multiple choices and associate a selection action which prints the listbox selection whenever a selection is made. A vertical scrollbar is then associated with the listbox. You can experiment with this small program by making various selections and scrolling the box up and down.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var lb;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Test Window";  -- caption the main window
       lb := Tk("listbox",str(lb_len := 5)); lb("side") := "left";
          -- create a listbox
       lb(1..0) := ["Item" + str(j): j in [1..4 * lb_len]];
         -- create the listbox items
       lb("selectmode") := "multiple";  -- set listbox to allow multiple choices
         lb{OM} := lambda(); print(lb(om)); end lambda;
       sb := Tk("scrollbar","v,10");  -- create a thin vertical scrollbar
       sb("side,fill") := "left,y";
          -- pack to the left of the listbox, filling available vertical range
       lb("yscroller") := sb; -- attach the scrollbar t the list box
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;
The listbox operations xview_percent, yview_percent, xview_scroll, yview_scroll, xview, yview, and see can be used to adjust the view of a listbox which has too many items for them all to be visible at the same time. This is shown by the following example, which also illustrates the use of the function, which sets the item or items in a listbox which are selected, and the listbox.s_select_line(lno)) function, which tests a specified line to determine if it is currently selected.
  program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,lb;      -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Listbox operations";
              -- create the Tk interpreter
       lb := Tk("listbox",5); lb("side") := "top";
                  -- create a listbox, which shows 5 elements
       lb(1..0) := "Item1Item1Item1Item1Item1***********,Item2," 
        	+ "Item3,Item4,Item5,Item6,Item7,Item8,Item9,Last Item";
              -- put 10 elements, the first quite long, into the listbox
       fr1 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr1("side") := "top";
               -- build and place a frame for first two buttons

       but := fr1("button","See 6"); but("side") := "left";
              -- put in a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.see(6); end lambda;      -- click shows line 6 
       but := fr1("button","See 1"); but("side") := "left"; 
             -- put in a second button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.see(1); end lambda;      -- click shows line 1 

       but := fr1("button","Select 2"); but("side") := "left";
            -- put in a third button
       but{OM} := lambda();
               -- click selects line 2 and shows the selection state of 2 lines
                 print(lb.is_select_line(1)); print(lb.is_select_line(2)); 
              end lambda; 
       fr2 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr2("side") := "top";
              -- build and place a frame for next two buttons

       but := fr2("button","View right"); but("side") := "left";
           -- put in a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.xview_percent(0.50);   end lambda;
         -- bind a percentage right shift of view

       but := fr2("button","View left"); but("side") := "left";
           -- put in a second button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.xview_percent(0.0);   end lambda;
           -- bind a horizontal shift back to left

       fr3 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr3("side") := "top";
              -- build and place a frame for next two buttons

       but := fr3("button","Scroll left"); but("side") := "left";
           -- put in a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.xview_scroll(4,"units");   end lambda;
         -- bind a rightward scrolling action
       but := fr3("button","Scroll right"); but("side") := "left";
           -- put in a second button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.xview_scroll(-4,"units");   end lambda;
         -- bind a leftward scrolling action

       fr4 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr4("side") := "top";
              -- build and place a frame for next two buttons

       but := fr4("button","View 6"); but("side") := "left";
            -- put in a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.yview(6); end lambda;
                 -- bind a percentage downward shift of view
       but := fr4("button","View 1"); but("side") := "left";
            -- put in a second button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.yview(1); end lambda;
                 -- bind a percentage upward shift of view

       fr5 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr5("side") := "top";
              -- build and place a frame for next two buttons

       but := fr5("button","View bottom"); but("side") := "left";
           -- put in a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.yview_percent(0.5); end lambda;
       but := fr5("button","View top"); but("side") := "left";
            -- put in a second button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.yview_percent(0.0); end lambda;

       fr6 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr6("side") := "top";
              -- build and place a frame for next two buttons

       but := fr6("button","Scroll down"); but("side") := "left";
           -- put in a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.yview_scroll(1,"unit"); end lambda;
         -- bind a downward scrolling action
       but := fr6("button","Scroll up"); but("side") := "left";
           -- put in a second button
       but{OM} := lambda(); lb.yview_scroll(-1,"unit"); end lambda;
         -- bind an upward scrolling action

       print("Listbox length: ",#lb);     -- get listbox length
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;
9.12.B. Messages. Message widgets are used to display multiple lines of non-editable text. Their height is calculated automatically. Their attributes are:
	 text			- text of message
	 font			- message text font
	 anchor		- message text anchor point: n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw, center
	 aspect 		- message width, as percentage of height
	 justify	- message justif. in its rectangle: left, right, or center
	 textvariable	- if non-null, names a Tk variable holding
	 			-  the message's string
	 	- Note: this over-rides the 'text' attribute if it has been set 
	 foreground		- text color
	 background		- background color 
	 width			- message width, in characters for text 
	 borderwidth	- message border width, in pixels 
	 relief			- flat, sunken, raised, groove, or ridge
	 highlightthickness	- thickness of additional border
	 			-  used to indicate focus 
	 highlightbackground	- color of additional border when
	 			-  label does not have focus
	 highlightcolor		- color of additional border when label has focus		
	 cursor			- cursor to display when mouse is over message
	 takefocus	- see explanation found under the help keyword 'focus'
The following mini-program displays a message.
    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;   -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Test Window";  -- caption the main window
       msg := Tk("message","Messages\ncan\noccupy\nmany lines");
             -- create and place a message
       msg("side") := "left";
       msg("font") := "{times 96}";      -- display in a large font

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop 
    end test;
9.12.C. Labels. Label widgets are used to display multiple lines of non-editable text, images, or bitmaps. Their height in lines is specified explicitly. Their attributes are:
	text		- text of label
	font			- label text font
	bitmap			- bitmap to display instead of label text 
	image			- image to display instead of label text 
	anchor		- label text anchor point: n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw, center
	justify		- label justif. in its rectangle: left, right, or center
	textvariable	- if non-null, names a Tk variable holding 
				- the label's string
		- Note: this over-rides the 'text' attribute if it has been set 
	foreground		- text color
	background		- background color 
	width		- label width, in characters for text, pixels for image 
	height		- label height, in characters for text, pixels for image
	borderwidth		- label border width, in pixels 
	relief			- flat, sunken, raised, groove, or ridge
	highlightthickness	- thickness of additional border
				-  used to indicate focus 
	highlightbackground	- color of additional border when label
				- does not have focus
	highlightcolor		- color of additional border when label
				-  has focus		
	cursor			- cursor to display when mouse is over label
	padx,pady		- size of extra padding space around label
	takefocus	- see explanation found under the help keyword 'focus'
	wraplength		- width, in pixels, at which wrap begins
Here is a small example showing the use of a label.
    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;   -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Test Window";  -- caption the main window
       lab := Tk("label","Messages\ncan\noccupy\nmany lines,"
       	 + "\nand also display images\n " 
            + "their height must be defined explicitly for them to be seen");
                 -- create and place a message
       lab("side") := "left";
       lab("height,font") := "6,{Times 36}";
             -- their height must be defined explicitly for them to be seen

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;
9.12.D. Sliders. Sliders are used to convert positions along a line into numerical values. They consist of a slider bar ('trough') and a sliding element. One can either drag the sliding element, of hold the mouse down in the trough, which causes the sliding element to move toward the mouse position.

The attributes of sliders are:

	from,to			- minimum and maximum slider values 
	showvalue		- display value with sliding element
	digits			- number of digits in display value, if any
	resolution		- round value to a multiple of this element 
	orient			- horizontal or vertical
	length,width	- long and short dimensions of the slider trough
	sliderlength	- length of the sliding element
	troughcolor		- color of slider bar
	background		- sliding element and surround color 
	activebackground	- color of sliding element when being dragged 
	foreground		- color of caption text
	state			- normal, active, or disabled
	repeatdelay		- delay till auto-stepping if click in trough
	repeatinterval	- delay between auto-steps if click in trough
	bigincrement	- slider step in response to command-left, command-up, etc.
	variable	- if non-null, names a Tk variable holding the slider value
	cursor			- cursor to display when mouse is over slider
	takefocus	- see explanation found under the help keyword 'focus'
	borderwidth		- slider additional border width, in pixels 
	relief		- flat, sunken, raised, groove, or ridge relief
				-  for slider bar
	sliderrelief	- flat, sunken, raised, groove, or ridge relief,
				- sliding element
	highlightthickness	- thickness of additional border used
				- to indicate focus 
	highlightbackground	- color of additional border when slider
				- does not have focus
	highlightcolor	- color of additional border when slider has focus		
	label			- label to be displayed with slider bar
	font			- label font
	tickinterval	- if nonzero, interval at which to display ticks
	command			- command to invoke when value changes
The following program shows the dynamic connection of a slider's output value to a message which displays it. We set up a slider, a button and a message. Clicking on the button connects a display action to slider value changes; this display action simply writes the slider value to the message.
    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;   -- use the main widget class
       var slider,msg;    -- globalize for use below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Test Window";  -- caption the main window
       but := Tk("button","Connect slider"); but("side") := "top"; 
       but{OM} := connect;
            -- button-click calls a routine which connects the slider
            -- to the output message
       slider := Tk("scale","0,100");        -- create and place a slider
       slider("side") := "top"; 
       slider("orient") := "horizontal";      -- can be 'vertical'
       slider("length,width") := "350,10";     -- physical size of slider

       msg := Tk("message","Slider value appears here");
           -- create and place a message widget
       msg("side") := "top";
       msg("font") := "{Times 96}";    -- set into large font

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk mailb := parent("listbox",3);
       lb("side") := "left";  -- listbox shows 3 elements
       procedure connect(); slider{OM} := show_val; end connect;
            -- connects the slider to the output message
       procedure show_val(v); msg(OM) := slider(OM); end show_val;
          -- write the slider value to the output message

    end test;
9.12.E. Textline widgets. Textline widgets 'texl' are editable single-line text entry areas. The text in a textline widget can be manipulated using string-like syntax: texl(m..n) designates characters m thru n, texl(OM) all the text in the widget, #texl the number of characters of text. In the expression texl(m..n), m and n can either be integers, or one of the following constants, designating special positions in the text within the widget:
	anchor		-- the index of the anchor point 
			- (left, right, or center) of the selection
	end			-- last character
	insert			-- position of insertion cursor
	sel.first		-- first selected character
	sel.last		-- last selected character
A negative integer -n can be used to designate the character at horizontal screen position n. The attributes of textline widgets are:
	state			- normal or disabled (if disabled, text is read-only)
	font			- text font
	show			- character to display in place of contents
	foreground		- text color
	background		- text background color
	justify			- left, right, or center
	selectbackground	- background color for selected text 
	selectforeground	- foreground color for selected text 
	selectborderwidth	- width of selection border (for 3D selection effect) 
	borderwidth		- extra space around edge of text
	cursor			- cursor to display when mouse is over canvas
	insertwidth		- width of insertion cursor
	insertbackground	- color of insertion cursor
	insertborderwidth	- border width for insertion cursor, 
				- if displayed in relief
	insertofftime,insertontime	- blink times for insertion cursor
	highlightthickness	- thickness of additional border used
				- to indicate focus 
	highlightbackground	- color of additional border when
				- widget does not have focus
	highlightcolor		- color of additional border when
				- widget has focus
	relief			- flat, sunken, raised, groove, or ridge
	exportselection	- use XWindows selection export mechanism (XWindows only)
	takefocus		- see explanation found under
				- the help keyword 'focus'
	textvariable	- if non-null, names a Tk variable holding
				- the widget's string

We set up two textlines, one with a yellow and one with a green background, and one button. Clicking on either of the textlines sets the selection in the first of the textlines to cover characters 2 through 4. Clicking on the button sets the selection, again in the first textline, to cover characters 5 through 12. You can experiment with this program to see how textline selection and keyboard focus relate.

 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class
   var tline;            -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Selection in textline";
             -- create the Tk interpreter
   tline := Tk("entry",30); tline("side") := "top";
       -- create a first textline with a yellow background
   tline("font,background,selectborderwidth") := "{times 48 bold},yellow,4";
   tline(OM) := "Type more text here";    -- put some sample text into it
   tline2 := Tk("entry",30); tline2("side") := "top";
      -- create a second textline with a green background
   tline2("font,background") := "{times 48 bold},green";
   tline2(OM) := "Or here";           -- put some sample text into it
   but := Tk("button","Or click here"); but("side") := "top";
   tline{"ButtonRelease-1"} := set_selection;
       -- bind set selection action to click on first textline
   tline2{"ButtonRelease-1"} := set_selection;
       -- bind identical action to click on second textline
   but{OM} := set_selection2;    -- bind set selection action to click on button
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
   procedure set_selection();  -- set the selection in the first text line
     tline("sel") := "2,4";
   end set_selection;
   procedure set_selection2();  -- set the selection in the first text line
     tline("sel") := "5,12";
   end set_selection2;
 end test;

The following small program shows the textline 'xview_percent' and 'xview_scroll' operations, which can be used to shift the view of a long textline right or left; also the ',to);'operation, which can be used to set the range of characters selected, and 'textline.index(index_name)', which returns the position of any one of a standard list of named indices, e.g. "insert", which names the current position of the insertion mark. We set up a textline and put more text than can be seen at any one time into it. The 'xview_percent' and 'xview_scroll' operations are then bound to buttons which can be used to scroll the textline left and right.

    program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,tl;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Textline scrolling";   -- create the Tk interpreter
       tl := Tk("entry","10"); tl("side") := "top";   -- create a textline
       tl(OM) := "A0123456789 B0123456789 C0123456789 ";
            -- put some text into it

       fr1 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr1("side") := "top";
              -- build and place frame for next two buttons

       but := fr1("button","View right"); but("side") := "left";
         -- create a first button
       but{OM} := lambda(); tl.xview_percent(0.5); end lambda;
            -- bind jump-to-right action 

       but := fr1("button","View left"); but("side") := "left";
         -- create a seconed button
       but{OM} := lambda(); tl.xview_percent(0.0); end lambda;
          -- bind jump-to-left action 

       fr2 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr2("side") := "top";
              -- build and place frame for next two buttons

       but := fr2("button","Scroll left"); but("side") := "left";
           -- create a third button
       but{OM} := lambda(); 
       	tl.xview_scroll(1,"unit"); print(tl.index("insert")); 
       end lambda;
               -- bind scroll bind scroll-right and show insertion point actions
       but := fr2("button","Scroll right"); but("side") := "left";
         -- create a fourth button
       but{OM} := 
          lambda(); tl.xview_scroll(-1,"unit");,5); end lambda;
              -- bind scroll-left and set selection actions

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;
Note that 'xview_scroll' and 'xview_percent' are also available for text widgets, in which case similar 'yview_scroll' and 'yview_percent' operations are also provided. However, the 'wrap' attribute of a text area must be set to 'none' before horizontal changes of view become possible.

10.13. Other operations associated with the various kinds of widgets.

As indicated above, most of the vital operations on interface widgets use SETL retrieval and assignment syntax like obj(attrib_list), obj(attrib_list) := att_vals, obj(i..j), obj(i..j) := x, obj(OM) := x, obj(x,y) := x, etc. However, the are various operations for which this is inconvenient, for which a more standard 'object method' syntax is therefore used. This section enumerates all remaining operations of the SETL graphical interface, irrespective of the syntactic form in which they are available.

Attributes and operations available for all widgets.The expression


returns the type of any SETL widget w.

Manipulation of the widget rendering order. The operation


raises the 'rendering order' position of the object 'obj' to just after that of 'after_obj', or to the last place in the 'rendering order' if after_obj = OM. Since objects rendered later in this order cover objects rendered earlier if they overlap, this can affect the rendered appearance of a collection of widgets. Similarly, the operation


lowers the rendering order position of the object obj to just before that of 'before_obj', or to the first place in the rendering order if before_obj = OM.

The following program illustrates these operations. It creates two buttons, and forces them to the same position by giving them the same gridded position. Initially the second button is at the top of the 'rendering order', but clicking each button moves the other to the top, and so makes it visible.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
	var but1,but2;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
	Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	but1 := Tk("button","Button1"); but1("row,column") := "1,1";
	      -- create a first button
	but1{OM} := lambda(); but2.raise(but1); end lambda;
	      -- bind a click callback to it

	but2 := Tk("button","Button2"); but2("row,column") := "1,1";
	      -- create a second button, in the same place
	but2("font") := "Helvetica";      -- give it a visibly different font
	but2{OM} := lambda(); but1.raise(but2); end lambda;
	      -- bind a click callback to it
	Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

As the following example shows, the 'raise' and 'lower' operations are also available for Tk toplevel windows. In this context, they are performed by the system window manager, and so will move windows not only with respect to other Tk toplevels, but also with respect to any windows of the SETL IDE that happen to be open. The 'destroy' operation applies both to toplevels and to other widgets, and destroys a widget with all its descendants.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var win,win2;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

       win := Tk("toplevel","300,100"); win(OM) := "Another Window";
      win2 := Tk("toplevel","300,100"); win2(OM) := "Yet another Window";
       but := Tk("button","Destroy Auxiliary window"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); win.destroy(); end lambda;
          -- place mark anchoring following offsets 
       but := Tk("button","Raise Auxiliary window"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); win.raise(OM); end lambda;
          -- place mark anchoring following offsets 
       but := Tk("button","Raise Auxiliary window 2"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); win2.raise(OM); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)

       but := Tk("button","Lower Auxiliary window 2"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); win2.lower(OM); end lambda;
          -- move to right from (0,0)
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

    end test;
Miscellaneous Tk Utilities. The operation

obj.beeper(); -- utility beep procedure

which has been used in many of the preceding examples, beeps once,

obj.stopper(); -- destroys top level window, preliminary to exit

destroys the Tk top level window, and with it all subordinate windows, preliminary to exit. Note that until this is done the SETL interactive development environment remains frozen. The operation; -- returns object x and y coordinates if object was 'placed' in parent

returns the Tk object's x and y coordinates if the object 'ob' was 'placed' in its parent. All these are illustrated in the following short program. We open a new window into which a frame is put. A canvas is then put into this frame and given a green background. Three buttons are put into the main window. The first of these simply beeps when clicked, the second prints the place of the canvas, and the third exits Tk, illustrating the use of the 'stopper' method.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var ca;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";  -- caption the main window
       but := Tk("button","Beep"); but("side") := "left";   -- create a button
         but{OM} := tk.beeper;       -- bind beep action to button
       win := Tk("toplevel","200,200"); Tk(OM) := "Has Green Box";
          -- create a new window

       fr := win("frame","200,200"); fr("side") := "left";
          -- create a frame in this new window 

       ca := fr("canvas","100,100"); ca("place,x,y") := "50,50";
        -- create and place a canvas in the frame
       ca("background") := "green"; -- color it green

       but := Tk("button","Get Place"); but("side") := "left";
          -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); print(; end lambda;
           -- bind place display action to button
       but := Tk("button","Stop"); but("side") := "left";   -- create a button
       but{OM} := Tk.stopper;       -- bind stop action to button

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;

Other Operations for the various Kinds of Widgets.

Canvas Operations.

(A) Tag Manipulation for Canvas Items. The operation


adds a new tag to a canvas item;


adds a new tag to the canvas item immediately before canv_obj in the rendering order of canv_obj's parent canvas; and


adds a new tag to the canvas item immediately after canv_obj in the rendering order of canv_obj's parent canvas. The following short program illustrates these operations. We set up a canvas and put three colored boxes into it. Several tags are added to the second box using the operations displayed above. Beeping actions are bound to these tags. You can experiment with this program to see how many beeps are produced by clicking on each box.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
	var Tk;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
	Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	ca := Tk("canvas","100,100"); ca("side") := "top";
	    -- create and place a canvas in the window
	box1 := ca("rectangle","10,10,40,40"); box1("fill") := "red";
	    -- put 3 colored boxes into the canvas
	box2 := ca("rectangle","20,20,50,50"); box2("fill") := "blue";
	box3 := ca("rectangle","30,30,60,60"); box3("fill") := "green";
	box2.addtag("beeping"); box2.addtag_after("beeping2");
	    -- add several tags to the blue box
	    -- the 'beeping3' tag precedes the 'beeping' tag
	ca{"beeping",OM} := Tk.beeper; 
	   -- bind beep actions to the tags. These may beep multiple times
	ca{"beeping2",OM} := lambda(); Tk.beeper(); Tk.beeper(); end lambda;
	ca{"beeping3",OM} := lambda(); 
			for j in [1..3] loop Tk.beeper(); end loop;
		end lambda;

	Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

The operation


adds a new tag to all canvas items which already have the tag 'hastag'. The operation


adds a new tag to all canvas items in the designated rectangle, or to all items in the canvas if rect = OM. This is illustrated by the following program. Again, we set up a canvas and put three colored boxes into it attaching several tags to the first of the boxes. Beeps are then bound to the tags. You can experiment with this to see which boxes have become click sensitive and correlate this with the tags that each box carries.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
	var Tk;		-- globalize for use in procedure below
	Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	 ca := Tk("canvas","100,100"); ca("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a canvas in the window
	 box1 := ca("rectangle","10,10,40,40"); box1("fill") := "red";
	     -- put 3 colored boxes into the canvas
	 box2 := ca("rectangle","50,50,90,90"); box2("fill") := "blue";
	 box3 := ca("rectangle","30,30,60,60"); box3("fill") := "green";
	 box1.addtag("box1_tag");        -- add an additional tag to box1
	     -- add the tag 'beeping2' to all boxes in the canvas which already
	     -- carry the tag 'box1_tag'
	   -- add a tag ('beeping') to all boxes inside the specified rectangle
	 ca{"beeping",OM} := Tk.beeper;
	       -- bind a single beep action to tag 'beeping'
	 ca{"beeping2",OM} := lambda(); Tk.beeper; Tk.beeper; end lambda;
	      -- bind a double beep action to tag 'beeping'
	 Tk.mainloop(); 	-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Note again that


returns the list of all tags associated with a canvas item.

The operation


removes the specified tags from a canvas item. The operation


removes the specified tags from all items which have the tag 'iftag'. The operation


adds the tag 'newtag' to the canvas object nearest to x,y, if 'halo' is OM, or if halo /= OM to the last canvas object (in the display list of the canvas) within the radius 'halo' of the distance to this nearest object. But if 'start' is not OM, it should be an integer designating a position in the canvas display list, in which case this operation will affect the last such item coming before that carrying the tag 'before_tag' in the canvas display list.

The following example shows the action of 'deltag' and 'deltag_if'. Once more we set up a canvas and put three colored boxes into it. A variety of tags are then attached to these boxes. The 'tags' attribute of canvas objects is then used to display these tags. After this some of the tags are deleted using the operations 'deltag' and 'deltag_if' and the remaining tags displayed.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
       ca := Tk("canvas","100,100"); ca("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a canvas in the window
       box1 := ca("rectangle","10,10,40,40"); box1("fill") := "red";
           -- put 3 colored boxes into the canvas
       box2 := ca("rectangle","20,20,50,50"); box2("fill") := "blue";
       box3 := ca("rectangle","30,30,60,60"); box3("fill") := "green";
       box2.addtag("beeping");    box2.addtag_after("beeping2");
           -- add several tags to the blue box
       box2.addtag_before("beeping3");    -- add the 'beeping3' tag to box 1
       box2.addtag_after("beeping2");     -- add the 'beeping2' tag to box 3
         -- this will add the 'weeping2' tag to box 3
          -- this will add the 'weeping' tag to box 2
       box3.addtag("beeping4");       -- add the 'beeping4' tag to box 3
       box1.addtag("beeping4");       -- add the 'beeping4' tag to box 1

       print("box1 tags: ",box1("tags"));   -- show the tags for all the boxes
       print("box2 tags: ",box2("tags"));
       print("box3 tags: ",box3("tags"));
       box2.deltag("beeping");        -- delete the 'beeping' tag from box 1
          -- delete the 'beeping4' tag from all boxes that carry the 'beeping2' tag

       print("\nafter deletions - box1 tags: ",box1("tags"));
          -- show the tags for all the boxes again
       print("after deletions - box2 tags: ",box2("tags"));
       print("after deletions - box3 tags: ",box3("tags"));

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;
The output produced is
	 box1 tags: ["beeping3", "beeping4"]
	 box2 tags: ["beeping", "weeping"]
	 box3 tags: ["beeping2", "weeping2", "beeping4"]
	 after deletions - box1 tags: ["beeping3", "beeping4"]
	 after deletions - box2 tags: ["weeping"]
	 after deletions - box3 tags: ["beeping2", "weeping2"]

The following example shows the action of 'addtag_nearest'. We set up the same configuration of colored boxes as before and then use the 'addtag_nearest' operation to attach various tags to them. The attached tags are then displayed. You will want to think through the geometry of this example to understand which of the boxes require tags.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
       ca := Tk("canvas","100,100"); ca("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a canvas in the window
       box1 := ca("rectangle","10,10,40,40"); box1("fill") := "red";
           -- put 3 colored boxes into the canvas
       box2 := ca("rectangle","20,20,50,50"); box2("fill") := "blue";
       box3 := ca("rectangle","30,30,60,60"); box3("fill") := "green";
            -- add 'beeping' to the box nearest 0,0

       print("box1 tags: ",box1("tags"));   -- show the tags for all the boxes
       print("box2 tags: ",box2("tags"));
       print("box3 tags: ",box3("tags"));
            -- add 'beeping2' to the last box within radius 30 of 0,0
            -- add 'beeping3' to the last box within radius 20 of 0,0
          -- 'beeping3' to the last box within radius 30 of 0,0
       print("\nbox1 tags after: ",box1("tags"));
          -- show the tags for all the boxes again
       print("box2 tags after: ",box2("tags"));
       print("box3 tags after: ",box3("tags"));
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;
The output produced is
	 box1 tags: ["beeping"]
	 box2 tags: []
	 box3 tags: []
	 box1 tags after: ["beeping", "beeping3", "beeping4"]
	 box2 tags after: ["beeping2"]
	 box3 tags after: []

(A) Item deletion from a canvas. The operation

deletes the specified canvas item;


deletes all items which carry any member of the specified list of tags. This is illustrated by the following program, which deletes the blue rectangle when the first button is clicked, but the red rectangle when the second button is clicked.

 program test;	      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	 use tkw;		      -- use the main widget class
	 var Tk,box2,ca;       -- globalize for use in procedure below
	 Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	 but := Tk("button","Click"); but("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a first button
	 but{OM} := lambda(); box2.delete(); end lambda;
	 		-- the click deletes box 2
	 but2 := Tk("button","Click2"); but2("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a second button
	 but2{OM} := lambda(); ca.delete_items("tag1"); end lambda;
	 		-- the click deletes all items carrying 'tag1'
	 ca := Tk("canvas","100,100"); ca("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a canvas in the window
	 box1 := ca("rectangle","10,10,40,40"); box1("fill") := "red";
	     -- put 3 colored boxes into the canvas
	 box2 := ca("rectangle","50,50,90,90"); box2("fill") := "blue";
	 box3 := ca("rectangle","30,30,60,60"); box3("fill") := "green";
	 -- add 'tag1' to the boxes within distance 20 of the box nearest 10,10 
	 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Tags attached to canvas items can also be used to organize them into groups which can be moved backwards and forwards in the canvas' rendering order. This is done using the operations

canvas.raise_tid(tag_name,tag_before);         and         canvas.lower_tid(tag_name,tag_after);

'raise_tid(tag_name,tag_before);' raises all the items carrying the designated tag_name to the front of the rendering order if tag_before is OM, or otherwise to just before the item tagged with 'tag_before'. 'lower_tid(tag_name,tag_after);' lowers all the items carrying the designated tag_name to the rear of the rendering order if tag_after is OM, or otherwise to just before the item tagged with 'tag_after'. We also show the use of the expressions

canvas_obj.find_after()         and         canvas_obj.find_before()

which respectively return the object just after and just before the designated canvas_obj. The program which follows sets up a canvas and puts three geometric shapes and some canvas text into it. Separate tags are added to the inserted rectangle and oval, but a common tag is attached to the inserted spline shape and canvas text. Then we set up a set of six buttons which raise and lower the tagged items, either to the very top or bottom of the rendering order, or to a position just before or just after the red box. You can experiment with these buttons to explore the use of the 'raise_tid' and 'lower_tid' operations.

 program test;      -- SETL interactive interface example 1
  use tkw;    -- use the main widget class

  var ca,rect;     -- globalize for use in procedure below

  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Raising and lowering tagged items";
            -- create the Tk interpreter

  ca := Tk("canvas","300,100"); ca("side") := "top";
       -- create a canvas with a grey background
  ca("background") := "#cccccc";

  rect := ca("rectangle","20,20,60,40"); rect("fill") := "red";
      -- put three items into the canvas
  oval := ca("oval","5,20,100,40"); oval("width") := 5;

  poly := ca("polygon","60,60,100,60,100,0,40,0"); 
  poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";
  ct := ca("text","Text in the canvas");    -- put some text into the canvas
  ct("coords") := "10,10"; ct("anchor,font,fill") := "nw,{Times 36},yellow";  
  rect.addtag("box");    -- add identifying tags to the canvas items

  but := Tk("button","Move rect forward"); but("side") := "top";
     -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); 
  		ca.raise_tid("box",OM); print("\n",rect.find_after()); 
  	end lambda;
     -- when clicked, raises 'rect' to the top, and prints items
     -- just before and just after
  but := Tk("button","Move rect backward"); but("side") := "top";
     -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); 
  		ca.lower_tid("box",OM);  print("\n",rect.find_after());  
  	end lambda;
     -- when clicked, lowers 'rect' to the bottom, and prints items
     -- just before and just after
  but := Tk("button","Move spline and text forward"); but("side") := "top";
     -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); ca.raise_tid("spline_text",OM);  end lambda;
      -- when clicked, raises spline and text to the top
  but := Tk("button","Move spline and text backward"); but("side") := "top";
     -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); ca.lower_tid("spline_text",OM);  end lambda;
      -- when clicked, lowers spline and text to the bottom
  but := Tk("button","Raise oval to just before box"); but("side") := "top";
     -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); print(ca.raise_tid("round","box"));  end lambda;
      -- when clicked, raises 'oval' to the position just before 'rect'
  but := Tk("button","Lower oval to just after box"); but("side") := "top";
     -- create a button
  but{OM} := lambda(); print(ca.lower_tid("round","box"));  end lambda;
      -- when clicked, lowers 'oval' to the position just after 'rect'
  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

end test;

(A) Tag-based search for Canvas Items. many of the tag manipulation operations described above have 'search' analogs which find the canvas items associated with specified tags.

The operation


returns the list of objects in the specified canvas which carry the specified tag. The operation


finds the canvas item immediately before canv_obj in the rendering order of canv_obj's parent canvas; and


finds the canvas item immediately after canv_obj in this order. Both these routines return a canvas object. These three operations are illustrated by the following small program, which deletes the red and then the grey rectangle when the first button is clicked, since the have been placed behind the blue rectangle in the canvas shown and so come before the blue rectangle in rendering order. Similarly clicking on the second button deletes the green rectangle, which comes after the blue rectangle in rendering order. Finally, the 'canvas.find(tag_name)' operation, invoked by the third button, is used to locate and then delete the blue rectangle.

    program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,ca,box2;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
       ca := Tk("canvas","100,100"); ca("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a canvas in the window
       box0 := ca("rectangle","5,5,35,35"); box0("fill") := "grey";
           -- put 4 colored boxes into the canvas
       box1 := ca("rectangle","10,10,40,40"); box1("fill") := "red";
       box2 := ca("rectangle","5,25,90,90"); box2("fill") := "blue";
       box3 := ca("rectangle","30,30,60,60"); box3("fill") := "green";

       but := Tk("button","Delete behind blue"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); 
       			if (b2 := box2.find_before()) /= OM then b2.delete(); end if; 
       		end lambda;
             -- bind the button's click event to deletion of the
             -- canvas item preceding the green box
       but := Tk("button","Delete in front of blue"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); b2 := box2.find_after(); 
       			if b2 /= OM then print(b2.delete()); end if; 
       		end lambda;
             -- bind the button's click event to deletion of the
             -- canvas item preceding the green box

       but := Tk("button","Delete blue"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create and place a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); b2_list := ca.find("greenbox")?[]; 
       for b2 in b2_list loop b2.delete(); end loop; 
       end lambda;
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

    end test;

The operation


returns the list of all items in the specified canvas which are contained in the specified rectangle (or the entire canvas if rect = OM), while


returns the list of all such items which touch the specified rectangle. For example, clicking the first (resp. second) button in the following program deletes the red (resp. red and green) rectangle. To see that this is the case you will want to think through the geometry of the configuration, in particular, the placement of the boxes which appear in the 'find_in' and 'find_touching' operations seen.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	 use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
	 var Tk,ca;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
	 Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	 but := Tk("button","Click"); but("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a first button
	 but2 := Tk("button","Click2"); but2("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a second button
	 but{OM} := lambda();
	     -- bind its click event to deletion of all items within
	     -- the specified rectangle
	 		for x in ca.find_in("9,5,45,45") loop 
	 		end loop; 
	 	end lambda;
	 but2{OM} := lambda();
	     -- bind its click event to deletion of all items touching
	     -- the specified rectangle
	 		for x in ca.find_touching("20,20,45,45") loop
	 		 end loop; 
	 	end lambda;
	 ca := Tk("canvas","100,100"); ca("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a canvas in the window
	 box1 := ca("rectangle","10,10,40,40"); box1("fill") := "red";
	     -- put 3 colored boxes into the canvas
	 box2 := ca("rectangle","50,50,90,90"); box2("fill") := "blue";
	 box3 := ca("rectangle","30,30,60,60"); box3("fill") := "green";
	 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The operation


finds the canvas item nearest to the point xy. If the 'halo' and 'start' parameters are not OM, they have the same effect as in the 'addtag_nearest' operation.


gets the smallest bounding rectangle of the collection of canvas items which carry the tags 'tags_or_items' if this parameter is either a string or a tuple of strings, but of the items listed if tags_or_items is a list of canvas items.

Finally, the operations

canv.canvasx(x,roundto);     and     canv.canvasy(y,roundto);
map from screen to canvas coordinates, possibly rounded to grid units. 
Button Operations The operation

triggers the designated button's principal command, if any. Note also that

but("selected") := 1;     and     but("selected") := 0;

respectively select/deselect radio buttons and checkbuttons.

The following small program illustrates the use of 'invoke_button'. We set up a canvas containing three colored rectangles as before. Two buttons are also set up, the first of which merely invokes the action of the second button whereas the second buttons deletes the boxes. You will see that clicking on either button has then the effect of deleting the boxes.

 program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
    var Tk,ca,but;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

    but := Tk("button","Delete"); but("side") := "top"; 
       -- create and place a first button
    but2 := Tk("button","Just flash the Delete button"); but2("side") := "top";
        -- create and place a second button
    but3 := Tk("button","Invoke the Delete button"); but3("side") := "top";
        -- create and place a third button

    but{OM} := lambda();
        -- bind click action of first button to deletion of all boxes inside
        -- the specified rectangle 
          for x in ca.find_in("9,5,45,45") loop x.delete(); end loop; 
       end lambda;
    but2{OM} := lambda(); but.flash(); end lambda;
         -- bind click action of second button to flash of the first button
    but3{OM} := lambda(); but.invoke_button(); end lambda;
         -- bind click action of second button to invocation of the first button
    ca := Tk("canvas","100,100"); ca("side") := "top";
    box1 := ca("rectangle","10,10,40,40"); box1("fill") := "red";
    box2 := ca("rectangle","50,50,90,90"); box2("fill") := "blue";
    box3 := ca("rectangle","30,30,60,60"); box3("fill") := "green";

    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

  end test; 
Our next example shows the effect of setting the "selected" attribute of radio buttons and checkbuttons. it also illustrates the 'flash' and 'invoke' operations for widgets of this type. We create two radio buttons and two check boxes in a window, along with two sets of four buttons each. These buttons trigger actions which select, deselect, flash, or invoke one of the radio buttons or checkbuttons. By using them you can see what their graphical effects are and verify that only the 'invoke' action triggers the selection response (in this case, a simple print operation) bound to the radio button or checkbutton affected.
 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
  use tkw;    -- use the main widget class

  var Tk,rbut1,rbut2,ckbut1,ckbut2;       -- globalize for use in procedure below

  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Radiobutton Selection Test";   
   -- create the Tk interpreter
  fr1 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr1("side") := "top";
              -- create two frames for the buttons
  fr2 := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr2("side") := "top";  
  rbut1 := fr1("radiobutton","Label1"); rbut1("side") := "left";
      -- create two radio buttons in the first frame
  rbut2 := fr1("radiobutton","Label2"); rbut2("side") := "left";
  rbut1{OM} := lambda(); print("rbut1 changed"); end lambda;
      -- bind an output action to the first radio button
  rbut1("variable,value") := "xr,r1"; rbut2("variable,value") := "xr,r2";

  but := fr1("button","Select"); but("side") := "left";
       -- create two ordinary buttons in the first frame
  but{OM} := lambda(); rbut1("selected") := "1"; end lambda;
    -- click on first ordinary button sets the radio button

  but := fr1("button","Deselect"); but("side") := "left";  
  but{OM} := lambda(); rbut1("selected") := "0"; end lambda;
    -- click on second ordinary button drops the radio button
  but := fr1("button","Flash"); but("side") := "left";  
  but{OM} := lambda(); rbut1.flash(); end lambda;
    -- click on third ordinary button flashes the radio button

  but := fr1("button","Invoke"); but("side") := "left";  
  but{OM} := lambda(); rbut1.invoke(""); end lambda;
    -- click on fourth ordinary button invokes the radio button
  ckbut1 := fr2("checkbutton","Label1"); ckbut1("side") := "left";
      -- create two checkbuttons in the second frame
  ckbut2 := fr2("checkbutton","Label2"); ckbut2("side") := "left";
  ckbut1{OM} := lambda(); print("ckbut1 changed"); end lambda;
      -- bind an output action to the first checkbutton

  ckbut1("variable,offvalue,onvalue") := "x,r1,r2"; 
  ckbut2("variable,offvalue,onvalue") := "y,r1,r2";

  but := fr2("button","Select"); but("side") := "left";
       -- create two ordinary buttons in the second frame
  but{OM} := lambda(); ckbut1("selected") := "1"; end lambda;
    -- click on first ordinary button sets the checkbutton

  but := fr2("button","Deselect"); but("side") := "left";  
  but{OM} := lambda(); ckbut1("selected") := "0"; end lambda;
    -- click on second ordinary button drops the checkbutton

  but := fr2("button","Flash"); but("side") := "left";  
  but{OM} := lambda(); ckbut1.flash(); end lambda;
    -- click on third ordinary button flashes the checkbutton

  but := fr2("button","Invoke"); but("side") := "left";  
  but{OM} := lambda(); ckbut1.invoke(""); end lambda;
    -- click on fourth ordinary button invokes the checkbutton 

  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

end test;

The operation


causes the designated button to flash, but does not invoke it. This is seen by clicking on the second button in the following example. The program emphasizes the difference between the 'flash' and the 'invoke' operations. It creates three buttons and a canvas containing three colored rectangles. An action deleting one of the rectangles is bound to the first button. The the second button just 'flashes the first, whereas the third button 'invoke's the first button. By experimenting you can see that 'flash' does not trigger the deletion action of the fist button, but that 'invoke' does.

 program test;            -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
    var Tk,ca,but;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter

    but := Tk("button","Delete"); but("side") := "top";
        -- create and place a first button
    but2 := Tk("button","Just flash the Delete button"); but2("side") := "top";
        -- create and place a second button

    but{OM} := lambda();
        -- bind click action of first button to deletion of all boxes inside
        -- the specified rectangle 
          for x in ca.find_in("9,5,45,45") loop x.delete(); end loop; 
       end lambda;
    but2{OM} := lambda(); but.flash(); end lambda;
         -- bind click action of second button to flash of the first button
    ca := Tk("canvas","100,100"); ca("side") := "top";
    box1 := ca("rectangle","10,10,40,40"); box1("fill") := "red";
    box2 := ca("rectangle","50,50,90,90"); box2("fill") := "blue";
    box3 := ca("rectangle","30,30,60,60"); box3("fill") := "green";

    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

 end test; 
Textline Operations The interface sees the contents of a textline as a kind of string, so operations like

textl(i..j) := stg2;     stg := textl(i..j);         and #textl

have the expected effects. The operation stg := textl(i..OM); gets all the characters of the textline's contents from the i-th character to the end. various string expressions, namely "sel.anchor", "end", "insert", "sel.first", and "sel.last" designate character positions in a textline; the operation


gets the numerical value of any such index_key. Here "insert" designates the position of the insert mark, "sel.first", and "sel.last" the position of the first and last selected characters (OM is returned if there is no selection) and "sel.anchor" designates the character position from which a selection would be extended, e.g. by a Shift-click. Integer values of index_key can also be used, in which case the index of the character at the designated horizontal bit-position is returned.

Assignments of the form

textl("sel") := ij;


textl("sel.anchor") := k;

can be used to set the selection boundaries and anchor position in a textline. Here ij should either be a pair of integers, an integer i (representing the pair [i,i]), or a comma-separated string representing such a pair.

The following program illustrates these remarks. Note that the selection in a textline only becomes visible when the textline gets the focus, so before clicking on the buttons displayed by the program you should click somewhere in the textline.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	 use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
	 var Tk,ent;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
	 Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	 ent := Tk("entry","20"); ent("side") := "top";
	       -- create and place a text entry line
	 ent(OM) := "toptoptoptoptop"; ent("font") := "{Times 24}";
	       -- put some fonted text in it
	 sc := Tk("scrollbar","h,12"); sc("side,fill") := "top,x";
	 but := Tk("button","Set the selection to 2,6"); but("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a first button
	 but2 := Tk("button","Set the selection to 14,14"); but2("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a second button
	 but3 := Tk("button","Set the insertion point to 3"); but3("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a third button
	 but{OM} := lambda(); 
	 			ent(1..1) := "inserted"; ent("sel") := "2,6"; 
	 		end lambda;
	     -- bind an insertion and selection-set action to click on
	     -- the first button
	 but2{OM} := lambda(); 
	 			print(ent(5..10)); ent("sel") := "14,14"; 
	 		end lambda;
	     -- bind a print and selection-set action to click on the second button
	 but3{OM} := lambda(); ent("insert") := "3"; end lambda;
	     -- bind relocation of the insertion point to click on the third button
	 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

As explained in section AAA and illustrated by the following short program, horizontal (but not vertical) scrollbars can be attached to textline widgets.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	 use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
	 Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";     -- create the Tk interpreter
	 		ent := Tk("entry","6"); ent("side") := "top";
	 		      -- create and place a text entry line
	 		ent(OM) := "toptoptoptoptop"; 
	 		ent("font") := "{Sabon 24}";
	 		      -- put some fonted text in it
	 sc := Tk("scrollbar","h,12"); sc("side,fill") := "top,x"; 
	 ent("xscroller") := sc;     -- attach horizontal scrollbar
	 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Textline widgets can also be scrolled under program control. The operation

textl("xview") := n;

scrolls a textline to make its n-th character visible;

textl("xpercent") := p;

positions it so as to place the percentage p of its string contents invisible to the textline's left. The operation


moves the textline contents by n characters if 'what' is OM, but by n 'pages' (textlines full) if 'what' is "pages".

The following short program illustrates these operations. We set up a textline and put more text into it than can be seen at any one time. The view-shift and scrolling operations listed above are then bound to buttons and used to reposition the textline in various ways.

 program test;		          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	 use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
	 var Tk,ent;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
	 Tk := tkw();				-- create the Tk interpreter
	 Tk(OM) := "Textline Scrolling Modes";
	 ent := Tk("entry","20"); ent("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a text line widget
	 ent(OM) := "A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789";
	     -- put some text into it
	 ent("font") := "{Times 24}";    -- use a comfortable font
	 but := Tk("button","View character 5"); but("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place six buttons
	 but2 := Tk("button","View character 15"); but2("side") := "top";
	 but3 := Tk("button","View character 35"); but3("side") := "top";
	 but4 := Tk("button","50% offscreen to the left"); but4("side") := "top";
	 but5 := Tk("button","Scroll 3 units"); but5("side") := "top";
	 but6 := Tk("button","Scroll -1 page"); but6("side") := "top";
	 but{OM} := lambda(); ent("xview") := 5; end lambda;
	         -- bind scrolling actions to first 3 buttons
	 but2{OM} := lambda(); ent("xview") := 15; end lambda;
	 but3{OM} := lambda(); ent("xview") := 35; end lambda;
	 but4{OM} := lambda(); ent("xpercent") := 50; end lambda;
	       -- bind 'percent' scrolling action to button 4
	 but5{OM} := lambda(); ent.xview_scroll(3,OM); end lambda;
	    -- bind 'absolute' scrolling action to button 4
	 but6{OM} := lambda(); ent.xview_scroll(-1,"pages"); end lambda;
	 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

The bounding box of the n-th character in a textline is returned by the expression


Slider Operations. The expression slid(OM) retrieves, and the command

slid(OM) := x;

sets a slider's value, repositioning it appropriately, as shown by the following short program, which creates a slider and two buttons which are bound to operations which set the slider value.

 program test;	          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	 use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
	 Tk := tkw();				-- create the Tk interpreter
	 Tk(OM) := "Interactive interface example 1";
	 slider := Tk("scale","0,100");
	  -- parameters are lower and upper limit of slider range
	 slider("side") := "top"; 
	 slider("orient,length") := "horizontal"; 	-- can be 'vertical'
	 slider("length,width") := "350,10";		-- physical size of slider
	 but := Tk("button","Set slider value = 30"); but("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a first button
	 but{OM} := lambda(); slider(OM) := 30; end lambda;	
	 but2 := Tk("button","Reduce slider value by 1"); but2("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a second button
	 but2{OM} := 
	 	lambda(); slider(OM) := slider(OM) - 1; end lambda;	
	 Tk.mainloop();		-- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The expression


returns the slider value corresponding to the pixel position ij of the slider trough (relative to the toplevel window containing the slider). The related operation


returns one of the values "trough1", "slider", or "trough2", whichever designates the part of the slider underneath the point at pixel position i (relative to the toplevel window containing the slider). The function


is a near inverse of 'slid.get(ij)'; it returns the geometric position (relative to the toplevel window containing the slider) corresponding to the slider value i.

The following simple program illustrates the use of these three expressions. It creates a slider and three buttons. The first button uses the 'identify' operation three times to print the parts of the slider over which each of three selected points lie. The second gets the slider value corresponding to a given pixel location (relative to the slider). The thirds gets the pixel location corresponding to the slider's current value.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	 use tkw,string_utility_pak;    -- use the main widget class

	 var Tk,slider;

	  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";      -- create the Tk interpreter
	  slider := Tk("scale","0,100"); slider("side") := "top";
	      -- create a horizontal slider
	  slider("orient") := "horizontal";      
	  slider("length,width") := "350,10";   -- set physical size of slider
	  slider(OM) := 66;                    -- initialize the slider value
	  fr := Tk("frame","10,10"); fr("side") := "top";
	          -- create a frame for the following buttons
	  but := fr("button","Identify"); but("side") := "left"; 
	       -- create a button bound to the 'identify' action
	  but{OM} := lambda(); 
	  		print(slider.identify("50,24")," ",slider.identify("250,24")
	  			," ",slider.identify("220,24")); 
	  		end lambda; 
	  but := fr("button","Value from Location"); but("side") := "left";
	     -- create a button bound to the slider 'get' action
	  but{OM} := lambda(); print(slider.get("150,0")); end lambda; 
	  but := fr("button","Location from Value"); but("side") := "left";
	     -- create a button bound to the slider 'coords' action
	  but{OM} := lambda(); print(slider.coords(slider(OM))); end lambda; 
	  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

Most of the slider operations described in the last few paragraphs apply to scrollbars also.

Listbox Operations. Since the graphical interface treats a listbox as something like a tuple of strings, #listb gives the number of elements of a listbox (i.e. its total number of elements, not the number of visible elements), and listb(i..j) is the tuple of elements i thru j. Also, as the following program shows, elements can be inserted and deleted by writing listb(i..j) := replacement_elements, where 'replacement_elements' is either a tuple of new elements or a comma-separated string of such elements.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
    var Tk,lb;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
    Tk := tkw();				-- create the Tk interpreter
    Tk(OM) := "Listbox Scrolling Modes";
    fr := Tk("frame","1,1"); fr("side") := "top";
    lb := fr("listbox",3); lb("side") := "left";	-- listbox shows 3 elements
    lb(1..0) := "Item1,Item2,Item3,Item4,Item5,Item6,Item7,Item8,Item9,Item10";
 	-- listbox contains 10 elements, so a scrollbar is attached
    lb("yscroller") := scroller := fr("scrollbar","v,10"); -- attach a scrollbar
    lb("width") := 12;
    scroller("side,fill") := "left,y";
        -- scrollbar fills available vertical space
    print(#lb," ",lb(1..#lb),"\n",lb(2..5));
    but := Tk("button","Modify listbox"); but("side") := "top";
        -- create and place a button
    but{OM} := lambda(); 
    		lb(2..1) := "Prior to 2"; 
    		lb(5..6) := "Replacement 1,Replacement 2,Replacement 3"; 
    	end lambda;   
    Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

The program shown above sets up a scrolling listbox and adds a button which modifies the list of items in the listbox by making slice assignments to it. You can experiment with this program to see that item replacements are made independent of the scroll position of the listbox. Listboxes can be scrolled vertically and horizontally under program control. The operation

listb("yview") := n;

scrolls a listbox to make its n-th line visible;

listb("ypercent") := p;

positions it so as to place the percentage p of its elements invisible above the listbox's top. The corresponding horizontal scrolling operations listb("xview") := n; and listb("xpercent") := p; are also available, and, as the following example shows, horizontal scrollbars can also be attached to listboxes. We set up a listbox which shows three items, but then put ten items of which one is too long to see at any one time into the listbox. Horizontal and vertical scrollbars are then attached to the listbox. We also introduce three buttons which use assignments to the special variables 'yview', 'ypercent', and 'xview' to change the listbox position.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
      use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
      var Tk,lb;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Listbox Scrolling Modes, Example 2";
     fr := Tk("frame","100,100"); fr("side") := "top";
     lb := fr("listbox",3); lb("row,column") := "1,1"; -- listbox shows 3 elements
     lb(1..0) := "Item1,A very long item that just goes on and on, " + 
          -- listbox contains 10 elements, some very wide, so 
          -- scrollbars are attached
     lb("width") := 12;
     lb("yscroller") := scroller := fr("scrollbar","v,10"); -- attach a scrollbar
     lb("xscroller") := scroller2 := fr("scrollbar","h,10"); -- attach a scrollbar
     scroller("row,column,sticky") := "1,2,news";
     	 -- scrollbar fills available vertical space
     scroller2("row,column,sticky") := "2,1,news";
     	 -- scrollbar fills available horizontal space
     but := Tk("button","View element 8"); but("side") := "top";
     	    -- create and place a first button
     but{OM} := lambda(); lb("yview") := 8; end lambda;
     	    -- bind a view change to the button click   

     but2 := Tk("button","View middle third"); but2("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a second button
     but2{OM} := lambda(); lb("ypercent") := 0.33; end lambda;
         -- bind a percentage view change to the button click   

     but3 := Tk("button","View character 20"); but3("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a third button
     but3{OM} := lambda(); lb("xview") := 20; end lambda;   
         -- bind a horizontal view change to the button click   
     Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
The operation


moves the listbox contents vertically by n lines if 'what' is OM, but by n 'pages' (visible boxes full) if 'what' is "pages".


moves the listbox contents horizontally by n characters if 'what' is OM, but by n 'pages' if 'what' is "pages".

Listboxes can operate in one of several modes, determined by their 'selectmode' attribute, which can have one of the values 'single', 'browse', 'multiple', or 'extended'. When the listbox is in 'single' mode, any one element at a time can be selected. In 'multiple' mode, any subset of elements can be selected; clicking on an element toggles it between selected and unselected status. In 'extended' mode, the selected elements form a contiguous range, extended in the familiar way by shift-clicks. 'browse' mode, which is the default, is like 'single' mode, but allows the selection to be dragged.

Assignments of the form

listb("sel") := ij;

can be used to set the selected elements in a listbox. Here ij should either be a pair of integers, an integer i (representing the pair [i,i]), or a comma-separated string representing such a pair.

The expression


returns the list of currently selected items in a listbox.

Various special names can be used to designate items in a listbox. These include "active" (a specially designated listbox item, which in some implementation will appear underlined), and "sel.anchor" (the character position from which a selection would be extended, e.g. by a Shift-click.) The 'active' listbox item can be set using the operation

lb("active") := n;

The expression


returns the index of the visible listbox element nearest to vertical pixel position n (in the listbox's enclosing toplevel window.) These are illustrated in the following example. Again, we create a listbox that displays three items but put ten items including one long item into the list box. The vertical scrolling action 'yview_scroll' is then attached to a pair of buttons and invocation of the 'nearest' function is bound to a third. An assignment to the special listbox attribute 'sel', which sets the selected item of the listbox, is bound to a final button. Experimenting with this program will show the action of all of these operations.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
      use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
      var Tk,lb;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Listbox Scrolling Modes, Example 2";
     fr := Tk("frame","100,100"); fr("side") := "top";
     lb := fr("listbox",3); lb("row,column") := "1,1"; -- listbox shows 3 elements
     lb(1..0) := "Item1,A very long item that just goes on and on, " + 
          -- listbox contains 10 elements, some very wide, so 
          -- scrollbars are attached
     lb("width") := 12;
     lb("yscroller") := scroller := fr("scrollbar","v,10"); -- attach a scrollbar
     lb("xscroller") := scroller2 := fr("scrollbar","h,10"); -- attach a scrollbar
     scroller("row,column,sticky") := "1,2,news";
     	 -- scrollbar fills available vertical space
     scroller2("row,column,sticky") := "2,1,news";
     	 -- scrollbar fills available horizontal space
     but := Tk("button","Scroll Down"); but("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a first button
     but{OM} := lambda(); lb.yview_scroll(1,OM); end lambda;
         -- attach scroll down action to button click
     but := Tk("button","Scroll Up"); but("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a second button
     but{OM} := lambda(); lb.yview_scroll(-1,OM); end lambda;
         -- attach scroll up action to button click

     but2 := Tk("button","Select element 2"); but2("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a third button
     but2{OM} := lambda(); lb("sel") := 2; end lambda;
         -- attach line selection to button click  

     but3 := Tk("button","Line Nearest Vert. Pixel 40"); but3("side") := "top";
         -- create and place a fourth button
     but3{OM} := lambda(); print(lb.nearest(40)); end lambda;
         -- attach line identification to button click  
     Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Menu Operations. Since menus, like listboxes, are treated by the SETL graphical interfaces as being tuple-like, #menu gives the number of items in a menu, menu(i..j) returns the list of items i thru j of a menu, and menu(i..j) := item_list; replaces these items with the elements of the specified item_list, which should have the 'descriptor' format used to create menus, as described in See Section AAA, 'Menus and Menu Items'. That Section gives additional information about basic menu operations. As explained there, actions are attached to menu items by writing

men{j,OM} := action;

Such actions, normally triggered by selecting a menu item, can be triggered under program control by writing


The following program illustrates this possibility. We set up a menu button and attach a five-item menu to it. Each of the first three menu items is bound to a beep action, and the last two menu items are bound to actions which change the menu itself, or which invoke the action bound to another menu item. You can experiment with this program to see how these bindings react to menu changes.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
    use tkw;		-- use the main widget class
    var Tk,mb,men;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
	 Tk := tkw();       -- create the Tk interpreter
	 mb := Tk("menubutton","Pick Something");
	  	-- create and place a menubutton
	 mb("side") := "left";
	 descriptor := "b:Item1,b:Item2,b:Item3,s,c:Item4,c:Item5";
	  	-- setup a menu descriptor
	 mb(OM) := men := mb("menu",descriptor);
	 		-- attach a menu to the menubutton
	 men{2,OM} := lambda(); 
	 		for j in [1..3] loop Tk.beeper(); end loop;
	 	end lambda;
	   -- bind beep actions to the menu items
	 but := Tk("button","Replace menu elts 3..4"); but("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a first button
	 but{OM} := lambda(); 
	 		men(3..4) := "b:NewItem2,s,b:NewItem3,s"; 
	 	end lambda;
	  		-- bind a menu change to the button click 
	 but2 := Tk("button","Trigger Item 2 action"); but2("side") := "top";
	     -- create and place a second button
	 but2{OM} := lambda(); men.invoke(2); end lambda;
	     		-- bind a selection action to the button click 
	 Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;
Menu items can be referenced by name, and few special strings, can be used to refer to menu items. This is accomplished by using the expression


which returns the numerical position of the menu item designated by "key'. Here, 'key' can either be a menu item's label or a string "@n", where n is an integer. This last form references the menu item at vertical pixel position n relative to the window which contains it when it is visible.

An approximate inverse of the expression men.index("@n") is given by


which returns the vertical position that the top of entry n will have within the menu when posted. The expression


returns the type of menu entry n.

Menus, like listboxes, record an activated element, which can be set by writing

men("active") := n

and read by using the expression men.index("active"). (This is not available on the Macintosh.)

The following short program illustrates these operations. We set up a menubutton and a five-item menu as before. The values returned by the four preceding expressions are simply printed.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,mb,men;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw();       -- create the Tk interpreter
       mb := Tk("menubutton","Pick Something");    -- create a menubutton
       mb("side") := "left";
       descriptor := "b:Item1,b:Item2,b:Item3,s,c:Item4,c:Item5";
       mb(OM) := men := mb("menu",descriptor);    -- attach a menu
       men{2,OM} := 
         lambda(); for j in [1..3] loop Tk.beeper(); end loop; end lambda;
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

The output produced is


Note that,as shown by the last two lines of output, item indexing in the 'entry_type' command is 0-based.

	procedure postcascade(n);			-- display menu in hierarchical position for entry n???
Scrollbar Operations. In addition to the basic operations which tie scrollbars to scrollable widgets, described in Section AAA, a few special scrollbar operations are provided. Some scrollbar implementations (but not the Macintosh) allow the position (and in some implementations, the size) of a scrollbar's slider to be modified so as to reflect the currently visible fraction of the widget being scrolled by the scrollbar. Three statements are provided for this.

scrollb("position") := low_hi;

sets the slider's upper and lower limits; the expression scrollb("position") reads these values. Here 'low_hi' should either be a pair of decimal fractions (representing the upper and lower part of the controlled widget's visible extent, as a fraction of its total size), or a comma-delimited string representing such a pair. The expression


returns the fraction of the (horizontal or vertical) scrollbar that corresponds to the (vertical or horizontal) pixel position x_or_y; the related expression
converts a horizontal or vertical position change to a fraction of the scrollbar length. Much as for sliders, the expression


returns one of the values "arrow1", "trough1", "slider", or "trough2", "arrow2", or "" (for positions not over the scrollbar) whichever designates the part of the scrollbar underneath the point at pixel position i (relative to the toplevel window containing the scrollbar). [But for horizontal scrollbars there may be a bug in this operation.] Finally, the expression

and statements like

scrollb("active") := "slider"; -- or "arrow1" or "arrow2"
can be used to set a scrollbar's 'active' element, which can be either "slider", "arrow1" or "arrow2". In some implementations of the interface, this can affect the relief of the designated scrollbar element. Note that 'fraction', 'identify', and 'scrollb("position")' can only be used once the window containing a scrollbar has been opened.

9.14. Dragging; Drag-and-drop control.

'Dragging', that is, moving graphic objects with the mouse, and the drag-and-drop control that can be built on top of it, are two of the most important design options afforded by graphical interfaces. As shown in the following program objects are dragged by capturing the mouse position when the mouse is pressed on an object to be dragged, and then by maintaining this object in the same position relative to the mouse as the mouse continues to move with the button held down. Dragging ends as soon as the button comes up.

The following program puts a canvas into the window that it displays, and a rectangle, an oval, and a spline curve into that canvas. All three of these canvas objects are made draggable, the rectangle explicitly, and the oval and spline curve by use of the 'drag_pak' package, discussed below. To make the rectangle draggable, we bind a routine that captures both its position and the position of the cursor when the button is pressed on the rectangle. We also bind a routine to the qualified motion event seen in the code, namely, 'B1-Motion'. The qualifier 'B1' indicates that these motion events are only to be generated while the first mouse button is down. Note also that both bindings carry the specification 'xy' which indicates that the x and y position of the mouse is to be captured at the moment of the event and transmitted to the event handler routine bound to it. As always these coordinates are joined into a single tuple and transmitted as such. The 'make_draggable' and 'make_vert_draggable' routines seen toward the end of the code are supplied by the 'drag_pak' package and make the object transmitted to them as their first parameter draggable (resp. vertically draggable). The three parameters set to OM in this example can represent procedures to be executed at drag start, during drag, and at drag-end respectively. This will be explained in more detail in our next example.

 program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,drag_pak;    -- use the main widget class and the drag_pak routines
   var Tk,rect;                -- globalize for use in procedure below
   var starting_posn,rect_coords;       -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Drag Test";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   ca := Tk("canvas","300,300"); ca("side") := "left";  -- create a canvas
   rect := ca("rectangle","20,20,60,40"); rect("fill") := "red";
     -- out a rectangle, oval, and spline into it
   oval := ca("oval","80,20,120,40"); oval("fill") := "green";
   poly := ca("polygon","140,60,180,60,180,100,20,100"); 
   poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";
   rect{"ButtonPress-1:xy"} := lambda(xy);
        -- attach a drag-start action to the rectangle
      	starting_posn := [unstr(c): c in xy]; 
      	rect_coords := [unstr(c): c in rect("coords")]; 
      end lambda;
   rect{"B1-Motion:xy"} := lambda(xy);
        -- attach a drag-response action to the rectangle
   		[now_canv_x,now_canv_y] := xy; 
   		now_canv_x := float(unstr(now_canv_x)); 
   		now_canv_y := float(unstr(now_canv_y));
   		delta_x :=  now_canv_x - starting_posn(1); 
   		delta_y := now_canv_y - starting_posn(2);

   		now_coords_stg := "" +/ 
   		  [str(if odd(j) then delta_x 
   		  		else delta_y end if + x)
   			 + " ": x = rect_coords(j)];
     rect("coords") := now_coords_stg;
   end lambda;
        -- use drag_pak to make the oval draggable also
       -- use drag_pak to make the spline vertically draggable
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

Our next example shows the use of the procedural parameters that can be transmitted to the 'make_draggable', 'make_vert_draggable', and 'make_horiz_draggable' routines provided by 'drag_pak'. The first of these is a 'drag_start' procedure which, if not OM, is executed when object dragging begins. The second, if not OM, is executed during drag each time a motion event is detected. The third is executed when the mouse button comes up to end dragging. In our example we set up a canvas containing a rectangle, oval and spline curve as before, but bind them to 'drag_start', 'drag', and 'drag_end' routines which are as follows. 'drag_start' simply captures the object's initial position. 'drag' changes the object color, making it dependent on the x and y positions of the mouse, and 'drag_end' returns the object to its initial position. Note that each of these routines has two parameters. In 'drag' the first parameter is a canvas object or widget which is being dragged. In 'drag_start' and 'drag_end' the first is the list of all canvas objects or widgets which are being dragged. (This corresponds to the fact that the first argument of make_draggable can either be a widget of a tuple of such widgets). In every case the second being the mouse position at the moment that the routine is invoked.

 program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
     use tkw,drag_pak;    -- use the main widget class and the drag_pak routines
     var Tk;       -- globalize for use in procedure below
     var start_coords,rect_coords;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
             -- table of colors for use in procedure below
     const colors := ["red","green","blue","yellow","cyan",
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Drag Test2";          -- create the Tk interpreter
     ca := Tk("canvas","300,300"); ca("side") := "left";
       -- create a canvas
     rect := ca("rectangle","20,20,60,40"); rect("fill") := "red";
       -- put a rectangle, oval, and spline into it
     oval := ca("oval","80,20,120,40"); oval("fill") := "green";

     poly := ca("polygon","140,60,180,60,180,100,20,100"); 
     poly("fill,smooth") := "blue,true";
          -- use drag_pak to make the rectangle draggable,
          -- and set its drag_start, drag, and drag_end procedures
          -- use drag_pak to make the oval draggable also
        -- use drag_pak to make the spline vertically draggable also
     Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
     procedure drag_procedure(obj_being_dragged,posn);
       -- object drag procedure
       [x,y] := posn;       -- unpack the position coordinates
       obj_being_dragged("fill") := colors((floor(x + y) mod #colors) + 1);
         -- use the position coordinates to set the object's color
     end drag_procedure;
     procedure drag_start_procedure(objs_being_dragged,place);
          -- rectangle drag start procedure
        start_coords := objs_being_dragged(1)("coords");
          -- note its starting coordinates
     end drag_start_procedure;
     procedure drag_end_procedure(objs_being_dragged,end_pt);
              -- rectangle drag end procedure
        obj_being_dragged := objs_being_dragged(1);
        obj_being_dragged("coords") := start_coords;
          -- return the object to its original position
     end drag_end_procedure;
 end test;

Next we show the internal details of the 'drag_pak' package used in the two preceding examples. As seen in its specifier, this package provides five routines. These are the 'make_draggable', 'make_horiz_draggable', 'make_vert_draggable' routines seen above, plus two more procedures, namely 'make_drop_sensitive' and 'switch_drag_mode'. The routine 'make_drop_sensitive' has two parameters, the first being a canvas object or widget, and the second being a 'drop_response' procedure. After an object is made drop sensitive by a call to 'make_drop_sensitive', its 'drop_response' routine will be called whenever the drag of an object 'obj' made draggable using 'make_draggable' ends with the mouse position over the drop-sensitive object. As seen in a later example, this gives us an easy way of setting up drag and drop applications.

The routines 'make_draggable', 'make_horiz_draggable', and 'make_vert_draggable' all simply call a composite routine 'gen_draggable' transmitting an identifying mode parameter. 'gen_draggable' examines the Tk name of the object being dragged to determine whether it is a widget or a canvas item and calls the routine appropriate for whatever situation is detected. The canvas-case routines are easiest to follow. Then examine the three procedure parameters transmitted, and depending on whether or not these are actually procedures, call one or another event-attachment routines. If no legal procedure is actually supplied, the event attachment routine for drag start simply posts the starting position of the drag and the initial coordinates of each object being dragged, putting these in global variables which the other routines can read. The objects being dragged are also moved to the top of the canvas rendering order, so that they will not appear to be moving behind other canvas objects that they happen to overlap while being dragged. The same thing is done if a procedure (rather than an OM, or some other illegal value) is actually supplied, but in this case the drag start routine generated also executes the procedure passed to it.

Much the same pattern repeats for canvas drag event and drag-end event attachment routines. The procedure returned by the drag event attachment routine applies the proper adjustments to the canvas positions of all objects being dragged. These are, of course, calculated from the current mouse position, which is passed to the drag routine each time it is called. The drag-end attachment routine posts the position of the mouse at the button-release moment for possible use by the drop sensitivity procedures described below. If procedure parameters are supplied to the drag event attachment and/or drag-end event attachment routines, they are bound into the procedures that these procedures return, and then simply executed each time the relevant event triggers its callback.

Note that all of these attachment routines must return procedures, and so return closures into which all the data and subsidiary procedures that they will need are bound.

The widget-case routines are similar, differing from the canvas-case routines only in coordinate-computation and details and in the instructions needed to move objects to their new positions during drag.

The two parameters of the routine 'make_drop_sensitive' are (i) the object onto which another object may be dropped, and (ii) the routine to be triggered if such a drop actually occurs. 'make_drop_sensitive' generates a closure, which is bound to the mouse-entry event for the target object of a drop. This closure calls the second, 'drop_response' parameter passed to 'make_drop_sensitive', passing the target object of the drop and the dropped object as its two parameters. It is then the responsibility of the 'drop_response' routine to determine how it will react to the drop event, which it can either ignore or handle by reading and combining any/all parameters which can be recovered from the two objects involved. An example showing the use of this facility is found below. Note also that the drop event is actually the mouse entry event that occurs when the object being dragged to another moves from the final mouse position, (or moves down in rendering order) thus allowing the fact that the mouse has entered the targetobject of the drag to be realized.

A final facility provided by 'drag_pak' is the ability to keep track of multiple dragging modes and to switch between them, e.g. in response to button clicks or drag-drop actions. This is done by making various of the key global variables used by the 'drag_pak' routines public, i.e., accessible to procedures outside 'drag_pak'. Of these, the most central is 'ops_in_drag_mode', which must be set up as a mapping from the string names of drag modes to mappings, specifically mappings of widgets or canvas objects to the triples of drag actions that should be associated with them in the specified mode. This publicly accessible global is then read by the procedure switch_drag_mode(new_mode) provided by 'drag_pak'. This routine merely retrieves an object-to-procedure mapping for the specified mode, and installs the procedures found for each object in the domain of the mapping, turning off any such operations that were on in the previous drag mode. A typical use for this capability is to switch the way that a box or other graphic object reacts to drag actions addressing 'drag handles' placed at the corners and on the edges of the box. Depending on which of these handles is selected, the rectangle may pull from one of its corners, or only horizontally or vertically from one of its edges, etc., with the drag handles other than that being dragged following suit. This effect is obtained by switching to a drag mode determined by the handle selected.

An example of the use of switch_drag_mode is given below.

package drag_pak;
    -- Drag setup package; also sets up for response to drop-on event.
  -- This package provides an easy-use drag or drag-and-drop capability for widgets.
  -- Calling the routine make_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end) makes the widget
  -- 'the_obj' draggable. The 3 additional parameters dg_start, dg, and dg_end can 
  -- be OM, but if not they should all be procedures of one parameter, prepared
  -- to receive an integer point [x,y], the location of a mouse point [x,y],
  -- the location of a mouse-related event. Then dg_start will be called at 
  -- the beginning of the drag, immediately after mousedown (whose location will be
  -- transmitted to it.) Similarly dg will be called for each mouse_move event, and 
  -- dg_end will be called on drag dg_end will be called on drag-end.

  -- If make_drop_sensitive(the_obj,drop_response) is called, its drop_response
  -- parameter should be a procedure drop_response(on_obj,dropped_obj) of two
  -- which will be widgets. 'drop_response' will be called whenever the drag of
  -- an object's parameters, 'dropped_obj', made draggable by 'make_draggable',
  -- ends with the mouse positioned over an object 'on_obj'
  -- made drop sensitive. 'drop_response' should then take whatever action
  -- is appropriate for a drop of dropped_obj onto on_obj.

  -- The test program given below shows how these procedures can be used to create a
  -- drag-and-drop oriented variant of the usual pocket calculator.

  var was_dragging,dropped_at;
      -- the last object being dragged, and its drop point
  var start_canv_x,start_canv_y;
      -- drag starting point, canvas relative, floating
  var start_coords_obj;       -- vector of starting coordinates
  var ops_in_drag_mode := {};
         -- maps objects to their associated actions in specified mode
  var current_drag_mode := "edit";    -- current mode
  procedure make_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end);
      -- make a widget draggable
  procedure make_horiz_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end);
    -- make a widget or widgets horizontally draggable
  procedure make_vert_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end);
    -- make a widget or widgets vertically draggable
  procedure make_drop_sensitive(the_obj,drop_response);  
                -- build response for mouse entry event (by drop)
  procedure switch_drag_mode(new_mode);
      -- switch the draggability mode

end drag_pak;

package body drag_pak;    -- drag setup package
use tkw;    -- use the basic widget package

  var drag_offs_x,drag_offs_y;
      -- offset for object being dragged

procedure switch_drag_mode(new_mode);    -- switch the draggability mode
  if new_mode = current_drag_mode then return; end if;
      -- nothing to do, since mode not changed
  prior_domain := domain(prior_ops := ops_in_drag_mode(current_drag_mode)?{});
     -- get the object-associated operations in the new mode
  new_domain := domain(new_ops := ops_in_drag_mode(new_mode)?{});
       -- current and target modes
  current_drag_mode := new_mode;                     -- switch to the new mode
  for obj in new_domain loop
      -- change to the 'new mode' operations for all objects that have one
    [dg_st,dg,dg_end] := new_ops(obj);       -- get the start, drag, and end codes
    obj{"ButtonPress-1:XY"} := dg_st;
    obj{"B1-Motion:XY"} := dg;
    obj{"ButtonRelease-1:XY"} := dg_end;
  end loop;
        -- now turn off any remaining operations that were on in the previous mode
  for obj in prior_domain - new_domain loop
     -- change to the 'new mode' operations for all objects that have one
    obj{"ButtonPress-1:XY"} := null_1;
      -- this is done by setting the response to a 1-parameter null vector
    obj{"B1-Motion:XY"} := null_1;
    obj{"ButtonRelease-1:XY"} := null_1;
  end loop;

end switch_drag_mode;

procedure null_1(x); end null_1;    -- null procedure of one operand

procedure make_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end);
    -- make a widget or widgets draggable
  return gen_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end,0);
end make_draggable;

procedure make_horiz_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end);
  -- make a widget or widgets horizontally draggable
  return gen_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end,1);
end make_horiz_draggable;

procedure make_vert_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end);
  -- make a widget or widgets vertically draggable
  return gen_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end,2);
end make_vert_draggable;

procedure gen_draggable(the_obj,dg_start,dg,dg_end,horiz_vert);
    -- make a widget or widgets draggable
  if not is_tuple(the_obj) then the_obj := [the_obj]; end if;
      -- force to tuple; note that a list of widgets sharing common drag 
      -- routines might have been passed
  if (nam := (the_obj(1)).Tk_id()) = "" then 
    return;    -- this should not happen
  end if;

  if nam(1) = "w" then      -- dealing with a widget
  else            -- dealing with a canvas item
  end if;

end gen_draggable;

procedure w_make_draggable(the_objs,dg_start,dg,dg_end,horiz_vert);
    -- make a list of widgets sharing common drag routines draggable
  for the_obj in the_objs loop

    if is_procedure(dg_start) then    -- attach the start routine with extra action
     the_obj{"ButtonPress-1:XY"} := press_op := attach_start(the_objs,dg_start);
    else             -- attach the start routine with no extra action
     the_obj{"ButtonPress-1:XY"} := press_op := attach_start_noproc(the_objs);
    end if;
    if is_procedure(dg) then    -- attach the drag routine with extra action
     the_obj{"B1-Motion:XY"} := drag_op := attach_drag(the_objs,dg,horiz_vert);
         -- start the drag
    else             -- attach the start routine with no extra action
     the_obj{"B1-Motion:XY"} := drag_op := attach_drag_noproc(the_objs,horiz_vert);
    end if;
    if is_procedure(dg_end) then    -- attach termination routine
     the_obj{"ButtonRelease-1:XY"} := release_op := attach_end(the_objs,dg_end);
    else             -- attach the termination routine with no extra action
     the_obj{"ButtonRelease-1:XY"} := release_op := attach_end_noproc(the_objs); 
    end if;
    ops_in_drag_mode(current_drag_mode) ?:= {}; 
    ops_in_drag_mode(current_drag_mode)(the_obj) := [press_op,drag_op,release_op];
        -- save the operations associated with the object in the current mode
  end loop;
end w_make_draggable;

procedure attach_end(the_objs,dg_end);
    -- bind the object into the termination routine

  return lambda(xy); 
    was_dragging := the_objs;     -- note the objects that were being dragged
    [now_abs_x,now_abs_y] := xy;    -- get the drag-end x and y coordinates
    now_abs_x := unstr(now_abs_x); now_abs_y := unstr(now_abs_y);
        -- put coordinates into numerical form
    dg_end(the_objs,dropped_at := [now_abs_x,now_abs_y]); 
    		   -- note the point at which the drag ended,
    		   -- and pass it to the drag-end routine
  end lambda;       
end attach_end;

procedure attach_end_noproc(the_objs);
	  -- bind the object into the termination routine

  return lambda(xy); 
    was_dragging := the_objs;      -- note the objects that were being dragged
    [now_abs_x,now_abs_y] := xy;    -- get the drag-end x and y coordinates
    now_abs_x := unstr(now_abs_x); now_abs_y := unstr(now_abs_y);
        -- put coordinates into numerical form
    dropped_at := [now_abs_x,now_abs_y];
       -- note the point at which the drag ended
  end lambda;    

end attach_end_noproc;

procedure attach_start(the_objs,dg_start);    -- drag start routine generator

  return lambda(xy);
    was_dragging := the_objs;        -- note the objects being dragged
    [start_abs_x,start_abs_y] := xy;    -- get the drag-start x and y coordinates
    start_abs_x := unstr(start_abs_x); start_abs_y := unstr(start_abs_y);
        -- put coordinates into numerical form
    drag_offs_x := drag_offs_y := [];
      -- prepare to build vectors of x and y displacements, kept globally
    for obj in the_objs loop
        -- loop over all the objects being dragged
	     [place_x,place_y] :=;
	            -- get object's current place in its parent
	     drag_offs_x with:= (place_x - start_abs_x);
	         -- convert locations into displacements from start position
	     drag_offs_y with:= (place_y - start_abs_y);
	         -- raise dragged objects to top level in rendering order
    end loop;
        -- call the supplementary routine

  end lambda;

end attach_start;

procedure attach_start_noproc(the_objs);
  -- drag start routine generator; no action version

  return lambda(xy);
    was_dragging := the_objs;    -- note the objects being dragged
    [start_abs_x,start_abs_y] := xy;
        -- get the drag-start x and y coordinates
    start_abs_x := unstr(start_abs_x); start_abs_y := unstr(start_abs_y);
        -- put coordinates into numerical form
    drag_offs_x := drag_offs_y := [];
      -- prepare to build vectors of x and y displacements
    for obj in the_objs loop
        -- loop over all the objects being dragged
     [place_x,place_y] :=;
            -- get object's current place in its parent
     drag_offs_x with:= (place_x - start_abs_x);
         -- convert locations into displacements from start position
     drag_offs_y with:= (place_y - start_abs_y);
     obj.raise(OM);    -- raise dragged object to top level in rendering order
    end loop;

  end lambda;

end attach_start_noproc;

procedure attach_drag(the_objs,dg,horiz_vert);  -- drag routine generator 
  var parx,pary;  -- parent object width and height,
  		-- globalized for binding into procedures below
  parent := the_objs(1)("parent");          -- get the parent of the first object
  parx := parent("width"); pary := parent("height");
     -- get the parent's width and height
  parx -:= 2; pary -:= 2;              -- decrement by 2 pixels, for safety
  return lambda(xy);    -- object dragging package: drag routine to be returned
    [now_abs_x,now_abs_y] := xy;    -- get the drag-start x and y coordinates
    now_abs_x := unstr(now_abs_x); now_abs_y := unstr(now_abs_y);
        -- put coordinates into numerical form
    for obj = the_objs(j) loop
        -- loop over all the objects being dragged
        -- increment the coordinates by the stored offsets from the mouse position
     nax := ((now_abs_x + drag_offs_x(j)) max 0) min parx;
     		-- confine to parent rectangle
     nay := ((now_abs_y + drag_offs_y(j)) max 0) min pary;
     if horiz_vert = 0 then
         -- if dragging is both horizontal and vertical
       obj("place,x,y") := str(nax) + "," + str(nay); 
          -- assign new x and y coordinates
     elseif horiz_vert = 1 then   -- if dragging is only horizontal
       obj("place,x") := str(nax);
                      -- assign new x coordinate
     else               -- if dragging is only vertical
       obj("place,y") := str(nay);
                      -- assign new y coordinate
     end if;

    end loop;

        -- call the supplementary routine, passing the list of all
        -- objects in the drag-set as a parameter

  end lambda;
end attach_drag;

procedure attach_drag_noproc(the_objs,horiz_vert);
	  -- drag routine generator; no action 
  var parx,pary;
  parent := the_objs(1)("parent");          -- get the parent of the first object
  parx := parent("width"); pary := parent("height");
     -- get the parent's width and height 
  parx -:= 2; pary -:= 2;              -- decrement by 2 pixels, for safety

  return lambda(xy);    -- object dragging package: drag routine to be returned
    [now_abs_x,now_abs_y] := xy; 
    now_abs_x := unstr(now_abs_x); now_abs_y := unstr(now_abs_y);

    for obj = the_objs(j) loop    -- loop over all the objects being dragged
        -- increment the coordinates by the stored offsets from the mouse position
     nax := ((now_abs_x + drag_offs_x(j)) max 0) min parx;
      		-- confine to parent rectangle
     nay := ((now_abs_y + drag_offs_y(j)) max 0) min pary;
     if horiz_vert = 0 then
         -- if dragging is both horizontal and vertical
       obj("place,x,y") := str(nax) + "," + str(nay);
           -- assign new x and y coordinates
     elseif horiz_vert = 1 then   -- if dragging is only horizontal
       obj("place,x") := str(nax);              -- assign new x coordinate
     else              -- if dragging is only vertical
       obj("place,y") := str(nay);               -- assign new y coordinate
     end if;

    end loop;

  end lambda;
end attach_drag_noproc;

  procedure make_drop_sensitive(the_obj,drop_response);  
                -- build response for mouse entry event (by drop)
    the_obj{"Enter:xy"} := lambda(xy);
        -- this is the mouse entry code; mouse position is transmitted when called
    wd := was_dragging; was_dragging := OM;
        -- was_dragging is the list of objects being dragged

    if wd /= OM and the_obj /= wd(1) then
    	-- dropped on object other than itself
           -- if a drag was in progress and drop is not on object being dragged
     was_dragging := OM;        -- drop the 'drag was in progress' flag
     drop_response(the_obj,wd(1));    -- note the drop-on event
    end if;
  end lambda;

end make_drop_sensitive;

procedure c_make_draggable(the_objs,dg_start,dg,dg_end,horiz_vert);
    -- make a canvas item draggable

  for the_obj in the_objs loop
    if is_procedure(dg_start) then
        -- attach the start routine with extra action
     the_obj{"ButtonPress-1:xy"} := press_op := c_attach_start(the_objs,dg_start);
    else             -- attach the start routine with no extra action
     the_obj{"ButtonPress-1:xy"} := press_op := c_attach_start_noproc(the_objs);
    end if;
    if is_procedure(dg) then
        -- attach the drag routine with extra action
     the_obj{"B1-Motion:xy"} := drag_op := c_attach_drag(the_objs,dg,horiz_vert);
         -- start the drag
    else             -- attach the start routine with no extra action
     the_obj{"B1-Motion:xy"} := drag_op := c_attach_drag_noproc(the_objs,horiz_vert);
    end if;
    if is_procedure(dg_end) then    -- attach termination routine
     the_obj{"ButtonRelease-1:xy"} := release_op := c_attach_end(the_objs,dg_end);
    else             -- attach the termination routine with no extra action
     the_obj{"ButtonRelease-1:xy"} := release_op := c_attach_end_noproc(the_objs); 
    end if;
  end loop;

  ops_in_drag_mode(current_drag_mode) ?:= {}; 
  ops_in_drag_mode(current_drag_mode)(the_obj) := [press_op,drag_op,release_op];
        -- save the operations associated with the object in the current mode

end c_make_draggable;

procedure c_attach_start_noproc(the_objs);
  -- drag start routine generator; no action version

  return lambda(xy);
    [start_canv_x,start_canv_y] := xy;
         -- get the drag-start x and y coordinates
    start_canv_x := float(unstr(start_canv_x));
        -- put coordinates into numerical form
    start_canv_y := float(unstr(start_canv_y));
    start_coords_obj := 
      [[unstr(x): x in the_obj("coords")]: the_obj in the_objs];
         -- save the starting coordinates of all the
         -- objects being dragged in a global
    for the_obj in the_objs loop the_obj.raise(OM);  end loop;
          -- raise dragged objects to top level in rendering order
  end lambda;

end c_attach_start_noproc;

procedure c_attach_start(the_objs,dg_start);  -- drag start routine generator

  return lambda(xy);
    [start_canv_x,start_canv_y] := xy;
         -- get the drag-start x and y coordinates
    start_canv_x := float(unstr(start_canv_x));
        -- put coordinates into numerical form
    start_canv_y := float(unstr(start_canv_y));
    start_coords_obj := [[unstr(x): x in the_obj("coords")]: the_obj in the_objs];  
         -- save the starting coordinates of all the
         -- objects being dragged in a global
    for the_obj in the_objs loop the_obj.raise(OM);  end loop;
          -- raise dragged objects to top level in rendering order
        -- call the supplementary start routine

  end lambda;

end c_attach_start;

procedure c_attach_drag_noproc(the_objs,horiz_vert);
	  -- drag routine generator; no action 

  return lambda(xy);    -- object dragging package: drag routine
    [now_canv_x,now_canv_y] := xy;     -- get the current mouse position
    now_canv_x := float(unstr(now_canv_x));
         -- put coordinates into numerical form
    now_canv_y := float(unstr(now_canv_y));
    delta_x := now_canv_x - start_canv_x; delta_y := now_canv_y - start_canv_y;
    		-- convert to offsets from starting position

    for the_obj = the_objs(k) loop
        -- loop over all the objects being dragged

     if horiz_vert = 0 then
      			-- if drag mode is both horizontal and vertical
       now_coords_stg := 
          "" +/ [str(x + if odd(j) then delta_x else delta_y end if) + " ": 
                        x = start_coords_obj(k)(j)];
                            -- apply x and y offsets to initial coordinates
     elseif horiz_vert = 1 then
      		-- else if drag mode is only horizontal
       now_coords_stg := 
          "" +/ [str(x + if odd(j) then delta_x else 0.0 end if) + " ": 
                        x = start_coords_obj(k)(j)];
                            -- apply only x offsets to initial coordinates
     		 	 -- else drag mode is only vertical
       now_coords_stg := 
          "" +/ [str(x + if even(j) then delta_y else 0.0 end if) + " ": 
                        x = start_coords_obj(k)(j)];
                            -- apply only y offsets to initial coordinates
     end if;
     the_obj("coords") := now_coords_stg;
         -- move object to new coordinate position

    end loop;
  end lambda;
end c_attach_drag_noproc;

procedure c_attach_drag(the_objs,dg,horiz_vert);  -- drag routine generator 

  return lambda(xy);    -- object dragging package: drag routine
    [now_canv_x,now_canv_y] := xy; 
    now_canv_x := float(unstr(now_canv_x)); now_canv_y := float(unstr(now_canv_y));
    delta_x := now_canv_x - start_canv_x; delta_y := now_canv_y - start_canv_y;
    		-- convert to offsets from starting position

    for the_obj = the_objs(k) loop 

     if horiz_vert = 0 then
      			-- if drag mode is both horizontal and vertical
       now_coords_stg := 
         "" +/ [str(x + if odd(j) then delta_x else delta_y end if) + " ": 
                        x = start_coords_obj(k)(j)];
                            -- apply x and y offsets to initial coordinates
     elseif horiz_vert = 1 then
       		-- else if drag mode is only horizontal
       now_coords_stg := 
          "" +/ [str(x + if odd(j) then delta_x else 0.0 end if) + " ": 
                        x = start_coords_obj(k)(j)];
                            -- apply only x offsets to initial coordinates
      		 	-- else drag mode is only vertical
       now_coords_stg := 
          "" +/ [str(x + if even(j) then delta_y else 0.0 end if) + " ": 
                        x = start_coords_obj(k)(j)];
                            -- apply only y offsets to initial coordinates
     end if;

     the_obj("coords") := now_coords_stg;
         -- move object to new coordinate position

         -- call the supplementary drag routine

    end loop;

  end lambda;
end c_attach_drag;

procedure c_attach_end_noproc(the_objs);
  -- end drag routine generator; no action version

  return lambda(xy); 
    was_dragging := the_objs;          -- note the object that was being dragged
    [now_canv_x,now_canv_y] := xy;        -- get the current mouse position
    now_canv_x := unstr(now_canv_x);    -- put coordinates into numerical form
    now_canv_y := unstr(now_canv_y);
    dropped_at := [now_canv_x,now_canv_y];
        -- note the point at which the drag ended
  end lambda;    

end c_attach_end_noproc;

procedure c_attach_end(the_objs,dg_end);
  -- end drag routine generator

  return lambda(xy); 
    was_dragging := the_objs;          -- note the object that was being dragged
    [now_canv_x,now_canv_y] := xy;        -- get the current mouse position
    now_canv_x := unstr(now_canv_x); 
    now_canv_y := unstr(now_canv_y);    -- put coordinates into numerical form
    dg_end(the_objs,dropped_at := [now_canv_x,now_canv_y]);
        -- note the point at which the drag ended, and call the drag-end routine
  end lambda;    

end c_attach_end;

end drag_pak;

Our next example is a more complete drag and drop mini-application, which shows the use of the 'make_drop_sensitive' routine supplied by 'drag_pak'. It creates a canvas surrounded by an array of small colored boxes, with a colored circle in the middle of the canvas. If any of these colored boxes is dragged onto the circle, the color of the circle is changed to the color of the box dragged onto it.

 program test;  -- SETL interactive interface example 1
     use tkw,drag_pak;    -- use the main widget class and the drag_pak routines
     var Tk;       -- globalize for use in procedure below
     var start_coords,rect_coords;        -- globalize for use in procedure below
             -- table of colors for use in procedure below
     const colors := ["red","green","blue","yellow","cyan",
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Drag a box onto the Circle";
         -- create the Tk interpreter
     ca := Tk("canvas","300,300"); ca("side") := "left";  -- create a canvas
     for col = colors(j) loop
           -- put an array of colored squares into it
       box := [30 * j - 20,10,30 * j,30];
       rect := ca("rectangle",
          "" +/ [str(x) + if k < 4 then "," else "" end if : x = box(k)]); 
       rect("fill") := col;
          -- use drag_pak to make the rectangles draggable, and set its drag_start,
          -- drag, and drag_end procedures
    end loop;
       -- put a rectangle, oval, and spline into it
     oval := ca("oval","50,50,250,250"); oval("fill") := "green";
       -- put a circle into the canvas
     Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
     procedure drop_response(on_obj,dropped_obj);  -- oval's drop_response procedure
       on_obj("fill") := dropped_obj("fill");
     end drop_response;
     procedure drag_start_procedure(objs_being_dragged,place);
       -- rectangle drag start procedure
        start_coords := objs_being_dragged(1)("coords");
          -- note ts starting coordinates
     end drag_start_procedure;
     procedure drag_end_procedure(objs_being_dragged,end_pt);
       -- rectangle drag end procedure
        obj_being_dragged := objs_being_dragged(1);
        obj_being_dragged("coords") := start_coords;
          -- return the object to its original position
     end drag_end_procedure;
end test;

9.15. The 'Clipboard'. The 'clipboard' is an in-RAM file of string data used to communicate between applications. When a selection is 'copied' (or 'cut') in most text-oriented applications, a copy of it is put into the keyboard. When the 'paste' operation available in most such applications is used, the text which appears is that contained in the clipboard. The SETL interface provides operations which allow the clipboard contents to be manipulated directly. These are

	Tk("clipboard")	-- returns the current string value in the clipboard
 Tk("clipboard") := stg;	-- sets the current string value in the clipboard

The following small program illustrates the use of the clipboard operations. It sets up two buttons, one bound to a routine which simply prints the contents of the clipboard, and the second of which is bound to a routine which puts the time into the clipboard whenever the button is clicked. You can test this by selecting text from a window belonging to any application other than SETL (the SETL environment remains frozen while this, or any other, Tk application is open), or by clicking on the second button and then on the first.

 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
  use tkw;     -- use the main widget class
  var Tk;       -- globalize for use below

  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";          -- create the Tk interpreter
  but := Tk("button","Print Clipboard"); but("side") := "top";
  but{OM} := lambda(); print(Tk("clipboard")); end lambda;
  but := Tk("button","Set Clipboard"); but("side") := "top";
  but{OM} := lambda(); Tk("clipboard") := time(); end lambda;
  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

  procedure my_procedure();  -- procedures go here
  end my_procedure;

 end test;
When communicating via clipboard with another SETL application, it may be convenient to pass a binary string encoding a SETL value (e.g. a map), and to decode it on receipt; the code for this is simply

Tk("clipboard") := binstr(x); and y := unbinstr(Tk("clipboard"));

and it allows arbitrary SETL values to be passed via the clipboard.

Custom translators between SETL formats and the data formats expected by clipboard-enabled applications which expect data in other forms can be written to communicate with such applications via the clipboard.

10.16. The Focus and Focus Grabs.

The 'focus' can be passed among the widgets in a window by hitting the tab key. This moves the focus forward in the circular order of these widgets; hitting Shift-tab moves the focus backward in this circular order. The 'takefocus' attribute of widgets controls the way in which they react to the arrival of the focus. A widget whose 'takefocus' attribute is set to 0 will always pass the focus along in circular order when it arrives; a widget whose 'takefocus' attribute is set to 1 will always take the focus when it arrives, but do nothing else. The 'takefocus' attribute can also be set to a null string, in which case default rules, which in some cases reflect the state of the widgets the circular order of widgets, will decide whether each widget accepts the focus or passes it along. Finally, a SETL procedure FP can be assigned as the value of a widget's 'takefocus' attribute. This procedure will be called as soon as focus arrives at the widget, the Tk 'string name' of SN the widget will be passed to it. (The widget object itself can be recovered from this internal 'string name' by using the function Tk.obj_from_tkname(SN).) A widget assigned a procedure-valued 'takefocus' attribute will always take the focus when it arrives.

The following short program illustrates these rules. We set up three textlines. Actions triggered when the focus arrives at each of these textlines are then set up. For the first textline we also set up an action that is executed when this line loses the focus. You can experiment by clicking on these textlines and by shifting the focus using the 'tab' key to see how they react to the arrival and loss of focus.

    program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,win;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw();                  -- create the Tk interpreter
                             -- create three textlines
       tline1 := Tk("entry","20"); tline1("side") := "top"; 
       tline1(OM) := "Type text here";
       tline1("font") := "{Times 18 bold}";    -- one black on white
             -- print the widget's tk name when the focus arrives
       tline1("takefocus") := lambda(tkn); print("Focus is at: ",tkn); end lambda;
        -- set up a command to be executed when the focus arrives
       tline1{OM} := lambda(); print("Thank you!"); end lambda;
        -- set up a command to be executed when the focus leaves
       tline2 := Tk("entry","20"); tline2("side") := "top"; 
       tline2(OM) := "Type text there";
       		 := "{Times 18 bold},right,black,white";
             -- one white on black
             -- print the widget's tk name when the focus arrives
       tline2("takefocus") := lambda(tkn); print("Focus is at: ",tkn); end lambda;
        -- set up a command to be executed when the focus arrives

       tline3 := Tk("entry","20"); tline3("side") := "top"; 
       tline3(OM) := "Type text where";
       tline3("font,justify,foreground") := "{Times 18 bold},center,red";
             -- one red on white
             -- print the widget's tk name when the focus arrives
       tline3("takefocus") := lambda(tkn); print("Focus is at: ",tkn); end lambda;
        -- set up a command to be executed when the focus arrives

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;
The expression


returns the widget which currently has the focus. The variant expression


returns the widget in the master window which currently has the focus. The command


transfers the focus to the specified widget. These facts are illustrated by the following short program, which is worth close inspection. We create two widows, a master window which contains two textlines, and and a child window which contains one. We print all the textline widgets, in an order which allows correlation of the names printed for them with the variable names identifying them in the code. The keyboard focus, whose momentary location is signaled (subtly) by the presence of a blinking insertion cursor, can rest with any of the three textlines. The location of the focus can also be tested by typing a few characters and noting the textline in which they appear. The master window contains two buttons, one of which uses 'focus()' to print out the name of the textline which has the focus, but also 'focus_in_top()' to print out the textline in the master window which will recapture the focus when the master window is activate. A ' button having this same functionality is put into the child window. The second button in the master window, labeled 'Refocus', moves the focus to the textline in the child window. It is worth experimenting with this program to see which user actions cause the focus to move. Note,in particular,that the programmed action of the 'Refocus' button can move the focus to the textline in the child window even when the master window remains active, but that if we activate the child window by clicking on it and then reactivate the master window by clicking on it, focus will return to the textline in the master window which originally had it (the textline identified by 'focus_in_top()'), which the graphical interface clearly remembers.

 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,txt2;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Master";          -- create the Tk interpreter
   win := Tk("toplevel","100,100"); win(OM) := "Other";
             -- create a second window
   txt1 := Tk("entry","15"); txt1("side") := "left"; txt1(OM) := "what";
       -- put a textline in the main window
   txt1a := Tk("entry","15"); txt1a("side") := "left"; txt1a(OM) := "flat";
     -- put a second textline in the main window
   txt2 := win("entry","30"); txt2("side") := "left"; txt2(OM) := "what"; 
      -- put a textline in the second window
   print(win); print(txt1); print(txt1a); print(txt2);
               -- print all the widgets
   but := Tk("button","Who has focus"); but("side") := "left";
         -- create a first button in the main window
   but{OM} := lambda(); print("\n",Tk.focus()); print(Tk.focus_in_top()); end lambda;
     				-- bind it to two show-focus operations
   but := Tk("button","Refocus"); but("side") := "left"; 
          -- create a second button in the main window
   but{OM} := lambda(); txt2.get_focus(); print("\n",Tk.focus()); end lambda;   
   					-- bind it to a set-focus and a show-focus 	operation
   but := win("button","Who has focus"); but("side") := "left";
       -- create a third button, in the auxiliary window
   but{OM} := lambda(); print("\n",Tk.focus()); print(Tk.focus_in_top()); end lambda;   		
		-- bind it to two show-focus operations
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

When a widget has the 'focus', the principal command (if any) associated with it will be executed hen the focus leaves the widget, e.g. if the tab key is hit. This is shown by the following small program, which creates a window with two textlines, which are bound to 'principal' commands which simply print 'Focus leaving txt1' and 'Focus leaving txt1a' respectively when the textlines lose focus. Experimentation will show that these messagees appear when focus is lost either in consequence of a mouse click or a tab-key press.

 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
     use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
     Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Master";          -- create the Tk interpreter
     txt1 := Tk("entry","15"); txt1("side") := "left"; txt1(OM) := "what";
         -- put a textline in the main window
     txt1a := Tk("entry","15"); txt1a("side") := "left"; txt1a(OM) := "flat";
       -- put a secondtextline in the main window
      txt1{OM} := lambda; print("Focus leaving txt1"); end lambda; 
      txt1a{OM} := lambda; print("Focus leaving txt1a"); end lambda; 
     Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

10.18. 'Special variables' associated with the graphical interface.

The operation window("grab") := "global" (or OM, or anything else) can be used to set a toplevel window of the SETL interface into a 'modal' state in which user interaction with other windows is restricted or suppressed. Setting window("grab") := "global" suppresses all interactions with other windows. window("grab") := OM clears the grab. Any other grab value suppresses interactions with other interface windows, but not with other applications.

The following program illustrates this operation. We open an auxiliary window for use in the experiments to be done. Three buttons are then placed in the main window one of which sets the 'grab' attribute of the main window to 'global', 'local' and 'OM' respectively. By clicking on these buttons and then trying to bring the auxiliary window, or the window of some other application to the front you can then see the effect of these 'grab' settings. On the Macintosh the 'global' setting makes a window mobile whereas the 'local' setting has no effect.

    program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,win;             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Possibly Modal Window";
             -- create the Tk interpreter
       win := Tk("toplevel","200,200"); win(OM) := "A Second Window";
        -- create a second window

       but := Tk("button","Make Modal"); but("side") := "top";
          -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); Tk("grab") := "global"; end lambda;
         -- bind a global grab to the click

       but := Tk("button","Make Modal Within SETL"); but("side") := "top";
        -- create a second button
       but{OM} := lambda(); Tk("grab") := "local"; end lambda;
          -- bind a local grab to the click

       but := Tk("button","Drop Grab"); but("side") := "top";
          -- create a button
       but{OM} := lambda(); Tk("grab") := OM; end lambda;
          -- bind a grab release to the click
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;

10.19. File widgets.

Tk provides a small but useful collection of file-manipulation operations, which are made accessible through the tkw class. These serve to get information concerning files, to edit such information, to delete files, and to create and delete files and folders. These operations are made available via a nominal widget object type called 'file', created by calls file_obj := w("file",file_name), where w can be any widget (e.g., w can be the Tk master window). Note that, in distinction from most other widgets, file widgets have no inherent graphical representation, and so are used without packing or placing them into any parent.

The operations on file widgets are shown in the following table.

file_widg(att_list)get file attributes
file_widg(att_list) := att_val_list;set file attributes, delete file, or rename file/TD>
file_widg.disks()get list of currently mounted disk names

In these operations, att_list is a comma- or semicolon-separated list of file attribute names, and att_val_list a similar list of allowed attribute values.

The allowed file attribute names are as follows (some of these are platform dependent, and are given in their Macintosh version).

name   type   link_name   ctime   mtime   atime   dev   gid   ino   mode   nlink   size   dev_type   uid   Mac_creator   Mac_type   Mac_readonly   Mac_hidden  

The following table explains the meaning of each of these attributes.

namefile name
typefile type: can be file, directory, socket, and (under Unix) fifo, link, characterSpecial, or blockSpecial
link_nameif the file is an 'alias', a this is the name of the file which it references. Otherwise it is the nullstring.
ctimetime of last file change
mtimetime of last file modification
atimetime of last file access
devnumber of device storing file
gidgroup id of file owner
inofile inode number
modefile protection mode
nlinknumber of hard links to file
sizetotal file size in bytes
dev_typetype of device on which file is stored
uiduser id of file owner
Mac_creator4-character Macintosh file creator code
Mac_type4-character Macintosh file type code
Mac_readonlyread only flag
Mac_hiddenhidden file flag

Only the subset of these attributes appearing in the following table, which explains the meaning of each possible attribute assignment, can be written using the attribute-assignment statement file_widg(att_list) := att_val_list;.

Assignable attribute nameMeaning of assignment
nameif the file or directory exists, changes its name, possibly moving it to another parent directory./nIf no file or directory with the specified name exists, a new, empty directory with that name is created. /nIf the new name is empty, the file or directory is deleted.
typeonly valid if new type value is 'directory'. Erases file if it exists, and replaces it with an empty directory of the same name
Mac_creatorchange 4-character Macintosh file creator code
Mac_typechange 4-character Macintosh file type code
Mac_readonlychange file's read only flag
Mac_hiddenchange file's hidden file flag

The following small Macintosh program illustrates the use of the Tk file operations described above. We open two files to ensure that they exist and then close them immediately. We also create two directories. The Macintosh type of the first file is then changed to make it a 'BBedit' file and to move it to the first of the newly created directories, and the second file is deleted. We then try to delete both directories, but this succeeds only with the second directory, since directories can only be deleted if they are empty.

Note that to delete a directory we assign '[""]' to its name; this relatively complex construction is used to make inadvertent file deletions less likely.

Note also that to move a file to a new directory by changing its name, the new name must be given either as a full path, or at least with the prefixed character ":" to indicate that the path to it begins in the current working directory.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	  use tkw;    -- use the main widget class

	  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Interactive interface file example";
	    -- create the Tk interpreter
	  close(open(fname := "test_files/junk_file_for_test","RANDOM"));
	       -- open a file to create it and then close it immediately
	  close(open(fname2 := "test_files/bunk_file_for_test","RANDOM"));
	       -- open a second file to create it and then close it immediately
	  file_obj := Tk("file",fname); 
	                -- build Tk file-object versions of both these files
	  file_obj2 := Tk("file",fname2);

	  file_obj("mac_creator,mac_type") := "R*ch,TEXT";
	         -- change first file to a 'BBedit"-type text file
	      -- print info concerning first file

	  file_obj2("name") := [""];    -- delete the second file

	  tfobj := Tk("file",fn := "test_files/test_dir"); tfobj("name") := fn;
	      -- create a first new directory
	  tfobj2 := Tk("file",fn := "test_files/test_dir2"); tfobj2("name") := fn;
	    -- create a second new directory
	  file_obj("name") := "test_files/test_dir/junk_file_for_test";
	         -- move the first file into the new directory
	  tfobj("name") := [""];         -- try to delete the first directory
	  tfobj2("name") := [""];        -- delete the second directory

end test;

10.20. Socket widgets.

A construct basic to all internet programming is the so-called client socket, or more simply 'socket', which is just one end of a communication channel opened between two computers. Byte streams can be sent back and forth using such sockets once one is open at each of the two ends of the desired communication path, and the two are linked. Once such a link has been established, either computer can write to its end of the socket pair, and can use its end of the socket pair to read what the other computer has written.

Initiation of socket communication becomes possible when one of two potentially communicating computers begins to monitor for linkage request signals transmitted to it by other computers connected to a common network. The software object used for such 'request listening' is called a server socket. To send a request to such a 'server socket', the requesting computer first creates and then uses a more rudimentary client socket at its end. This is simply a communication channel, as yet not specifically connected at its other end, over which an initial request to open communication can be sent to any remote host computer. The request message carries the Internet address of the requesting ('client'), which consists of two parts, a 'host address', which identifies the requesting computer and locates it on the Internet, and a 'port number' provided so that each computer can open as many socket-communication channels as it likes. The server socket at the other end receives this request, and creates a second client socket on the listening computer. The listening computer then informs the requestor of this new socket's identity (i.e. port number), the two client sockets are linked, and byte-stream communication can proceed.

Once socket communication has been opened between two computers, communication proceeds by the exchange of byte streams, which can be thought of as strings. These strings are often ordinary text strings that are not hard for a person to read. So by 'spying' on both ends of a socket communication, one can often understand the conventions ('protocols') which guide the conversation.

The Tk socket routines allow sockets of both kinds, 'client' and 'server', to be opened for communication via the net. Socket widgets are created by calls of the form

sock_widget := Tk("socket",[host_and_or_port,blocksize_or_handler]);

where 'Tk' designates the Tk master window which must already have been opened. In this call, 'host_and_or_port' must either be an integer designating a port number or a string-valued host name like "", "", "123.456.78:990", or "123.456.78:990:80" (as seen here, the internet host address required can be given either in symbolic or numerical form, and may or may not include a port number.) If the host_and_or_port parameter given is an integer, a server_socket listening on the port which this integer designates will be created. In this case, the blocksize_or_handler procedure must be a 1-parameter procedure which will be called each time the server socket receives a connection request. Otherwise the host_and_or_port parameter must be a string, and must either be a valid Internet address or have the form Internet_address:socket_number. In this case a client socket object will be created, and blocksize_or_handler should be a string or integer specifying the way in which this client socket will buffer the data transmitted over it. Specifically, blocksize_or_handler can either be an integer specifying a buffering size in bytes, or the word 'text', indicating that buffering is to be by text lines.

To initiate communication with a remote computer, one simply creates a client socket widget addressing it, using the command shown above. A port number should be used, to ensure that the correct service program on the remote computer is being addressed. Many of these port numbers are 'well known', i.e. established by broadly adopted Internet convention. For example, telnet servers use the port number 23 by convention; the file transfer protocol uses port number 20; a remote job entry application generally has the port number of 5; the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) application has the port number of 80; and the Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) application, commonly used for e-mail delivery, has the port number of 110. Port 7 generally has an attached echo service, which merely sends back any message received. Port number 13 runs a time service. A comprehensive list of port numbers is found at this public_service Website. Port numbers below 1024 are reserved for 'official' uses; those over 1024 are available for user assignment and assignment to automatically generated client sockets.

Once communication is established, one can write to a socket using commands of the form

sock_widget(OM) := string_to_write;

and read from them using commands

response_string := sock_widget(OM);

The following short program illustrates these basic conventions, by opening socket communication, first with a time-of-day service, then with an echo service (to which a message ending with backspace-linefeed must be sent if it is to respond), and then with a Web server.

 program test;          -- socket example 1
   use tkw;     -- use the widget class, which also provides sockets
   Tk := tkw();     -- create the Tk interpreter
   sock := Tk("socket",["","text"]);
       -- open socket communication with a time-of-day service
   print("response: ",sock(OM));
        -- it responds by sending the time of day
   sock.socket_close();       -- close the socket
   sock := Tk("socket",["","text"]);
       -- open socket communication with an echo service
   print("request: ",sock(OM) := "I say potato, you say potahto\r\n");
        -- send a message
   print("response: ",sock(OM));     -- it responds by echoing the message
   sock.socket_close();       -- close the socket
   sock := Tk("socket",["","text"]);
       -- open socket communication with an HTML server
   print("request: ",sock(OM) := "I say potato, you say potahto\r\n");
        -- send a crazy message
   print("response: ",sock(OM));     -- it responds with an error message
   sock.socket_close();       -- close the socket
 end test;
The output produced is
	response: Thu Mar 8 14:27:40 2001
	request: I say potato, you say potahto
	response: I say potato, you say potahto
	request: I say potato, you say potahto
	response: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Instead of handling the data coming in over a client socket synchronously, as in the above example, once can bind a handler to the client socket, to be called whenever data arrives. This is done by writing

server_socket{io_direction} := io_response_proc;

where io_response_proc is the 1-parameter procedure to be passed incoming data strings when they become available. The 'io_direction' parameter must either be '>' (to indicate that the I/O event to which the handler responds is the availability of input on the client socket), or '<' (to indicate that the I/O event to which the handler responds is the availability of free space in the client socket's output buffer.)

The following variant program shows this alternative, often superior, way of handling socket I/O. We open three sockets for reading, all of them connected to response routines generated by a common read response procedure. Each response routine reads output from the corresponding socket as long as there is any but then closes the socket as soon as an end of output condition is detected. The output produced by these communication links are of course determined by the services to which the sockets connect. The first two sockets are connected to simple Web time and echo services; the third socket connects to an HTML server. However, since the message sent to the HTML server is not in the expected format, only a 'bad request' response is elicited.

program test;          -- socket example 2
  use tkw;     -- use the widget class, which also provides sockets

  Tk:= tkw();     -- create the main Tk window
  sock := Tk("socket",["","text"]);
      -- open socket communication with a time open socket communication with a time-of-day service
  sock{">"} := read_response("first socket",sock);
       -- bind in a socket readability handler

  sock := Tk("socket",["","text"]);
      -- open socket communication with an echo service
  sock{">"} := read_response("second socket",sock);
       -- bind in a socket readability handler
  print("request: ",sock(OM) := "I say potato, you say potahto\r\n");
       -- send a message

  sock := Tk("socket",["","text"]);
      -- open socket communication with an HTML server 
  sock{">"} := read_response("third socket",sock);
       -- bind in a socket readability handler
  print("request: ",sock(OM) := "I say potato, you say potahto\r\n");
       -- send a crazy message

  procedure read_response(msg,sock);
       -- bind an asynchronously read socket to its response routine
       -- this routine will read input till there is no more. 
    return lambda(tk_sock_name_list);    
   	 -- end response routine; closes socket if end-of-file or error
     if sock.socket_error = "" then sock.socket_close(); 
         elseif (resp := sock(OM)) /= "" then print(msg + " response: ",resp); end if;
    end lambda;
  end read_response;

end test;
The output produced is as follows. Note that in this version, but not in the previous one,we see all of the lines of output with which the HTML server responds to our unexpected message.
 request: I say potato, you say potahto
 request: I say potato, you say potahto
 second socket response: I say potato, you say potahto
 first socket response: Thu Mar 8 16:21:41 2001
 third socket response: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
 third socket response: Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 21:20:24 GMT
 third socket response: Server: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.6.5 OpenSSL/0.9.5
 third socket response: Connection: close
 third socket response: Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
 third socket response: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
 third socket response: <HTML><HEAD>
 third socket response: <TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE>
 third socket response: </HEAD>
 third socket response: <;H1>Bad Request</H1>
 third socket response: Your browser sent a request that
 	 this server could not understand.
 third socket response: Invalid URL in request I say potato, you say potahto
 third socket response: <P>
 third socket response: <HR>
 third socket response: <ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.12 Server at Port 80</ADDRESS>
 third socket response: </BODY></HTML>

Server Sockets. Server sockets are created in the manner described above. Then, when the callback handler of a server socket is called in consequence of an incoming connection request, the parameter transmitted to it will be a triple of the form


where calling_host and calling_port specify the computer and Internet port from which the request originates, and tk_socket_id is an internal Tk name for the new client socket that the server socket creates in response to connection requests. The way in which this name is used is shown in the examples below.

The first of our examples represents a simplified Web service which responds to incoming requests in HTML format (so that requests can be transmitted from a standard browser). The service provided can be thought of as a highly simplified dynamic HTML page generation service written in SETL. Each incoming request triggers a call to the 'request_acceptor' routine seen below. This decodes the three parameters transmitted by each incoming request, namely the host and port identifiers of the calling client, and the Tk name of the client socket spun off by the server socket in response to the incoming request. This Tk name is used immediately to build a Tk client socket connected to the socket on the client computer that issued the request. This completes the basic socket connection step required to establish communication. The server then sends out a sequence of text lines some of which are simply copied from a table of lines set up in advance, but a few of which are dynamically generated by choosing an integer at random, calculating its prime factorization, and formatting this bit of information as HTML lines which can be integrated into the pre-formatted HTML portion of the generated response.

Although this particular 'service' is of little real interest, it illustrates the technique that can be used to provide more substantial HTML-based services, for example, database accesses, commercial and information services, etc.

program test;       -- test the of the server-socket function
  use tkw,string_utility_pak,random_pak;
        -- i.e. use the client and server socket class
  var sock,newsock,clno := 0;
        -- server socket, generated client socket, and incrementing client number
  var page_w_headers,rand_handle;
      -- HTML page to be served, and handle for generation of random integers 
  var Tk;                -- globalize for use in procedure
  const setl_server_address := "";
  page_w_headers := "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n" +    -- data for HTML page to be served
  "Server: SETL Socketserver\n" + 
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" + 
  "Content-type: text/html\n" + 
  "\n" + 
  "<BASE HREF=''>\n" + 
  "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN'>\n" + 
  "<HTML>\n" + 
  "<HEAD>\n" + 
  "<TITLE>SETL Socketserver</TITLE>\n" + 
  "</HEAD>\n" + 
  "<BODY>\n" + 
  "<BR>\n" + 
  "<H1>Welcome to the SETL Socketserver</H1>  \n" + 
  "<BR>\n" + 
  "``````\n" +   -- this line indicates the point at which a dynamic substitution
  		-- is to be made
  "<BR>\n" + 
  "</BODY>\n" + 
  "</HTML>  \n" + 
  "</BODY>\n" + 
  rand_handle := Start_Random(10000000,OM);   -- create a stream of random numbers
  Tk := tkw();      -- create the Tk interpreter
  but := Tk("button","socket");
        -- create a button, which can be used to trigger a client call to the server
  but("side") := "top"; but{om}:= call_socket;
  print("server_sock: ",server_sock := Tk("socket",[80,request_acceptor]));
      -- create a server socket, attached to port 80
  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

  procedure call_socket;
         -- manually generated calls to server socket; triggered by button click
    print("client_sock: ",sock := Tk("socket",[setl_server_address,"text"]));
               -- call the computer on which the SETL server is running 
               -- this creates a client of the SETL server
    sock{">"} := readsock(sock);
        -- bind this client socket to a data-reader callback
    sock(OM) := "get /\r\n\r\n";
        -- send a word, and then an empty line, to the server 
  end call_socket;

  procedure request_acceptor(x);
         -- request acceptor callback routine for server socket

    print("accepted: ",x);
                    -- note incoming request
    [newsock_name,calling_host,calling_port] := x;
        -- decode incoming request
    print("newsock: ",newsock := Tk("socket",[newsock_name + ":","text"]));
        -- turn the socket name generated by Tk's response to 
        -- an incoming request into a socket object, appropriately configured
        -- (in this case, for line buffering)
    lines := breakup(page_w_headers,"\n");
         -- cut pre-prepared HTML response text into lines

    for line in lines loop
         -- loop over lines, transmitting them as is or making planned replacements

     newsock(OM) :=    -- write to the generated client socket

     if line = "``````" then
         -- replace the mark indicating that the following material is wanted 
       "<P>Hello there. The time is now "+ time() 
       	+ ". You are client number " + str(clno +:= 1) + "</H1><P>" 
       + "Your Internet address is " + calling_host 
       	+ ", and you are currently using port " + calling_port +
       " to communicate with me.<P>Your lucky integer is " 
       	+ str(rn := random(rand_handle)) 
       		+ ", and its prime factorization is<P><blockquote>" + str(rn) +
       " = " + str(join([str(x): x in primefacts(rn)]," * ")) + "</blockquote>"
     else      -- just send a pre-prepared line back
     end if;

    end loop;

    newsock{">"} := readnewsock;
      -- after sending all the above material, connect an input acceptor routine
      -- to the newly created socket

  end request_acceptor;

  procedure readsock(sock);     -- socket contents-reader for client 
    return lambda(x);        -- bind the socket into the reader
     cameback := sock(OM);    -- read a string from the socket
     print("received: ",
     	if sock.socket_error = "" then "final, possibly blank line: " 
     	else "" end if,cameback); 
     if sock.socket_error = "" then 
     	print("client socket closed - eof:",sock); sock.socket_close(); 
     end if;
              -- close the socket if end-of-data received
    end lambda;

  end readsock;

  procedure readnewsock(x);
      -- socket contents reader for generated client sockets on server end
    print("received new: ",newsock(OM));
        -- print the data received
  if newsock.socket_error = "" then 
  	 print("client socket generated from server closed - eof:",sock);
  end if;

  end readnewsock;

  procedure primefacts(n);    -- prime factorization routine for demo
    if n = 0 then return []; end if;             -- 0 has no factors
    facts := [];                       -- prepare to collect factors
    while even(n) loop facts with:= 2; n/:= 2; end loop;  -- collect even factors
    while n mod 3 = 0 loop facts with:= 3; n/:= 3; end loop;  -- collect factors 3
    while n > 1 and (exists m in [3..fix(sqrt(float(n))) + 1] | n mod m = 0) loop
     facts with:= m; n/:= m;                -- collect remaining factors
    end loop;
    return if n > 1 then facts with n else facts end if;
      -- collect final factor and return
  end primefacts;

end test;

If the server created by the preceding code is invoked from the Netscape browser, the 'readnewsock' routine will print all the lines that the browser sends. Suppose, to be specific, that the URL entered into the browser is

Then the browser sends the following lines before closing it to signal the end of communication.

	server_sock:  sock104 BUFFER_SIZE => 0 ERROR => >
 accepted: ["sock105", "", "1742"]
 newsock:  sock105 BUFFER_SIZE => -1 ERROR => >
 received new: GET /give/me/a/break?wont=you&please=sir HTTP/1.0
 received new: Connection: Keep-Alive
 received new: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.74 (Macintosh; U; PPC)
 received new: Host:
 received new: Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg,
 	 image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
 received new: Accept-Encoding: gzip
 received new: Accept-Language: en
 received new: Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
 received new: 

The code appearing in the preceding program cn be made more useful by rearranging it into a package containing all of the purely socket-related, application-independent code on the one hand, and the application-dependent code on the other. This is done in the following variant, which puts the application-independent code into a package which provides the one routine


One can then set up a basic HTML server simply by passing a response_proc to this routine, along with the port number on which the server is to be installed. The response_proc must have the form


When called, response_proc gets the communication socket created for it, and the host,port address of the computer requesting its service.

package server_pak;     -- package for easy generation of SETL Internet servers

  const html_prefix := "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n" +    -- standard HTML prefix
        "Server: SETL Socketserver\n" + 
        "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" + 
        "Content-type: text/html\n" + 

  procedure make_server(the_Tk,port,response_proc);
    -- convert response_proc into a server on the designated port
end server_pak;

package body server_pak;     -- package for easy generation of SETL Internet servers
  use tkw;
  var Tk := OM;
  procedure make_server(the_Tk,port,response_proc);
       -- convert response_proc into a server on the designated port
    Tk ?:= the_Tk;       -- initialize Tk if necessary
    server_sock := Tk("socket",[port,responder(response_proc)]);
        -- create the server, binding in response_proc
  end make_server;

  procedure responder(response_proc);
       -- binds response_proc to communication socket
    return lambda(x);
        [newsock_name,calling_host,calling_port] := x;    -- decode incoming request
        newsock := Tk("socket",[newsock_name + ":","text"]);
            -- create communication socket
            -- call the response routine
             -- close the socket, to signal end of communication
       end lambda;
  end responder;

end server_pak;

The use of 'server_pak' and the conventions which apply to such use, are shown in the following code, which creates two different servers, one attached to port 80, the other to port 81. For simplicity these are very directly adapted from our preceding example. The first of these two servers delivers the same prime factorization service as in our previous example. The second server is almost the same, but instead factors only odd primes. Though very rudimentary, these hypothetical servers show how easy it is to set up dynamic HTML responses using 'server_pak'.

Note also that while a group of SETL-written servers are waiting for incoming requests the wait code involved is executing within the Tk event loop rather within SETL. This means that the operating system is multi-tasking properly, rather than being tied up by the uninterrupted of the execution of SETL code. SETL only executes in response to incoming requests and once finished returns to Tk. Therefore at least a light set of services can practicably be provided using SETL written servers of the type shown.

program test;       -- test the of the server-socket function
  use tkw,server_pak,string_utility_pak,random_pak;
        -- i.e. use the client and server socket class
  var clno := 0,clno3 := 0;      -- incrementing client numbers
  var rand_handle;
      -- HTML page to be served, and handle for generation of random integers 
  var Tk;                -- globalize for use in procedure
  const header := "<BASE HREF=''>\n" + 
     -- HTML header
       "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN'>\n\n\n"; 
  const trailer := "</BODY>\n\n";
  rand_handle := Start_Random(10000000,OM);     -- create a stream of random numbers
  Tk := tkw();      -- create the Tk interpreter
  make_server(Tk,80,server_proc_1);     -- create a first server on socket 80
  make_server(Tk,81,server_proc_2);     -- create a second server on socket 80
  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

  procedure server_proc_1(sock,calling_host,calling_port);
      -- the first server procedure

    page_w_headers := "<TITLE>SETL Socketserver</TITLE>\n" + 
            "</HEAD>\n" + 
            "<BODY>\n" + 
            "<BR>\n" + 
            "<H1>Welcome to the SETL Socketserver</H1>  \n" + 
            "<BR>\n" + 
        -- this line indicates the point at which a dynamic substitution
        -- is to be made

    lines := breakup(html_prefix + header + page_w_headers + trailer,"\n");
      -- cut pre cut pre-prepared HTML response text into lines

    for line in lines loop
         -- loop over lines, transmitting them as is or making planned replacements

     sock(OM) := sent :=    -- write to the generated client socket

     if line = "``````" then
          -- replace the mark indicating that the following 
          -- material is wanted by said material 
       "<P><H1>Hello there. The time is now "+ time() 
       + ". You are client number " + str(clno +:= 1) + "</H1><P>" 
       + "Your Internet address is " + calling_host 
       + ", and you are currently using port " + calling_port 
       + " to communicate with me.<P>Your lucky integer is " 
       + str(rn := random(rand_handle)) 
       + ", and its prime factorization is<P><blockquote>" + str(rn) +
       " = " + str(join([str(x): x in primefacts(rn)]," * ")) 
       + "</blockquote>"
     else      -- just send a pre just send a pre-prepared line back
     end if;

    end loop;
  end server_proc_1;
  procedure server_proc_2(sock,calling_host,calling_port);
      -- the second server procedure

    page_w_headers := "<TITLE>SETL Odd Primes Server</TITLE>\n" + 
            "</HEAD>\n" + 
            "<BODY>\n" + 
            "<BR>\n" + 
            "<blockquote><H1>Welcome to the SETL Odd Primes Server</H1></blockquote>  \n" + 
            "<BR>\n" + 
               -- this line indicates the point at which a dynamic substitution
               -- is to be made

    lines := breakup(html_prefix + header + page_w_headers + trailer,"\n");
      -- cut pre cut pre-prepared HTML response text into lines

    for line in lines loop
         -- loop over lines, transmitting them as is or making planned replacements

     sock(OM) :=    -- write to the generated client socket
       "<P><H1>Hello there. The time is now "+ time() 
       + ". You are client number " + str(clno +:= 1) + "</H1><P>" 
       + "Your Internet address is " + calling_host 
       + ", and you are currently using port " + calling_port
       + " to communicate with me.<P>Your lucky integer is " 
       + str(rn := 2 * random(rand_handle) + 1) 
       + ", and its prime factorization is<P><blockquote>" + str(rn) +
       " = " + str(join([str(x): x in primefacts(rn)]," * ")) + "</blockquote>"
     else      -- just send a pre just send a pre-prepared line back
     end if;

    end loop;
  end server_proc_2;

  procedure primefacts(n);    -- prime factorization routine for demo
    if n = 0 then return []; end if; 
                -- 0 has no factors
    facts := [];                       -- prepare to collect factors
    while even(n) loop facts with:= 2; n/:= 2; end loop;  -- collect even factors
    while n mod 3 = 0 loop facts with:= 3; n/:= 3; end loop;  -- collect factors 3
    while n > 1 and (exists m in [3..fix(sqrt(float(n))) + 1] | n mod m = 0) loop
     facts with:= m; n/:= m;                -- collect remaining factors
    end loop;
    return if n > 1 then facts with n else facts end if;
      -- collect final factor and return
  end primefacts;

end test;
The rudimentary servers realized by the preceding codes respond to connection requests, but blindly, since they do not read any incoming data. Full servers will of course read incoming data to understand what specific services are being requested, and respond accordingly. The data sent to such (HTML) servers is required to have one of three general forms, known as the 'GET' data form, the 'POST' form, and the multipart 'POST' form. All of these message data forms begin with standard sequences of lines, which can then be followed either by additional text or by binary data.

Requests in GET form begin with a line like

GET script_line_and_query protocol_name

while requests in POST form begin like

POST script_line protocol_name

examples are

GET /give/me/a/break?wont=you&please=sir HTTP/1.0


POST /give/me/a/break HTTP/1.0

The script_line in these requests is a string, typically punctuated by '/' characters, which ordinarily represent a directory path to the file or application to be transmitted or executed in response to a request. In a GET request, this is immediately followed, on the same line, by a 'query' suffix delimited by an initial '?' character; this 'query' portion encodes whatever additional parameters the request may involve, generally in the form of an '&' delimited sequence of sections of the structure


As seen in the example above, the initial request line is then followed by an additional sequence of header lines of the form

Header_item_name: Header_item_value,

which convey supplementary information about the request, for example the desired treatment of the communication channel ('Connection'), browser code being used ('User-Agent'), computer being called ('Host'), types of response data that can be understood ('Accept'), response encodings that can be understood ('Accept-Encoding'), languages that can be understood, e.g. English ('Accept-Language'), character sets that can be understood ('Accept-Charset'). All of this is like a hypothetical protocol specifying that telephone conversations should always begin with a sentence like

'Hello, please give me the address of James Archibald; answer in either English or Urdu, speaking slowly and loudly, and not using any long or technical words'.

Of course, there is nothing to prevent someone from answering this sentence softly and rapidly in Zulu or German.

The block of header lines ends with a single empty line. In GET requests, this ordinarily ends the whole request. In POST requests, additional data will follow. In a simple POST request, this will generally be a single line or group of lines having exactly the form of the query string that would occur in a GET request (but without the opening '?'). Moreover the block of header lines must contain a line of the form


where n gives the number of bytes in the data section following the terminating empty line of the headerblock.

In a multipart POST request, the data following the header has a more complex and flexible form. Specifically, the header block must contain a line of the form

Content-Type: multipart/multipart_version; boundary=boundary_string

An example is

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=RumplestiltskinIsAFishSwimmingInAChafingDish

There are several kinds of multipart data, e.g. multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative, multipart/form-data, etc. whose significance is explained below. But all these kinds are structured in a common way, a namely as a sequence of data sections, delimited by lines consisting of two dashes followed by the boundary_string, or, at the very end, a line consisting of two dashes followed by the boundary_string followed by two final dashes. Each such section has its own header block, terminated as usual by a single empty line, with the data following. An example (of an assumed multipart/alternative message) is

  Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

  	...plain text version of message goes here....
  Content-Type: text/richtext

  	.... RFC 1341 richtext version of same message goes here ...
  Content-Type: text/x-whatever

  	.... fanciest formatted version of same message goes here ...
It is the responsibility of an application using any multipart message form to ensure that the boundary string used does not accidentally occur within any of the message sections that these boundaries separate. This is often accomplished by randomizing the boundary string used and making it sufficiently long. Note that within each boundary-string delimited section, the header that occurs is terminated by a single empty line.

The sections of a multipart/form-data request to a Web server often have one-line header blocks, structured as in the example

  Content-Type: multipart/form-data;

  Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Personal-name"
  Content-Disposition: name="Address"

  2100+William+Street+New York+NY+10003
  Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Telno"

This is equivalent to the GET request

GET script_line?Personal-name=James+Barker&Address=2100+William+Street+New York+NY+10003&Telno=212-677-9958

As seen, blanks(used as significant separators) are avoided, and replaced by '+' signs. Ampersands and '+'signs are then represented by '%26' and '%2B' respectively, and the '%' sign by '%25', i.e. in all cases these significant characters are encoded as '%xx', where 'xx' is the character's ASCII hex encoding.

Much the same formats as described above are used in the messages returned from Web servers to requestors, except that these start with header blocks like

	HTTP/1.0 200 OK
	Server: SETL Socketserver
	MIME-Version: 1.0 
	Content-type: text/html	
		(or multipart/mixed, or multipart/alternative,etc.)
terminated as usual by an empty line. Of course, the data format returned must be understood by the browser or other requesting application required to interpret the byte data returned.

The significance of the various kinds of multipart messages is established by convention, though of course it is up to the software interpreting these messages to deal with them in the proper way. multipart/mixed messages list the parts, e.g. text, sound, encoded animations, etc. from which composite document like an elaborate HTML page may need to be assembled. multipart/alternative messages list alternatives, from which the software receiving the message can select the alternative which it is best able to handle. multipart/form-datamessages list the various items of data that may have been entered into (or should be entered into) fields in an HTML form.

All of the request protocols described above are simply standardized ways of flattening tuples of string and binary data for transmission as strings. Servers can deal most easily with request data if this is first decoded into a map-and-tuple form. We do this in the code below by translating a request's header block into a map from Header_item_names to the corresponding Header_item_values, which are treated as strings. This map always includes

10.21. Optimizing multiple calls to the Tk interface.

Ordinarily the time required for Tk calls is minimal relative to the cost of the graphic operations that they trigger. However, when complex graphics consisting of many small elements are being drawn (as for example large arrays of small colored circles used to represent numerical data), the overhead cost of the many Tk calls required becomes noticeable, and performance can be improved by optimizing these calls. To see what this involves we must say something about the structure of the graphical interface. Calls to the graphical interface are first handled by the 'Tkw' widget-object class. In turn, 'Tkw' calls a smaller set of primitives, supplied by the native package 'TK_PAK', os described in the next section. The operations of 'TK_PAK' transmit command strings composed by the Tkw class to the executable version of the Tk interpreter supplied with the SETL system. This interpreter then validates the strings transmitted to it and translates them into sequences of graphical operations. Finally, these graphical operations are executed.

This process can be accelerated if instead of transmitting numerous small string commands to Tk, each of which performs only one small fraction of an overall graphical operation, one collects all of the command strings generated by tkw into a longer Tk script and transmits this whole script to Tk all at once. An easy way of doing this is provided by just two operations called




When invoked, the hold_all_calls operation sets a flag which causes Tkw to accumulate all the command strings which it would otherwise send immediately to Tk. These strings are held in a buffer until the next following occurrence of 'do_all_calls', which drops the 'hold' flag and sends all the accumulated commands to Tk, as a single script all of which Tk is then able to interpret.

Use of these two simple primitives can noticeably improve the performance of long sequences of Tk graphic and edit operations.

This is illustrated by the following program, which creates a canvas containing 250 small circles, and sets up 4 buttons which change the colors of these circles 10 times over (so each button-click sends 2,500 color-change operations.) he first two buttons perform these operations in unoptimized fashion; the two last buttons optimize by holding all their calls until all have been issued, and then releasing them as a batch using 'Tk.do_all_calls()'. By experimenting with this program, you will see that the optimized operation is about 25% faster.

 program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,circles := [];             -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "250 circles";   -- create the Tk interpreter
                             -- create 250 small circles
       canv := Tk("canvas","410,410"); canv("side") := "top"; 
       for i in [1..50], j in [1..50] loop 
        circles with:= (circ := 
          canv("oval",str(8 * i + 5) + "," + str(8 * j + 5) 
          	+ "," + str(8 * i + 10) + "," + str(8 * j + 10)));
        circ("fill") := "red";
       end loop;
       fr := Tk("frame","410,10"); fr("side") := "top";
           -- create a frame for the following buttons
       but1 := fr("button","Turn blue"); but1("side") := "left";
         -- button to turn circles blue, 10 times repeatedly 
       but1{OM} := lambda();
          start := time();    -- time the operation
          for j in [1..10], circ in circles loop 
          	circ("fill") := "blue"; 
          end loop; 
           print(start," ",time());    -- show starting and elapsed times
         end lambda;
       but2 := fr("button","Turn green"); but2("side") := "left";
         -- button to turn circles green, 10 times repeatedly
       but2{OM} := lambda();
         start := time();    -- time the operation
         for j in [1..10], circ in circles loop circ("fill") := "green"; end loop; 
         print(start," ",time());
       end lambda;

       but1 := fr("button","Turn blue faster"); but1("side") := "left";
         -- button to turn circles blue, 10 times repeatedly
       but1{OM} := lambda();
         start := time(); Tk.hold_calls();
             -- time the operation; accelerate by batching all the Tk calls
         for j in [1..10], circ in circles loop circ("fill") := "blue"; end loop; 
          Tk.do_all_calls(); print(start," ",time());
              -- perform batched Tk calls; show starting and elapsed times
       end lambda;
       but2 := fr("button","Turn green faster"); but2("side") := "left";
         -- button to turn circles green, 10 times repeatedly
       but2{OM} := lambda();
         start := time(); Tk.hold_calls(); 
            -- time the operation; accelerate by batching all the Tk calls
         for j in [1..10], circ in circles loop circ("fill") := "green"; end loop; 
         Tk.do_all_calls(); print(start," ",time());
             -- perform batched Tk calls; show starting and elapsed times
       end lambda;

       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
    end test;

10.22. Yielding time to the Tk interpreter.

While SETL runs without calling the Tk interpreter in any special way, it locks up the computer on which it is running, making it impossible to stop SETL, keeping the results of Tk graphical operations from being displayed immediately, and preventing mouse and keyboard events from having their normal effects. This can be prevented by including calls to 'Tk.update();' in loops that would otherwise seize the execution resource for too long. This is shown in our next example, which shows two buttons, of which the first triggers a 'hard' loop, while the second includes calls to 'Tk.update();', and so triggers a 'soft' loop. The second, but not the first of these loops is therefore capable of displaying its progress, and of being stopped by a click on the "Click me to stop" button shown.

    program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;         -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,tline,flag := false; -- globalize for use in procedure below
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Using 'update'";  -- create the Tk interpreter
       tline := Tk("entry",30); tline("side") := "top"; 
       tline(OM) := "Type text here";
           -- create a line for output display
       tline("font") := "{Times 18 bold}";

       but := Tk("button","Click me to go"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := roll_it;    -- bind a procedure which enters a hard loop to it

       but2 := Tk("button","Click me to go and show"); but2("side") := "top";
            -- create a second button 
       but2{OM} := roll_it2;    -- bind a procedure which enters a soft loop to it
       but3 := Tk("button","Click me to stop"); but3("side") := "top";
            -- create a third button 
       but3{OM} := stop_it;    -- bind procedure which sets a stop flag to it
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
       procedure roll_it();    -- procedure enters a hard loop
        for j in [1..3000] loop tline(OM) := "string " + j; end loop;
       end roll_it;
       procedure roll_it2();    -- procedure enters a hard loop

        for j in [1..2000] loop 
          if flag then flag := false; exit; end if;
               -- test for exit flag, set by 'stop_it'
          tline(OM) := "string " + j;
                     -- write changing string to display textline
          Tk.update();        -- yield update time to Tkinterpreter
        end loop;

       end roll_it2;
       procedure stop_it();    -- sets a stop flag
        flag := true; 
        end stop_it;

   end test;
'Tk.update();' can be called to yield time for the Tk interpreter to process events even if there is no graphic update to perform,as seen in our next example, which shows how to create a 'stop' button, say for debugging loops for which non-termination is feared. This is shown in our next example, in which an endless loop is brought under 'stop' button control simply by including 'update()' calls in it.
    program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;         -- use the main widget class
       var Tk,tline,flag := false; -- globalize for use in procedure below
       var j := 0;
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "A SETL Stop Button";    -- create the Tk interpreter
       but := Tk("button","Click me to go"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
       but{OM} := roll_it;    -- bind a procedure which enters a hard loop to it
       but2 := Tk("button","Click me to stop"); but2("side") := "top";
           -- create a second button 
       but2{OM} := lambda(); abort("Stopped! j = " + j); end lambda;
           -- bind 'stop' to it
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
       procedure roll_it();    -- procedure enters a hard loop

        while true loop      -- potentially endless loop
           Tk.update();      -- yield time to Tk interpreter
           j := j + 1;      -- increment count
         end loop;

       end roll_it;
   end test;
The clock utility. Tk provides the clock utility seen in the following micro-program, which return time information in the form

[very_fine,seconds,dau,month,am_pm,weekno_in_year,mm/dd/yy, abbrev_time,monthno,dayno_in_year,dayno_in_week]

The first two components of this tuple are integers, the others are strings.

 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk;     -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";       -- create the Tk interpreter
   print(Tk.clock());      -- print the time
     -- format is [very_fine,seconds,day,month,am_pm,weekno_in_year,mm/dd/yy,
   but := Tk("button","Time"); but("side") := "top";     -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda(); print(Tk.clock()); end lambda;
       -- bind to time bind to time-print action
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

Management of toplevel windows. Tk provides a variety of attributes for management of toplevel windows. These allow toplevel windows to be iconified, re-opened, constrained as to size and resizeability, and lets window size and placement be sensed and set. The attributes use for this are shown in the following table.

attributesusageform of value
maxsizelimits maximum size of windowwidth,height
minsizelimits minimum size of windowwidth,height
resizablecontrols user resizeabiity of windowis_resizable_h,is_resizable_v
geometrydefines window geometrywidthxheight+x,y, e.g. 200x200+100+100
winstateused for iconifying, deiconifying, and closing window'iconify', 'deiconify', or 'withraw'
wingrid determines if window is 'gridded'basewidth,baseheight,width_incr,height_incr
iconpositionrequests icon positionx,y
sizefromstates source of window size'use' or 'program'

Any of these attributes can either be sensed by writing window(attribute_list), or modified writing window(attribute_list) := value_list; Here value_list should be a semicolon-separated list of values, having the form illustrated in the following program.

The use of these attributes is seen in the following program.

 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,win;     -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";       -- create the Tk interpreter
   win := Tk("toplevel","300,300");        -- create a secondary toplevel window
   but := Tk("button","Read wm attributes"); but("side") := "top";
       -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda();      -- bind it to an attribute-print action
        end lambda;
      -- "wingrid","iconposition","maxsize","minsize",
      -- "resizable","sizefrom","winstate" "geometry")
   but := Tk("button","Set wm attributes"); but("side") := "top";
        -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda();       -- bind it to an attribute-setting action
             := "10,10,2,2;100,100;400,100;200,50;1,0;user;iconify";
        end lambda; 
   but := Tk("button","Allow vertical resizing"); but("side") := "top";
       -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda();       -- bind it to a resizability-setting action
         win("resizable") := "1,1;";
         	-- note the extra semicolon in '1,1;',
         	-- needed to ensure that the comm is not seen as a value delimiter
        end lambda; 
   but := Tk("button","Deiconify"); but("side") := "top"; 
          -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda();
          -- bind it to a deiconification and geometry-setting action
         win("winstate,geometry") := "deiconify,200x200+100+100";
        end lambda; 
   but := Tk("button","Withdraw"); but("side") := "top";
           -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda();       -- bind it to window destruction
         win("winstate") := "withdraw";
        end lambda; 
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

Readable widget attributes. Many widget attributes, listed in the following table, can be sensed. Some of these are read-only; some are Unix-specific.

showing is the widget currently visible?
managername of a window's current geometry manager
parentTk name of a widget's parent
rectrectangle containing widget
wincoordscoordinates of widget initializes parent window
toplevelTk name of a widget's containing toplevel
heightwidget height
widthwidget width
mousex,y position of mouse
screendepthbits per pixel of screen
screensizeheight and width of screen (in pixels)
screenmmheight and width of screen (in miimeters)
cellsnumber of cells in the colormap of window
childrendirect children of widget
classclass name of widget
colormapfullis available color map for window full
depthbits per pixel of widget
idplatform-specific hexadecimal identifier for window
namewidget's name within its parent
reqwidthwindow's requested width, in pixels
rootxx coordinate of upper left-hand corner of window
rootyy coordinate of upper left-hand corner of window
screenname of screen holding window
screencellsnumber of cells in the colormap of a widget's screen
screenheightheight of screen (in pixels)
screenwidthwidth of screen (in pixels)
screenmmheightheight of screen (in millimeters)
screenmmwidthwidth of screen (in millimeters)
screenvisualtype of screen holding window, e.g. 'grayscale'
serverinformation about platform serving display
topleveltop level window containing widget
visualtype of screen holding widget, e.g. 'grayscale'
visualidX identifer for screen holding window
visualsavailabledisplay modes available for widget's screen
xx coordinate of upper left-hand corner of window, relative to parent
yy coordinate of upper left-hand corner of window, relative to parent
existsdoes indicated item exist?
Unix (Xwindows) attributes
vrootheightheight of virtual root window associated with widget
vrootwidthwidth of virtual root window associated with widget
vrootxx offset of virtual root window relative to root window of widget's screen
vrootyy offset of virtual root window relative to root window of widget's screen
pathnameTk name of window from X identifier
atomidentifier for named atom
atomnamename of atom on given screen with given numerical id

The following attribute-related expressions require parameters

containing(x,y)window containing given point
pixels(n)number of pixels corresponding to give size in screen units
fpixels(n)floating number of pixels corresponding to given size in screen units
rgb(color_name)numerical code for named color

The small program which follows shows the use of these attributes and operations. Note that the numerical color range used by the 'rgb' function runs from 0 to 65280, rather than the more standard 0 to 255. You can put the two windows brought up by the program into various positions to see how 'containing' and some of the other attributes respond.

 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,win,but,but2;     -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Example 1";       -- create the Tk interpreter
   win := Tk("toplevel","300,300");        -- create a secondary toplevel window
   but := Tk("button","Read attributes"); but("side") := "top";
       -- create a button
   frame := Tk("frame","100,100");
           -- create a second button, but don't make it visible
   but2 := frame("button","Invisible");
          -- create a second button, in the invisible frame

   but{OM} := lambda();
         -- bind it to an attribute bind it to an attribute-print action
        	+ "ismapped,height,width,mouse,screendepth,screensize,screenmm"));
        	+ "id,name,reqwidth,rootx,rooty,screencells")); 
        	+ "screenvisual,server,toplevel,viewable,visual,visualid"));
        	 + "visualsavailable,x,y,pathname,exists,interps"));
        print(but("showing,ismapped,manager")," ",but2("showing,ismapped"));
        print(Tk.containing(100,100)," ",Tk.pixels(100)," ",
        	Tk.fpixels(100)," ",Tk.rgb("yellow"));
      end lambda;
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

Deferred actions. It is sometimes necessary to defer particular SETL actions until others can complete. This can be done by using the


operation, which schedules the parameterless procedure '' to be executed as soon as the Tk interpreter quiesces (this is probably as soon as the return is made from any currently executing SETL code). The following example illustrates this, and its output also shows that SETL executes about 400,000 empty iterations per second.


operation shown returns the 'grab state' of a window, which in our example is 'none' since the window used has not been made modal.

 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tk,msg,count := 0,vis_changes:= 0;    --globalize for use in procedure below
   Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "do_later test";    -- create the Tk interpreter
             -- print the 'grab' state of the newly created window
   msg := Tk("message","Click, then wait a bit"); msg("side") := "left";
       -- create a message
   msg{OM} := lambda();    -- bind a 'quit when idle' action to it
     Tk.do_later(lambda(); Tk.quit(); end lambda);
         -- the 'quit when idle' action
     print(time());     -- show starting time of loop
     for j in [1..1000000] loop x := j; end loop;
         -- loop for a few seconds, to prevent immediate idling
     print(time());     -- show ending time of loop
   end lambda;
   Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
 end test;

A common case in which actions must be deferred arises in connection with the opening and closing of windows. Some attributes of newly created windows, as for example their geometry, only becomes defined once the window is fully opened, requiring that actions using this information be deferred until opening is complete. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use the events 'Map', 'Unmap', 'Destroy', 'Configure', 'Expose', and 'Visibility'. You can experiment with the following program, which demonstrates this technique, by manipulating the two windows which it brings up to see want window actions trigger these various events.

Note that the first print("geometry",win("geometry")); command, which is executed before 'win' has had time to open, does not return the correct geometry, but that the same command works correctly when triggered by the 'Map' event which results from the window opening.

 program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
	use tkw,tk;    -- use the main widget class
	var Tkk,win;     -- globalize for use in procedure below
	 Tkk := tkw(); Tkk(OM) := "Example 1";
	        -- create the Tk interpreter
	 win := Tkk("toplevel","300,300");
	          -- create a secondary toplevel window
	         -- try to print window geometry, which is still not established

	 win{"Map"} := lambda(); print("Map ",win("geometry")); end lambda;
	         -- bind 'Map' event to a print action
	 win{"Unmap"} := lambda(); print("Unmap ",win("geometry")); end lambda;
	        -- bind 'Unmap' event to a print action
	 win{"Destroy"} := lambda(); print("Destroy ",win("geometry")); end lambda; 
	     -- bind 'Destroy' event to a print action
	 	 := lambda(); print("Configure ",win("geometry")); end lambda;
	     -- bind 'Configure' event to a print action
	 win{"Expose"} := lambda(); print("Expose ",win("geometry")); end lambda;
	      -- bind 'Expose' event to a print action
	 	 := lambda(); print("Visibility ",win("geometry")); end lambda;
	   -- bind 'Visibility' event to a print action
	 but := Tkk("button","Iconify"); but("side") := "top";
	     -- create a button
	 but{OM} := lambda(); win("winstate") := "iconify"; end lambda;
	                  -- bind it to an 'iconify' action

	 but := Tkk("button","Withdraw"); but("side") := "top";
	    -- create a button
	 but{OM} := lambda(); win("winstate") := "withdraw"; end lambda;
	                  -- bind it to a 'withdraw' action

	 but := Tkk("button","Destroy"); but("side") := "top";
	     -- create a button
	 but{OM} := lambda(); win.destroy(); end lambda;
	                  -- bind it to a 'destroy' action

	 Tkk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

 end test;

The operation


waits for any event. The following short program illustrates its use. We open a window containing a message. The click event on the message is bound to a procedure which enters an endless print loop which however is set up so that it only executes when some Tk event is detected using the 'dooneevent' call. Note that calls to 'dooneevent' must be placed both at the beginning and at the end of the loop seen. This is because each change of contents in the message itself is taken as an event. The loop also tests during each iteration to see if the main window has been closed and exits if it has been. This is normally not necessary, but is necessary in our case, precisely because we are executing an endless loop. Window closure is detected using the fact that the width of the window, which normally is an integer, changes to a non-integer value when the window closes.

 program test;             -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw;    -- use the main widget class

  var Tk,msg,count := 0,vis_changes:= 0;

  Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "dooneevent test";          -- create the Tk interpreter

  msg := Tk("message","Click, then move mouse"); msg("side") := "left";
       -- create a message

  msg{OM} := lambda();     -- click response of message

     	Tk.dooneevent();      -- wait for some (any) Tk event  
     	msg(OM) :=   "Move mouse " + (count +:= 1);      -- message
     	if not is_integer(Tk("width")) then print("Closed"); exit; end if;
      		 -- exit if main window closed
     	Tk.dooneevent();      -- wait for some (any) Tk event  
    end loop;

  end lambda;

  Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop

 end test;

10.23. The native 'tk_pak' package underlying the Tk interface.

The 'tkw' object class to which this chapter has been devoted is written entirely in SETL. The underlying facilities required for this to be possible are provided by a native package tk_pak, of the kind described in detail in the following chapter. The much smaller group of primitive operations provided by TK_PAK allow SETL to send command strings to the 'Tk interpreter' which actually implements all of the graphic, event-handling, and other facilities described in this chapter. These command strings are sent in the 'Tcl' format which the Tk interpreter requires. The 'Tcl' language format is described in many references on Tcl/Tk, for example Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk by Brent B. Welch (832 pages) Prentice Hall Publishers, and Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell : A Desktop Quick Reference by Paul Raines, Jeff Tranter, and Andy Oram, O'Reilly & Associates Publishers, 1999. TK_PAK also allows SETL to read result strings from the Tk interpreter, and to post callback routines for use of the Tk interpreter. Note however that it must be used with a slightly modified version of the Tk interpreter executable, into which a SETL interface has been compiled. This is distributed with the SETL system.

The 'tk_pak' specifier is

	native package tk;

 		-- ********* basic procedures *********
 procedure tk_create();
             -- create a Tk interpreter

 procedure tk_call(tk_interp,cmd);
         -- call the Tk interpreter, passing a command and getting its result

 procedure tk_createcommand(tk_interp,cmd,fun);
     -- pass a SETL callback routine to the Tk interpreter, along with
           -- a generated Tk name for it. The callback routine should
           -- have 0 parameters, unless it will be called by an event which
           -- will return a tuple of parameters, in which case it will have 1
           -- parameter

 procedure tk_mainloop(tk_interp);
         -- pass control to the main loop of the Tk interpreter

 procedure tk_quit(tk_interp);
           -- exit the main loop of the Tk interpreter     

 procedure tk_createtimer(interval,fun);
      -- set up a timer and give it a callback to invoke when it ticks
            -- the interval should be in milliseconds. Note that when the timer
            -- ticks it will expire, and so should be created again.

 procedure tk_idlecallback(fun);
         -- pass a callback to be called when the Tk interpreter is idle

 procedure tk_destroy(tk_interp);
      -- destroy one of the Tk objects created, e.g. an interpreter or timer

 procedure tk_dooneevent(tk_interp);
         -- request the Tk interpreter to handle one event

 procedure tk_handle_event(tk_interp);
         -- execute one event in the Tk interpreter

 procedure tk_get_event_source_function();
       -- get the event source function for this package
 		-- ********* image-related procedures *********

 procedure tk_gr_put(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
   -- stuff gr_img into tkrport at position x, y

 procedure tk_gr_put_add(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
   -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'sum'

 procedure tk_gr_put_dif(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
   -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'dif'

 procedure tk_gr_put_mul(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
   -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'mul'

 procedure tk_gr_put_div(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
   -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'div'

 procedure tk_gr_put_min(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'min'

 procedure tk_gr_put_max(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'max'

 procedure tk_gr_put_pow(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'pow'

 procedure tk_gr_put_blend(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y, c1, c2);
  	-- blend the image gr_img with the tk widget at position x, y 
  	-- using coefficients c1 and c2

 procedure tk_gr_put_and_rotate(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport at position x, y

 procedure tk_gr_put_add_and_rotate(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'sum'

 procedure tk_gr_put_dif_and_rotate(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'dif'

 procedure tk_gr_put_mul_and_rotate(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'mul'

 procedure tk_gr_put_div_and_rotate(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'div'

 procedure tk_gr_put_min_and_rotate(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'min'

 procedure tk_gr_put_max_and_rotate(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'max'

 procedure tk_gr_put_pow_and_rotate(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'pow'

 procedure tk_gr_put_blend_and_rotate(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname,
 	 gr_img, x, y, c1, c2);
  	-- blend the image gr_img with the tk widget at position x, y 
  	-- using coefficients c1 and c2

 procedure tk_gr_get(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport at position x, y

 procedure tk_gr_get_add(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'sum'

 procedure tk_gr_get_dif(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'dif'

 procedure tk_gr_get_mul(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'mul'

 procedure tk_gr_get_div(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'div'

 procedure tk_gr_get_min(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'min'

 procedure tk_gr_get_max(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'max'

 procedure tk_gr_get_pow(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y);
  -- stuff gr_img into tkrport using 'pow'

 procedure tk_gr_get_blend(tk_interp, tkrport_pathname, gr_img, x, y, c1, c2);
           -- blend the image gr_img with the tk widget at position x, y
           -- using coefficients c1 and c2

 procedure tk_testrastport(tk_interp, mimg);

end tk;
Here we will be concerned principally with the operations in the group headed 'basic procedures'. The other operations seen relate to rastports, and their use has been explained in the earlier section on rastports, where these operations appear in their 'tkw' syntax, i.e. as rast.put_add(gr_img,x,y), rast.put_blendr(gr_img,x,y,c1,c2), rast.get_add(gr_img,x,y), etc.

The 'show_commands' variable. The tkw object class provides a special flag variable, 'show_commands', which if set to true causes all commands sent to Tk to be printed. This can be used to make the Tk equivalents of the various commands described in this chapter visible.

The role of most of the 'basic procedures' seen above should be clear from the comment they carry. 'tk_call' is used to send a string command, in the required Tcl format, to the Tk interpreter created by writing

tk_interp := tk_create();

'tk_call' returns whatever result it generates to SETL as a string. 'tk_createcommand' is used to pass a SETL callback routine to the Tk interpreter along with a Tk name for it. This is the primitive that underlies the event-binding operations like 'but(OM) := proc;' or 'but("ButtonRelease-1") := proc;' of the tkw object class. Direct uses of 'tk_createcommand' would read something like

tk_createcommand(tk_interp,"make_up_a_tk_procedure_name" ,setl_procedure_value);

'tk_createtimer(interval,fun)' creates a tk timer, passing it a stated time and a SETL procedure to be called when the stated time expires. 'tk_idlecallback(fun)' passes a SETL procedure to be called when the Tkinterpreter quiesces.

The way in which these TK_PAK operations are used to create the larger and more user-friendly group of operations provided by the tkw class can be examined in detail by reading the source text for this class, which is distributed with the SETL system.

The 'tk_call' primitive is accessible via the tkw object class as the operation,

which simply sends cmd_stg to the Tk interpreter for execution, and returns the Tk result of this operation as a string. Although most important Tk operations are accessible through the tkw-surrogates for them described in this chapter, those familiar with the Tcl language and the native syntax for Tk operations may occasionally wish to use '' to add missing Tcl operations to the SETL repertoire, of for testing. use of this operation is facilitated by provision of the following supplementary tkw methods:

	tk_obj.Tk_id();		  -- returns an object's (short) Tk name
			     -- returns an object's Tk type
		-- reconstruct a tkw-class widget from its full Tk string name
	 	-- find the parent tkw-class object of a tkw-class object

The following is a simple example of the direct use of ''. We open a window and then make a few simple calls, transmitting Tk-strings to create and display two buttons. It is worth comparing this code to the rather obvious SETL code which does the same thing, to get some sense of how the SETL and the Tk syntaxes relate.

    program test;          -- SETL interactive interface example 1
       use tkw;       -- use the main widget class
       Tk := tkw(); Tk(OM) := "Direct calls to Tk";    -- create the Tk interpreter
       print(but_tk_name :="button .w1 -text \"Click Me\""));
           -- create a first button by direct call to Tk
       print("pack .w1 -side top"));
           -- pack it into its parent window.
           -- This is the root window, whose tk name is '.'
       print(but_tk_name :="button .w2 -text \"No, Click Me\""));
           -- create a second button by direct call to Tk
       print("pack .w2 -side top"));
           -- pack it into its parent window.
           -- This is the root window, whose tk name is '.'
       Tk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
   end test;
The 'tk_create()' command can be used to create multiple independent Tk interpreters, each of which has its own namespace and runs independently of the others. This allows one to create multiple threads of Tk activity, which must however be programmed in Tk's native language'Tcl'. Interpreters created using 'interp := tk_create();' should be destroyed using 'tk_destroy(interp);' to make a clean exit. Different interpreters should not attempt to access each other's windows or widgets, which are local to the interpreter in which they were created. However, SETL can use the


primitive to provide any interpreter with a command which it can use to communicate with other interpreters. The following small program, written in a hybrid of SETL and Tcl, illustrates some of these possibilities. (More on this subject can be found in the 'multiple interpreters' sections of the Tk reference works cited above.) We open a main window, containing a textline, which is managed in the usual way by a first Tk interpreter thread. A call to the 'tk_create()' primitive is then used to create second Tk interpreter thread. The window automatically opened by this operation is immediately closed, but a Tk command requesting the second Tk interpreter to calculate '2 + 2' is transmitted to it (using the 'tk_call' command directly) , and the result captured and displayed in the available textline. Using the 'tk_createcommand' primitive, the second thread is given a SETL callback routine which captures a second-thread variable called 'for_main_thread' when invoked and displays it in the first-thread textline. 'tk_createcommand', which assigns a Tk name to each command it creates, gives this callback the name 'write_main' in the second-thread namespace. The main window also contains a button, which when clicked requests the second Tk interpreter to red its high-precision clock and return it to SETL via a call to 'write_main'. With the help of the first thread, SETL then displays this value in the textline.

Note that here we give the main window returned by the original call to 'tkw' the name 'Tkk', since the name 'tk' is taken by the package of primitives described above, which must be used directly in the program shown.

  program test;        -- SETL interactive interface example 1
   use tkw,tk;    -- use the main widget class
   var Tkk,Tk_interp2,tline;     -- globalize for use in procedure below
   Tkk := tkw(); Tkk(OM) := "First interpreter";
   Tk_interp2 := tk_create();            -- create another Tk interpreter
   Tkk{"Destroy"} := lambda(); tk_destroy(Tk_interp2); end lambda;
       -- ensure that second interpreter is destroyed when main window closes
   print("another interpreter: ",tk_call(Tk_interp2,"wm withdraw . \nexpr 2 + 2"));
        -- cause this second interpreter to close its main window,
        -- but then to perform a computation 
       -- pass a callback routine to the second interpreter
   tline := Tkk("entry","30"); tline("side") := "top";   -- create a textline
   tline(OM) := "Message will appear here";
   tline("font") := "{Times 18 bold}";
   but := Tkk("button","Use other thread "); but("side") := "top";
       -- create a button
   but{OM} := lambda();
         -- bind it to a second-interpreter action which passes data
         -- to the first interpreter, via SETL 
         tk_call(Tk_interp2,"set for_main_thread [clock clicks]\nwrite_main");
        end lambda;
   Tkk.mainloop();    -- enter the Tk main loop
   procedure write_main_thread();
       -- callback routine passed to the second interpreter
     tline(OM) := "Time in clicks is "
     	 + tk_call(Tk_interp2,"expr $for_main_thread");
         -- fetch time value from second interpreter
   end write_main_thread;
 end test;

Commands which cause threads to wait are useful in multithreaded environments (in single-threaded environments, callback routines are a more readily useful alternative). Tk provides three such commands, namely

tk_wait variable varname           tk_wait visibility window_name           tk_wait window window_name

These respective operations wait for a change in the value of a variable, a change in a window's visibility, and the opening of a window.

Note however that the usefulness of all of these multithreading primitives is limited by the fact that to create multiple continuing streams of purpose, which is always the essential goal of threading systems that go beyond mere run-to-completion handlers for streams of events, the streams of purpose would need to be expressed in Tcl, which is a clumsy programming language at best.

10.24. The SETL Interactive Development Environment

SETL's Interactive Development Environment (IDE) provides powerful tools for rapid program construction, testing, and debugging, easing quick development of programs whether these are to remain in SETL or to be prototyped in SETL before translation into other languages. To activate the IDE once it has been installed, simply click on its icon on your desktop.

The IDE provides: (i) multiple code windows, each with a toolbar; (ii) the IDE template/help window; (iii) the IDE menus; (iv) a Preferences dialog; (v) an output console; (vi) an input console.

(i) IDE code windows are used to construct, edit, compile, and execute SETL programs, packages, and libraries. Any number of code windows can be opened. To open a new empty code window, chose 'New' from the IDE 'File' menu (or type Command-N). To open a new code window containing a pre-existing SETL code file, chose 'Open' from the IDE 'File' menu (or type Command-O); this will display a standard file dialog. Any number of code windows can be opened simultaneously, allowing you to work easily with multiple programs, packages, and classes (see Section XXX)

Each code window opened (all are resizable) contains an upper and lower toolbar and two standard scrollbars. The upper toolbar contains: indent, de-indent, code-becomes-comment, comment-becomes-code, parenthesis-balance, code template, compile, run, and compile&run icons, plus up to 10 'supplementary tool' icons. Clicking on the 'Compile' icon compiles the code in the code window. If compilation fails, error messages (if any) are written to the output console (and also appear in an error-message panel that opens under the edit area. By clicking on any of these message lines, one can jump to the edit-window line containing the corresponding error). If compilation succeeds, the byte-code generated by the compilation is written to the first of the libraries in the currently active libraries list (see the remarks below on the IDE 'Library' menu for the way in which this list is defined), and a confirmation message may be written to the output console. Clicking on the 'run' icon executes the first program named in its code window, or, if no program is named in the window, on the last program compiled. Clicking on the 'Compile&run' icon triggers both these actions, in sequence. Clicking on the j-th of the 'supplementary tool' icons executes a program named 'docextj', which must have been compiled previously. This feature is designed to be used in conjunction with auxiliary programs which exploit the IDE_PAK facilities described above. When so used, they allow libraries of personalized program-development tools to be used very conveniently from any SETL edit window.

The indent and de-indent icons move any selected block of code one tab position to the right and left respectively. The code-becomes-comment and comment-becomes-code icons respectively insert and remove the comment mark '--' at the start of each line of the currently selected block. The parenthesis-balance icon can be clicked whenever the edit-insert cursor has been placed just before an open- or close-parenthesis or bracket of any kind, and will highlight the whole text area between this and the bracket matched to it. As usual, the eases analysis of complex parenthesized and bracketed expressions. Note however that mis-bracketed situations like (..[..)..] are not always detected by this facility.)

The lower toolbar of each code window contains a procedures list and a marks list icon, and a current-line indicator. The window's procedures list icon brings up a popup menu listing all the SETL procedures in the window; you can jump to the start of any of these procedures by selecting it from this popup. The marks list icon brings up a list of all the lines in the window which have been set up as 'special program marks', that is, comment lines starting with the four characters '--->' at their very left. You can jump to any of these special comments by selecting it from the marks list popup.

The lower toolbar's current-line indicator shows the number of the line at which the edit insertion point is currently positioned. Clicking on this indicator brings up a line-number dialog which can be used to jump to any other line.

Every code window is fully editable and supports the search facilities described below, as well as drag-selection editing. Drags with the option-key held down duplicate the section of code being dragged rather than simply moving it. Drags between windows have this same effect.

(ii) The IDE template/help window is opened by clicking on the Template/Help icon f in the top toolbar of any code window. It is divided into the following tabbed sections: Programs, Functions, Classes and Packages, Widgets, and Libraries. Each of these sections lists about 60 keywords representing SETL's constructs, facilities, and procedures in associated libraries. The 'Programs' section lists all SETL's basic constructs, and the 'Functions' section lists its built-in functions and operators. The 'Classes' section lists SETL's class and package-related constructs.

Dragging from any of the keywords listed to any code window will insert a template for the construct at the cursor position at which the drag ends. An auxiliary 'Help Panel' can be opened by clicking on the small triangle at the bottom of the templates panel. Once this has been opened, clicking on any keyword listed in the currently visible section will display an abbreviated account of its associated construct or function in the Help Panel. Any text selected in the Help Panel can be copied into any IDE code window simply by dragging it to the edit window. Since the Help Panel paragraphs provided for each keyword list all the special parameter names associated with the keyword, this provides a convenient way of capturing such boilerplate code accurately, without having to remember such details as exact parameter names (and capitalization, for case-sensitive string parameters.)

The Widgets section of the tabbed IDE template/help window lists keywords representing all the Tk-derived widgets and associated attributes and procedures available though SETL's Tkw class and its associated native package. The Libraries section lists the other major packages and native packages supplied with the SETL IDE. These have the same drag-to-insert, double-click to get information features as its Programs, Functions, and Classes sections.

(iii) Menus. The SETL IDE provides File, Edit, Search, Program, Library, Windows, and Help menus, through which the following functions are made available:

(iii.1) File menu: provides standard New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Revert, Page Setup, Print, and Quit functions.

(iii.2) Edit menu: provides standard Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, Select All, and Undo functions. It also gives menu access to the toolbar indent, de-indent, code-becomes-comment, comment-becomes-code, and parenthesis-balance functions described above.

(iii.3) Search menu: provides standard Find/Replace, Find Again, Find Selection, Replace and Find Again, and Goto Line functions. Find/Replace opens an auxiliary Find/Replace dialog which supports global searching and replacement with search wraparound (i.e. whole-file search irrespective of where a search is started), control of case sensitivity in searches, and match restriction to whole words (delimited by non-alphabetic characters.) The Find/Replace dialog tracks the last 10 strings used in searches and as replacements, and allows them to be recovered from popup menus available at the right of the search and replacement entry fields. The string selections used in searches via the Search menu's Find Selection option are automatically inserted into the first of these popup menus.

(iii.4) Program menu: gives menu access to the toolbar compile window, run, and compile&run window functions described above. Provides a "Run" option which opens a dialog requesting the name of the program to be run (this is searched for in the current library list); a "Run name" option which re-runs the program with the last name entered in this dialog; a "recompile" option which recompiles the file having the same name as the last file compiled, a "Set program name" option which sets the name of the program to be executed (searched for in the current library list); and a "Re-Run" option which re-runs the program of this same name. Finally, there is a "Rebuild All" option, which reads a list of file names from the file "makefile" found in the same folder as the SETL_IDE executable and compiles all the files in this list, one after another.

(iii.5) Library menu: Contains a 'Create Library' item, which opens a dialog requesting the name of the SETL byte code library file to be created, and a 'Create Default Library' item, which creates a byte code library file with the default name 'setl2.lib'. Note that these operations over-write any previously existing library file of the same name with a new blank library, and so should be used carefully. The Library menu also contains a 'Set Library List' item which opens a dialog that allows you to set the list of libraries which will be searched for byte code programs, packages, and classes (see Section XXX) needed by programs that use them (or read them in dynamically, see Section XXX.)

(iii.6) Windows menu: The Windows menu lists all currently open SETL edit windows, allowing you to bring any of them to the top of the window display list for inspection. Its first entry is always the standard SETL output console.

(iii.7) Help menu: The Help menu provides only the (minimal) standard system help features. Real help is best obtained using the template/help features described above.

(iv) The Preferences Dialog is divided into the tabbed sections Runtime, Compiler, Message Window, and Editor Window.

(iv.1) The Runtime section provides checkboxes which allow you to switch run-time error and warning messages on and off, to elicit run-time profiling and an execution-profile dump tied to code line numbers, and to control the run-time treatment of SETL's assert statement. One can also switch on a bytecode-level execution trace which is principally used to analyze occasional SETL system bugs.

(iv.2) The Compiler section provides checkboxes which allow you to switch compile-time error and warning messages on and off, to turn SETL's modest level of internal optimization on and off, and to trigger dumps of various tables generated during compilation of SETL programs. (These tables, principally used to analyze occasional SETL system bugs, include lexical scanner output, a trace of parser output, symbol table, intermediate syntax analysis results (i.e. 'abstract syntax tree'), preliminary form of code ('code quadruples'), final bytecode, a code listing, and ???listin?? markup source???

(iv.3) The Message Window section allows personalization of the colors and tab settings used for standard SETL output to the output console and for the various kinds of compile- and run-time messages issued by the SETL compiler and interpreter, and lets a text font to be chosen for these messages.

(iv.4) The Editor Window section allows personalization of the colors and tab settings used for keywords, comments, strings, and built in function names appearing in code windows, and lets a code text be chosen.

(v,vi) The Output and Input ConsolesAll SETL diagnostic messages and output triggered by print statements is written to the SETL Output console. Input requested by get and read statements, which respectively read single lines of text in raw string format and text blocks in SETL "print' format (see Section XXX) will be read from the Input console. If all the data in this console has been exhausted, get and read statements will clear the Input console and wait for more input, which needs to be signaled by striking the "Return" character while holding the shift key down.

The run-time execution-profile dump provided is arranged by sections, one for each of the programs, packages, and classes involved in a given program run. Each of these sections lists the number of SETL operation codes executed for each line of code. This report, arranged by lines, also lists the number of copy operations executed as part of that line of code; these copy operations add to the run-time cost of executing the line. A 'Debug to File' checkbox allows the run-time execution-profile dump to be directed to the standard utility file 'setl2.dbg'.

If switched on, the run-time execution-profile dump will be produced and printed at the end of execution even if the program being profiled encounters a fatal run-time error or an abort statement. It can therefore be used as a debugging aid. If the trace is inspected after an error, the list of statements never reached may illuminate some programming problem. Other ideas of this kind are listed in Section XXX, as part of our general discussion of program testing and debugging.

A secondary report, arranged by internal SETL byte-codes, is also produced for each of the programs, packages, and classes involved in a given program run. This lists the number of times each type of SETL bytecode was executed during a given program run, and also the number of copy operations triggered, and is useful mostly for performance tuning of the SETL system itself.

The SETL Help File Format; writing additional Help File items. An extensive Help File is distributed with the SETL system, but this is easy to customize if you understand its format. The Help File consists of a sequence of sections delimited by lines like


each of which corresponds to and generates one of the IDE's tabbed Help Window sections when this is opened. These major sections are in turn divided into named items, each having a format like

Here item_name names a help item; this is the name that appears in the list shown in its top half when the Help Window is opened. The item_explanation_text seen above is the help commentary that appears in the bottom half of the help window when the item name appearing in the top half is clicked. The item_template_ines seen are the text inserted the item name is dragged into an edit window from this list.

An example, taken from the start of the default SETL Help File, is

 program test;						-- comment
 use string_utility_pak;
 print(""," ");
 procedure my_proc(a);			-- comment
 end my_proc;
 end test;
 SETL programs have the form 
 program prog_name; 
 	use package_name,class_name,.;
 	procedure name(parameter,parameter,); 		
 	end name;
 	procedure other_name(parameter,parameter,); 		
 	end name;
 end prog_name;

 The 'use' clause and sub-procedures shown can be omitted. 
 'var' and 'const' statements declaring global variables can appear
  at the start of the program, after the 'use' clause.
 Execution of a program begins with its first statement. 
To understand the way in which such items generate Help Window entries, you should compare the action of the 'program' help item in the Help Window 'Programs' section with the underlying text displayed above.

Writing inline and offline SETL Help tools. An alternative Help File item format is

(for scripted help items with inline scripts) and
(for scripted help items with offline scripts). Examples, taken from the default SETL Help File, are
 program test;
 use ide_pak,string_utility_pak;

 [ix1,ix2] := get_selection();

 if abs(ix2 - ix1) /= (ix2 - ix1) then [ix1,ix2] := [1,get_length()]; end if;

 for line in breakup(get_buffer()(ix1..ix2),"\r\n") loop 
 	span(line," \t"); if #line > (np := #(pr := "procedure")) 
 		and line( = pr then print("--\t" + line); end if;
 end loop;

 end test;
 Dropping this on a code window produces a list of all the procedures 
 defined in the selected section of the window.
 The program called Personal1 which you compile will be called when 
 this tag is dropped on a code window. 
 Your program can use the IDE_pak procedures.
When the help item name for a help item of one of these forms is dropped onto an IDE edit window, its script will be executed. This script can use the IDE_PAK routines described in the next chapter to read and modify the edit window contents. Offline script items execute the program named in their <SCRIPT=offline_script_name> line; this script is searched for in the current library list and must have been compiled before an attempt is made to use the script.

The parameter_string line is available to an inline script (but not an offline) as the value of the IDE_PAK procedure 'get_parameter()'. (See the next chapter for additional details concerning IDE_PAK).

The customizable facilities just described are used to create IDE 'tools', available for execution while SETL programs are being edited, which are listed in the 'Tools section' of the IDE Help window. These tools can access, analyze, and modify the contents of IDE edit windows. The primitives used for doing this are described by the 'IDE_PAK' item of the 'libs' tab in the Help window.

As just explained, the tools in the extensible collection provided by the default SETL Help file are used by dragging them onto an IDE edit window, whose contents they then access, analyze, and (possibly) modify. Some of the tools apply either to an entire window or to a preselected part of the window, and so can be dropped anywhere in the window. Others react in a more specific, local manner to the window position at which they are dropped.

Some of the tools provided are:

count_wordsprints list of words appearing in the selected window section, or the whole window
rareprints list of words appearing just once or twice in the selected window section
capitalizecapitalizes the selected window section
lowerun-capitalizes the selected window section
traceinserts code, following a procedure header, which prints parameter values whenever the procedure is called
show_entriesinserts code, following a procedure header, which displays parameter values in a TK window whenever the procedure is called
parseparses the selected section of the window, printing an error diagnostic or "OK"
profileafter the code in an edit window has been executed with the 'Profiler Dump' and "Debug to File' options both set, this tool will display an execution-time profile of the window, keyed to its source text
debug_setupsets up a program for line-trace debugging and postmortem assertion checking by inserting tracing code
cleanupremoves the insertions made by the debug_setup tool
Personal1, etc.If you supply a program called Personal1, it will be executed when this tag is dragged into an edit window, and can access and modify the window

The facilities we have just described let you add as many personalized tools as you like. As previously noted,customized tools, executed by clicking on the j-th of the 'supplementary tool' icons that appear at the top of each IDE code edit window, executes a program named 'docextj' if this has been compiled previously. This gives another way of adding personalized tools, for particularly convenient use.

assert statements. The SETL assert statement has the form


where 'expn' can be any expression which evaluates either to true or to false. It is used principally as an aid to debugging: see Sections XXX and YYY. The 'Assert Fails' checkbox in the Runtime preferences section switches execution of assert statements on and off. When switched off such statements are simply bypassed; If switched on, the 'expns' in them are executed, and any one of them which evaluates to false will abort execution.